El Baradei: Iran only months away from a bomb


New member
a bomber is not commiting suicide...he is a martyr advancing the cause of Islam.

so he is not commiting suicide.

becoming a martyr erases the sins of killing the innocents.

Eghad, that is your idea and the terrorist's idea. The vast majority of believers do not accept your view of the religion. You can make up your own ideas or believe the terrorists all you want, but that does not change the fact that neither you nor terrorists speak for the majority of believers.

What is so hard to understand about this point? Every time there's a thread on the middle east, someone chimes in about "this or that fact of islam" without having done five minutes looking into the question. I ask that if you are going to bash the religion, you at least do it in a way that doesn't expose a total and complete lack of investigation beforehand.


I'm sure that he is OK with others dying to fulfill the rhetoric, but the real question is, will he risk his own life and that of his family in order to destroy Israel.
I think he would be, but really, he doesn't have to. Iran is a big enough country that he can be somewhere up in the mountains, along with the other leaders, safe and sound while the nukes fly. They like living a medieval lifestyle anyway, so it's no big deal for them.


New member
Eghad, that is your idea and the terrorist's idea. The vast majority of believers do not accept your view of the religion. You can make up your own ideas or believe the terrorists all you want, but that does not change the fact that neither you nor terrorists speak for the majority of believers.

I am not interested in speaking for those who condemn these actions...

I am worried about those that are willing to stap those bombs on because they are becoming a martyr not a suicide.

Suicide usually happpens because of depression, despair, ect.........

If you are in a squad of soldiers and a hand grenade falls to the ground and you throw your self on it and save the lives of the others in your squad did you commit suicide?

No.. you did it to protect something you beleive in not out of despair or depression.

The suicide bombers and those in islam support them see them as holy warriors and martyrs. This view is shared by more than just the terror organizations. They see them as that brave soldier that threw himself on the ground....

Here is a quote from our moderate friends at CAIR.. the American Muslim group who are here to help us understand that Muslims are peaceful and come to help...

CAIR Chairman Omar M. Ahmad told a crowd of California Muslims in July 1998, "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."

"CAIR consistently defends other militant Islamic terrorists too. The conviction of the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing it deemed "a travesty of justice." The conviction of Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind sheikh who planned to blow up New York City landmarks, it called a "hate crime." The extradition order for suspected Hamas terrorist Mousa Abu Marook it labeled "anti-Islamic" and "anti-American."

moderate Muslim love to make us feel all snuggly wuggly......

Gary Conner

New member
IAEA is part of the U.N.

Since the IAEA is part of the U.N., and since they also said Saddam had WMD's (which he did, or there would not be 3,000 dead Kurds from being gassed) but could not find them, I don't think it is a George Bush conspiricy.
Because George and the U.N. aren't getting along at all these days are they?

Apparantly, you can't hardly trust any intelligence data regarding hardly anything.


New member
So while we are in the desert in Iraq looking for nukes and terrorist ties.....

The country that does has nukes and definite terrorist ties is sitting on the direct sideline watching us.

and to top it off they are not a democracy....

Thats true. Iranian Revolutionary Guard is responsible for training Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al queda... In large part.

Despite common belief, those 4 groups have very good light infantry training and small unit tactics. And they stay more up to date then the US military does. They also train/practice for up to a year to strike a single target.

Hopefully we won't have to go to war with Iran, there is some very tough terrain there, and some very determined people.


New member
The question is what are we going to use to go to war with Iran? All the troops that were being used for the next rotation of OIF?


New member
Some folks are too war hungry here. You'd think after 3000 years of recorded warfare people would get the hint that sometimes another war isn't the answer to all of your problems...but it's the same thing with government: Instead of figuring out how to give people incentives to do the right thing, we get up in arms and say "Let's pass a law! If you don't do what we want we'll jail you!".

The analogy here is: "Iran isn't doing what we want, so let's just INVADE!!!!" It's the simple answer, and like all simple answers, it's likely wrong.

Let's do some comparisons:

Afghanistan: Before the war, genocide was ongoing (probably still is, but haven't looked into it), the "religiosity" of the leadership was transparently false (since the Taliban used an ancient tribal legal code, and not any radical version of Islamic law), and the economic development of the state was measurable in medieval terms.

Iran: Relatively modern population, which prides itself on being well educated and first world, much more developed military capabilities, primed to believe that any invasion is the product of a global movement against its religion, and...it hasn't really attacked anyone except Saddam (you know, the guy the US attacked) in the entire existence of its government.

It's silly and saddening that there is talk of another war over this.