Ever Forgot About a Gun You Own?


New member
I look forward to the day that I own enough guns that I could forget what I own, alas my collection is to small for that to happen as of yet
Never found a gun I didn't know I owned but last week I decided to clean out the closet in my den which hasn't been cleaned in the last 7 years. Besides finding the Happy Valley Spider Ranch and about 40 pounds of seeds stored by mice I noticed what appeared to be a cardboard rifle shipping box. Dragged it out and noticed it had a little more weight than an empty box should but not enough for a rifle and it was addressed to me.. When I opened it I found a used finger groove stock for an '03 Springfield. I have absolutly no recollection of ever buying it. There was an article in the box cut from The Shotgun News on refinishing military stocks so I must have bought it for some long forgotten future project but damned if I can remember it.

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I have never forgotten that I owned a particular gun.

I have, however, forgotten where I put a particular gun! I "lost" a Ruger .22 for a couple years one time. Knew I had it, but couldn't find it. Finally found it, disassembled in a grocery bag in a back bedroom, where it had wound up after my son-in-law returned it, disassembled.

Told the stupid ......not to take it apart! He did, anyway. Daughter has since come to her senses, so I don't have to deal with him any more. And no, he never got to borrow anything else, except her.:mad:


New member
Yes I have this old cold police positive that has been sitting in trunk for years that every once in a while I remember. It isn't recorded in my inventory list.

Uncle Buck

New member
Most definitely have forgotten about different guns. None of my rifles or shotguns are "High Dollar" stuff, but they are fun to shoot.

I just bought another Stevens .22 Lr/.410 gauge over and under. My wife is the one who actually remembered I already had one just like it. We checked the various safes and gun cabinets and could not find another one. Then yesterday she found it in the barn. She also found a .22 LR and a 12 gauge shotgun I had forgotten about.

I remember running my trap line, when I was a kid, and carrying one of the .22/.410's.


New member
I always have to stop and think...I had this many then, I bought this many last year, I think xx.

I always forget how many shotguns I have.


New member
Not yet but I can see how it will happen. As my income is about to quadruple in the next few months, firearm purchases are likey to quadruple. I know it will happen to me too:D


New member
Sort of. I had 3 pistols sitting on the desk in my bedroom and I had someone come over to do some work that required him to go in my room. I had forgotten he was coming over and had to hide them quickly. 2 went under sweaters and 1 in a Cowboy boot. Didn't think about them for a couple of months and it took me all day to find them.


New member
I moved out of my parents house in 1979. About 6 months ago mom found a .22 rifle in my closet. I have no recollection of ever owning it. It is a POS waiting for the next gun buy back program.