First Handgun?


New member
Glock, S&W M&P, XD... I would stick with the 9mm to start.

You have also gotten some good advise on getting a .22 and I would take it very seriously. .22lr guns will give you the chance to practice, learn good skills, and do so cheaply.

Ruger and Browning make excellent pistols to get you started.


New member
when i was 10....11 years ago

my dad taught me on a glock, and apparently i needed some more practice so he moved to a ruger .22 target pistol. i'll tell you one helped tons. i now shoot a .45 with proficiency singled handed left and right. unless...what's your background on fire arms?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I have years of hunting/shooting experience. I have many thousands of rounds from long guns ranging from .17hmr to 30-06 to 10ga. My handgun experience is limited to a couple dozen rounds from a stubby .22 auto and a .357mag revolver (which I shoot better than its owner).

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Current considerations (in addition to the possibility of a .22):

Taurus M140BP
Glock G23
Steyr M40-A1

I think I like the "safety trigger" bit of the Glock and Steyr, little concerned about Steyr longevity in the US.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
No, the CITY of New York is an IMPOSSIBLE place to own a handgun.
The remaining 95% physical non-city area of the state is, on the whole, a fairly easy place to own a handgun. Although CC can be tricky depending on the exact area/mood of the judge.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Used Glock is a possibility, although around here, standard issue for many departments is S&W .40, which is why it was/is high on my list.


New member
standard issue for many departments is S&W .40, which is why it was/is high on my list.

Current considerations (in addition to the possibility of a .22):

Taurus M140BP
Glock G23
Steyr M40-A1

you're considering the Stigma....but not the M&P?:confused:

the M&P adoption rate among LEO is skyrocketing,as the more and more are running away from the Sigma...

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Not so much an exclusionary list, just top picks.

I'm leaning away from full size on the whole.

threw those out there to get opinions, modify the list and get more opinions

Cool Hand

New member
If its for concealed carry...

I've been shooting one thing or the other all my life. I own 14 handguns now (not enough). I'm a bit partial to large frame, steel, autos. Each one does a certain job better than another but all have their place.
I have a carry permit and I'm always looking for a better carry gun. But my answer for the best carry piece will be different then that of others due to body and hand size differences. Forget about getting one gun to practice with and defending your life with another. Just get a suitable carry gun and practice like crazy with it. The cost of ammo is small compared to the importance of a familiar large caliber handgun when its time to protect the ones you love.
Get the best you can afford and you'll never have buyers remorse. You usually get what you pay for. Once you figure out what you want it will be easy to figure out how to pay for it.
Instead of price consider these: Does it feel good in my hand? Can I hide it and the holster on my person? Does it have enough knockdown power? The knowledge of feel comes from holding as many different guns as possible. Concealment depends on your body size and the type of clothing you wear. Purchase your holster accordingly. And finally, what size will the hole be? Get a .40 S&W or a .45ACP if your going to shoot an auto. .38 Special is a good revolver load. Don't worry about recoil. If you are really limp wristed you can always have the barrel ported and a recoil buffer installed. I hope this helps. This is my first post.:cool:

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Thats pretty much my thought process, Cool Hand.
Like I said, I have no problems with a .357mag so I would guess a compact .40 would be no huge problem.
Sure, I'm no expert "handgunner" or super marksmen shooting aspirin out of the air but thats the reason we practice right?

I don't see any reasons that would steer me to anything smaller than a .40. I've seen lots of OPINIONS that a 9mm is "adequate" but I've seen lots of DATA that says it not. Sure, in most cases you could pull out a $29 Wal*Mart dart gun and the BG will run away at the thought of a firearms confrontation but if you have to pull the trigger, I want the deepest, biggest hole I can make in the spot I want it to be.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
What, you in a hurry? :)

I'm seriously almost certain of a compact .40 but unsure of brand. I also will not make any absolute decision until I can handle a few of them. Which leads me to another set of questions....

Ok, I'm about 6' 1" a solid (not flab, not muscle) 240lbs and I have quite large hands... like vinyl gloves are barely adequate in xtra-large. So.... could I adequately conceal a larger (full size) auto? Will the compacts be too small for my hands for comfort?

Suggestions anyone?