FN five seveN


New member
What's the muzzle velocity on the 55 and 62 grain rounds when fired from a P90? I don't see how the shorter case of the 5.7 would allow them to reach fragmentation velocity.


New member
p99 no kidding. I'm a dealer, so if you ever need a transfer done, or have something you're looking to buy, give me a shout. Or if you just want to hit the range. I've got a few Sigs you could try out.

M193's and M855's don't fragment, regardless of the velocity at which you propel them. They rely on yaw to produce injury.

We haven't completed any testing on the heavier bullets using jello. Didn't really see the point. All of our testing up to this point has seen the 55 grain FMJBT's poke straight hole's through things with little yaw. We've been spending our testing budget on the lighter weight / higher velocity rounds such as 36 grain Barnes Varmint Grenades, Nosler Ballistic Tip 40 grain, etc. Those bullets reliably fragment at velocities as low as 1400 FPS.

One thing I would mention about the 'brassfetcher' test is the reported velocity and penetration using the PS90 carbine... I have to 'call BS' on their results. Their claimed velocity from the PS90 is what is achieved from the pistol, as is the penetration. Having chronographed thousands of factory rounds from both the pistol and carbine, my findings being within 1% of factory claims, and others reporting the same results... well, I hate to call someone's test results 'pre-conceived,' but 'if the shoe fits...'


What do I do late at night with my collection of guns that are so expensive you could never afford them? Why, all I have to say is: "What a man, a woman, another man, a midget, a goat, and a collection of very expensive firearms do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their own business."

And for the record, there are a number of public libraries who are open 24 hours to allow the homeless a place to take 'whore-baths' and cruise the internet for kiddie-porn.

And, once again, I would point out that you have still to place one single fact in this thread. Not one. You haven't claimed any first-hand knowlede either, other than some little BS statement of "I shot my bro-in-law's last year..." Where are your facts? Where's YOUR research into the matter? As has been pointed out numerous times, you are nothing more than a troll looking for a fight.


New member
Since it's pretty clear you guys aren't going to take this little argument to the PM box, I'm going to try and add my $.02 first.

I like the Five seveN. It's a VERY pretty pistol, and I like the *almost*-rifle round it fires. There's one on sale right by my house for $750, which makes it VERY tempting. It's got the "Ooh, Ahh" factor of being pretty uncommon. If I could afford to shoot it, I might just pick one up.

Guys, quit crying. Use the PM box, or the ignore feature.


New member
Slightly more entertaining than UFC match!

While reading this thread was only slightly more entertaining than a UFC match on SPIKE....
I did learn something from a few good posts with pics and some links! Thanks for some data as I am tring to decide whether or not to throw down on yet another expensive handgun and hoping there will be a barrel made that I can try my Gemtech can on! If anyone knows of aftermarket barrel for this application, please swim thru the Pissing match and post a reply!


New member
So far only Jarvis makes an extended/threaded barrel for the Five Seven pistol, and they only make a new batch every few months, so they are scarce at times.

There is a company that makes 5.7x28 barrels for the TC contender, and that could be turned down and threaded for a suppressed project gun

2008 will bring more suppressor friendly choices in 5.7 firearms.


New member
I wouldn't really call it entertaining. Sad, yes. Far below par for the standards of this forum? Definitely. Entertaining, not so much :(

We've had caliber wars and disagreements here before, but this is the first time I can recall ever seeing two supposedly grown men squabbling like pre-pubescent losers on Totse :barf:

I can't believe it made it three pages...