Family Felon

I think you are looking at this kind of backwards. It is incumbent on the felon not to possess a firearm. This would most likely violate his parole and certainly violate federal law.

If he is in a position where he can put his dirty little hands on a firearm....he is in constructive possession. Personally, I would let them know that you have firearms and he could be violated with his parole officer (assuming he has a tail) just for being in a house with firearms. Should also let him know that he could also be prosecuted for constructive possession. If that does not scare him away, its on his head not yours.

Since the OP can be charged with aiding and abetting, it's on both their heads! Go back and read Post 12 above referencing what Frank Ettin had to say about an owner being liable for aiding and abetting and then read the OP's concern that this guy may even try to

The point in that case, United States v. Huet, 665 F.3d 588 (3rd Cir., 2012), was that the gun the prohibited person was charged with possessing was not secured against the prohibited person's access, supporting both the prohibited person's conviction for unlawful possession of a gun and the indictment of his cohabitant.
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New member
Cases like Huet are generally fact specific. I have been involved in similar cases where the principle resident was charged for making FAs available to a felon. You cannot put guns around your house for your prohibited felon friends to have access, and claim "my house" "my guns" not his. Your intentional actions not to limit access to the guns is the key to whether one is an accessory or not. You will not be in violation of the law by simply having guns in your house should a felon visit you. Intentionally leaving them for ready access by the felon or putting them where he can easily take possession is another story. Use common sense, put them away, close/lock the bedroom door, etc. just don't have them on display. If you do not like having to go these extra steps, keep felons, even family felons out of your home. :)


New member
If you're looking for a small safe for long guns, this is what I bought:

Holds my Mossberg 500 and shells, extra barrel, a machete, and a small dessicant pail with no problem. If you have more room I'd get something bigger, but for what I needed and our space concerns it was/is the perfect solution. I'm going to add a 22 rifle eventually and there's room left for that, but not much more. I'd say you could fit 4 long guns for sure and a 5th if you really try.