FBI Sniper CAN Be Charged


New member
Fox News just announced that a higher court has overruled a lower three judge panel, and cleared the way for the state of Idaho to charge FBI sniper Lon Horriuchi for the shooting death of Vickie Weaver at Ruby Ridge. The federal government had held that the state of Idaho couldn't charge a federal agent.

That rustling sound may be the chickens coming home to roost.


New member
Lon Haruchi killed an innocent American Citizen. He should be tried and punished according to the law.

The FBI is a disgrace and should be disbanded.

All law enforcement, at all levels, should be held accountable for killing innocent citizens.

It happens far too frequently in this country and the killers are never held accountable.


New member
FINALLY some Justice from our Justice System !



New member
The "friend" that talked Weaver into sawing off the shotgun barrel should be prosecuted also.
Hell if they can hold bartenders responsible for drunk drivers.....why not FBI informers who convince someone to break the law???? Even if that 1934 law is unconstitutional!!!

Navy joe

New member
How bout' a little fact finding about where his bullets went when this very same sniper was getting some trigger time at Waco? Supposedly his position was left w/ empty casings. Gotta love a hired government assasin. I love the dissent's opinion on this one that he should still be immune since he is an active FBI agent. My dissenting opinion is that he ought to be aware of his surroundings out to a half mile at all times, because we can only hope that what goes around comes around.


New member
All three people were fleeing toward the inside of the house. Their home.
See the other threads here about shooting a burglar in the back or who is retreating or unarmed.
I'm so tired of government employees being held to a far lower standard than the rest of us.

There are so many people shot because they were "reaching" toward a pocket, waist band or glove compartment. Whatever happened to taking cover, assessing the situation and calling for backup. Carrying a firearm burdens the carryer with a huge amount of resposibility for which that person should rise to no matter what their job.


New member
If ever there was a capital crime, it's this one. I have an idea - let's put him on the gurney next to McVeigh.

'Reasonable doubt'???

Not this time.


New member
If this had happened 5-6 years ago, there might never have been an Oklahoma City Bombing. McVeigh's book is an interesting read. Not making excuses, but the background and motivation is interesting.

It also would have been interesting to see if the federal agents at Waco would have been so eager to kill civilians if they had thought they would be accountable for their actions.



"...cleared the way for the state of Idaho to charge FBI sniper Lon Horriuchi for the shooting death of Vickie Weaver at Ruby Ridge."

And this from the Ninth Federal...the most liberal group of judicial activists in the entire fed system.

What a shame he was only charged [originally] with manslaughter...it was clearly a cold-blooded murder by a hitman paid with our own dollars.

But let's rejoice!

Did you hear the wording that accompanied the ruling?

That federal employees cannot violate the Constitution with impunity without the possibility that they can be tried in *state* courts.



New member
I had the unfortunate experience of shaking Horiuchi"s hand at the 2001 SHOT show. An FBI friend of mine was walking around and came over to introduce me to his friend....in the middle of the shake, he told me his name. I pulled my hand away and gave my FBI friend one of those "thanks buddy" looks. I went and washed my hands right away. He knew my opinion of Horiuchi from some previous discussions we had. Nice guy huh?

Long Path

New member
Lon Haruchi [sic] killed an innocent American Citizen. He should be tried and punished according to the law.
The FBI is a disgrace and should be disbanded.

I agree that Horiuchi should be tried. I agree that the evidence certainly appears to indicate that he is at least guilty of manslaughter. But I will let the jury decide. Remember the Rodney King Riots in LA? They started because the people had made up their mind what the outcome of the trial had to be, without sitting on the jury or even reviewing the transcripts. So I hope he is tried. I hope the jury is allowed to see all the evidence, and I hope that whatever sentence they pass is swiftly delivered.

The FBI is a large organization that does a lot of different things. Most of them, I've got to give it to them, they do well. Some things they need help on, and some things they should stop alltogether. But there are certain advantages to having a law enforcement agency at the federal level. For example, who else should investigate international incidents of terroism (Over Scotland; World Trade Center; U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa; US Military Barracks bombing in Saudi Arabia... etc, etc...), and HOW? Who else will or could investigate international kiddie porn rings? International organized crime, with its attending international money-laundering?

Like 'em or hate 'em, we need the FBI. But we should continue to demand accountability from them. Without this, the FBI could start to look like certain other national governmental agencies in other countries-- like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. :(



New member

The mother? bad. The son? Worse. The baby? About as bad as it gets. The dog??? Where's PETA when you really need them?

The was a good shooter, that's for sure!


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
This isn't a simple case guys. Dont be too judgemental on Hooch. There isnt enough information to make a judgement call. He is however in a lot of hot water. Look at the person - he is an honorable man that was tasked with a very difficult job. We know what he did - but we dont know all the "WHYs".
Take this to a more personal level - Hooch could be any one of us. Tasked with his role - commanders issuing orders.
Who knows what you would have done in that specific situation.

Personally: I have a feeling however that if I was ordered to shoot an unarmed mother holding a child - I would have shot the man that gave me that order.