FN five seveN


P99, you need not preach to me as I know well the issues at hand and despise the term. But when you brag on an open board about being able to shoot through a level II bullet proof vest. Ah, so who wears Level II Body Armor? Oh yes, so this is the evil pistol that was DESIGNED to shoot through body armor and I have found photographic proof of this with but a Google search. Cops wear body armor, you boast and now post photographs about your jolly pistol and its ability to punch through police body armor, 2 plus two equals cop killer. It need not be mentioned here, of course, for the phrase to be used as these folks are more than happy to apply it.

Glad your ice pick does the job.


New member
Davis...nobody gets upset when the CZ52 is talked about..or the TT33 Tokarev, or .30M1 carbine chambered Ruger BlackHawk, or AMT Automag III
or a .223Remington derringer or any rifle from .22 Hornet on up(for that matter 99% of things shot by a TC contender pistol)....all of which have been around a long time, and will commonly do the same or better and it hasnt ment the end of the world.
the 5.7 is a small rifle round in effect and a pistol to shoot it came out long after the P90 PDW.
This isnt the first time these pics have been on this website..its old news.
And the Brady bunch did their own tests...there is no cat left to let out of the bag..its just a bag.

If this upsets you then I suggest you stop going to the library and using the internet lol...otherwise just move along.
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New member
P99guy, I found your posts very intresting and informative. You clearly address the cliche of the 5.7 being useless outside of the AP format.
Not another "My bullet is bigger than your's" tread!!!


This is absolutely assinine! The question of the thread was "is this an effective weapon?" NOT "does Sarah Brady like it?"

If it pisses Sarah and her retarted friends off, aren't we obligated to own one??? :eek:

As for wound channel profiles, I would suggest you guys look at Brassfetcher's testing on a number of projectiles that achieve the 'magic 12"' yet fail to expand or cause any form of significant tissue damage. You'll find any number of popular 'pocket pistol' calibers all the way up to 9mm Tokarev and makarov being 'sub-standard.'

Our most recent round of testing (not related to brassfetcher) prooves the FN promotional material that the SS197 (40 grain VMax) penetrates completely through a 12" block of ordinance gellatin when fired from 15' away and creates a nearly 3 1/2 wide permanent crush cavity at 3 3/4 inches of travel into the gel. Elastic cavities are nearly impossible to measure from jello, so anyone that tells gives you stretch cavity size based upon gel testing is full o' poo. Anyway, you can see what SS195, SS197 do on ordinance gel in these video's and still pictures.

To see more of the photo's, video's, cut away's, etc. Come to the fivesevenforum.com to the reloading section and read the thread "Great ammo.'

SS195 (completely exited the block on the side, impossible to determine how far it would have penetrated otherwise)

SS197 (complete penetration through all 12")


Two words "Black Talon"

Two more words "Cop Killer"

Three more words "Democrat controlled Congress"

Three more words "President Hillary Clinton"

And P99 guy, **** you and your horse. You want to flame me, come on. I have posting nothing as a personal nature towards you. So you're a cop, eh? I'm a Forester. I've been shot at. I've had guns pulled on me. I carry a side arm in the course of my job when it calls. I am President of my own firm. In no way did I personally attack you. Library my ass. Grow up.



I don't really see it being banned except on a state level. The federal government has a vested interest in keeping a good relationship with FN.

MA is probably going to ban the FiveseveN, probably CA and IL, but otherwise...nah. They've been making noises about banning the TT-33 for a long, long time, never happened.

Three words: "Loose the attitude."

I have found everyone of your posts to be confrontational in a personal sort of way. So someone doesn't happen to agree with your position on the 5.7x28mm weapons system; and you seem to be unreasonably unable to come to grips with the fact that someone else has a differing opinion.

Another four words: "Loose the curse-words." According to the rules of the site "2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here."

What would you consider "F***you and your horse!" ??? [FYI, I've reported this post] Regardless if you think you were justified, the fact remains that you were the one that digressed to swearing towards others. I think you should grow up, too!

Another three words "Assault-weapons Ban..." EXPIRED! Didn't realize that? OR are you still hunkered down waiting for Comrade Bush to re-authorize it???

Here's a fact, fellas. Let the anti's create a buzz word; its OK as it helps us determine who's a gun-banner...Then we need to take that word and make it our own! Use it so much and so often that it looses the stigma that the libtards would attach to it. I rather like the words 'assault rifle...' Sounds.. eeeevvviiiillllll...:D And what did we learn from 80's Heavy Metal music??? eeeevvvviiiillll is COOL!!!:D


My 5.7 serves me well and I have complete faith in it's ability to diswade bad guys from continuing their behavior towards me.


Hey, Madula, take my advice already. Read all my posts and get over it. Get a life, too. I made no personal attacks to anyone. But then, why on the world would I give a rat's butt about your opinion? Frankly, I don't.


New member
It is amazing that every one of these threads has the same anti-five seven guys (guys that do not even own a five seven weapon). And, these guys take it upon themselves to come start problems.

IF U don't like the round, fine - stay out of these threads. Now, this thread will probably be locked, and once again, it is a carbon copy of all the other five seven threads that spur debate...


Ah, so these posts should be populated only by those who are enamored by the round? Put on the blinders, eh? Only adulation, eh? Okay. Worry not, I shall no longer denigrate your expensive toy.


Davis said:
Two words "Black Talon"

Two more words "Cop Killer"

Three more words "Democrat controlled Congress"

Three more words "President Hillary Clinton"

And P99 guy, **** you and your horse. You want to flame me, come on. I have posting nothing as a personal nature towards you. So you're a cop, eh? I'm a Forester. I've been shot at. I've had guns pulled on me. I carry a side arm in the course of my job when it calls. I am President of my own firm. In no way did I personally attack you. Library my ass. Grow up.


Pretty clear who started and continues the personal attacks.

It does help if you have some understanding of what going on, but I think you do. Davis you are just bent on causing problems on this thread.

Davis said:
Ah, so these posts should be populated only by those who are enamored by the round? Put on the blinders, eh? Only adulation, eh? Okay. Worry not, I shall no longer denigrate your expensive toy.

Priced a HK or a Sig lately?


New member
Ah, so these posts should be populated only by those who are enamored by the round? Put on the blinders, eh? Only adulation, eh? Okay. Worry not, I shall no longer denigrate your expensive toy.

When the same guys attack it on EVERY single thread that comes up, it gets pretty old. Especially when U don't have all the facts, AND, you are not even nice in this thread. You are attacking the members here, both overtly and subtly.


Shipwreck, I don't attack on every single thread. You seem to be offended. Got your feelings hurt? Wish more people liked it? Any windmills you might want to joust?


And, it really is odd, panzer, that you seemed to have created an account solely to add your 2 cents worth.


New member
Perhaps a more thoughtfully put critique on how listing the armor penetrating capabilities of the civilian 5.7 round would be more appropriate? =]


yeah and your point? adding my 2 cents worth. I usually just read threads on this forum until they turn into this. In the past I never felt like posting.

SO buy your standards I am not allowed to post? Only your opinion counts?

at least I own one and know what I am talking about.
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