Ever Forgot About a Gun You Own?


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Forgot pistol

When I moved from Ft Polk in late 1977, I packed my reloading supplys along with a couple of black powder pistols under the back seat of my car. Since I was living in student housing and not allowed to keep them on campus I left them under ths seat.

I traded the car off. A couple of days later the dealer called me and asked if I had left anything in the car and would I please come get them. Thank God for small town local car dealers.


New member
Unused, but not Forgotten... Ah the memories

Just this past hunting season, i was re-arranging my rifles as my wife wanted me to put some bronze sculptures she had bought in the safe. Way in the back, i came across my old Marlin 30/30 - my very first rifle. Dang, he looked good - that classic style, gleaming deep bluing - absolutely like new.

Then i saw that cheap Simmons scope, remembered mounting it with no idea what i was doing. Remembered sneaking off to the range one day while my wife (who hadn't learned that guns were invading her house yet) was at work, and going through 2 full boxes of ammo, playing with the scope, before i even hit paper. Remembered the satisfaction of a tight group after all that wild shooting. Remembered refinishing the stock and forend, how i brought out the grain in that inexpensive hardwood stock.

Yep, like running into an old friend totally out of the blue. I think he's going to the range with me soon.


New member
I do have a flat-top ruger .357 that a friend had ran a screwdriver down the side of the barrel trying to get the cylinder pin out.He gave it to me to touch up and never came back for it.I forgot about it and ten years down the road ran into him a hour and a half away from home.It jogged my memory and his,and he said keep it,his wife was viciously anti gun.SWEET!


New member
But there is stuff in there --- that I haven't fired in several years ...
That's me. I'm always taking out the same old guns to go shoot. Should take some that haven't been fired in years. They're all cleaned and oiled, but some not fired in awhile.


My son and I were wiping down the contents of one of my gun safes when I discovered a Fox side by side 410 shotgun that I have no idea how it got in there. I literally have no recollection of negotiating for it, signing for it, nothing.


New member
thanks for such a good topic...

Great thread… I say this because I forgot about two firearms I bought while I was in the military. I picked up a 1911 .45 Norinco, and a .22 Jennings. I’ve had most of this stuff in stowed crates since 94. Looks like it’s time for me to go to storage and find these relics. :p

Thanks again for starting this thread. :D


New member
About five years ago I was away from home when my wife called and said that her sister and the little nephews were coming to our house that afternoon, and what should she do about the gun I keep in the bedside table drawer? I told her to hide it in a box up high in the closet, which she says she did. It was unloaded, but a box of shells was with it in the drawer. When I returned home the next week, I asked here where my bedside revolver was and--------she uh, uh, uh----- did not remember where she hid it. Since then, I have been thinking every week that one of these days, one of us will accidently come across a S&W 36. It is still missing to this day and she still has no idea at all what she did with it. We/she have looked, looked and looked some more and I'll swear that revolver is not in the house. One of these days though-----------Maybe? Ya think? I'm sure it's in here somewhere? Just think, when it turns up, I'll now have 2 model 36's!! Only God in heaven knows where that little revolver resides in my house, and he isn't talking. :confused:


New member
It is still missing to this day and she still has no idea at all what she did with it. We/she have looked, looked and looked some more and I'll swear that revolver is not in the house. One of these days though-----------Maybe? Ya think? I'm sure it's in here somewhere?

Check the sack of potatoes in your pantry.

That's where we found my father's Sterling .22 pistol...
(It was lost for 2 years. Yet... the potatoes were still good. ;))


New member
I never forgot one, but I did "give up" on one once.

It was probably 20 years ago:
My parents lived several hundred miles from where I was living at the time, and I got a call saying my mom was in the hospital. I loaded up a few clothes, put my S&W Model 36 in the glove box and and took off. The hospital wasn't in a great area, and I knew I couldn't carry my snubby in, so I pulled over a few blocks away and stashed it in a lockable "secret compartment" in the hatchback area, then continued on to see mom. Mom recovered in a couple days, I returned home to my apartment, and my car was stolen from my parking lot that night!
The police called the next day to report they'd found my car, but it had been partially stripped. I reported some things stolen to the police, from the car, including the pistol. My insurance covered the damage, but not my personal items...I took it to a body shop, and in a couple weeks, it was returned all fixed up.
I kept the car for about 2 more years, then when I was cleaning it up to sell, I spotted the "secret compartment". I checked inside, and sure 'nuff, there was my little 38!! I'd been kinda stressed that night at the hospital and had forgotten about stashing the gun away. I assumed the BGs had taken it from my glove box and I'd never see it again. Felt like getting a new gun...free!!!


New member

I keep really detailed records of relaoding data for each rifle that I own. One day I had been to the range and was was going to record the best loads for a particular rilfe in the folder I have for that rifle. As I was looking through the file I found a folder with "Winchester 222" on it. I thought, "I don't have a Winchster 222. I have a Remington Classic 222." But right there was another folder for the Remington. I looked inside the folder and there were targets and reload information for a Winchester HB 222. So I looked through my sales records and there was a page showing that I had bought a HB Winchster 222 manufacured in 1968 several years before. I still didn't remember the rifle, although the targets identified it as being a great shooter. I dug through the big safe until I found it. Then I remembered it. I had bought it whipped up some loads took it to the range put it in the safe and just forgot about it. Nothing wrong with my mind that going back 20 years or so wouldn't help.


New member
never with the guns a shoot all the time but i have a little titan .25 that i forgot all about until i pulled ever gun I have out to clean and inspect.


New member
My brother just "refreshed" my memory yesterday when he came over and explored my safes. Rediscovered a Colt Metropolitan I traded for a few years ago.
I was going to say no, but I'm currently doing an inventory to update my master list, which went poof when I lost a hard drive last year.

In digging around in the various places I keep handguns, I found my Great-Grandfather's US Revolver Co. .32 Smith & Wesson. Forgot totally that my Uncle gave it to me a few years ago.


New member
Ever Forgot About a Gun You Own?
Sometimes i forget how many guns i have.

For all of you that have found a gun that you never remember seeing before...
Don't you remember that time when I came by your place and asked you to hold on to this for me for a while?


I guess that it really could be a "brain fart"... Or maybe you are a year older than last year...

What was it again... that you found and don't remember...

(Hint, hint... I prefer Wilson Combat and Colts; but, a Les B or a Brown or two suits me just fine! So if any one finds one and doesn't remember it... see above.)

It may not initially make you feel any better, since you forgot my visit and all; however, you will have that wonderful feeling that you made another person happier, namely me.

Now don't tell me that you forgot about "the duct tape"!

I have just forgotten just how many that I have left with you all...

cougar gt-e

New member
My insurance covered the damage, but not my personal items...I took it to a body shop, and in a couple weeks, it was returned all fixed up.
I kept the car for about 2 more years, then when I was cleaning it up to sell, I spotted the "secret compartment". I checked inside, and sure 'nuff, there was my little 38!! I'd been kinda stressed that night at the hospital and had forgotten about stashing the gun away. I assumed the BGs had taken it from my glove box and I'd never see it again. Felt like getting a new gun...free!!!

I hope you reported to the police that your missing gun was found or it may still be on the "stolen" list.


New member
I bought a CZ Semi-auto version of the Vz-61 skorpion a year ago as a "just for fun" gun. Fired it twice, then had a shortage of .32 auto in my area. I forgot it existed until I was looking for an empty ammo can for a friend last month. Popped the odd-weighted one and lo' and behold there she was. Still can't find .32 for cheap though :p


New member
Back during the original Clinton "assault rifle" ban, I purchased a Daewoo AR-100 "evil black rifle" just because I thought I ought to get one while I could. It was 5.56mm and took AR mags. I eventually stuck it in the back of a closet without ever shooting it. I forgot about it until cleaning out the closet years later. I took it out, cleaned it back up, and finally took it out to the range. Nice shooting basic "evil black rifle."