does your gun collection follow a theme?


New member
I guess mine would have to follow an accuracy theme, since my rifles make up the biggest part of the collection.

Nearly all my rifles are bolt actions (I own 1 pump, 1 semi) and several of them wear heavy barrels and high magnification scopes. Even the rifles that are purely used for hunting have been tweaked for maximum accuracy and digest handloads, though most of them are sporters and have 3-9x scopes.

The shotguns follow a practical theme, I own one shotgun and use it for everything:D

The pistols follow a practical theme too, a couple for hunting and a couple for duty/defense.


New member
Actually yes...

Like most I started with what was flavor of the month, but then I needed a bigger safe, so, I decided to have one of each (at least... :D ) of the most prolific guns...

1911, Browning Hi-power, Walther P38, M1, AR, AK47.... you get the picture. Of course along this path you also collect some which come close...close is good :D


New member

I'm torn between old west and military fighting weapons. I really like the old style guns but if I ever needed "real" firepower I'd have to grab an AR or AK. I've got a few of each.:)

And a recent aquisition:


New member
Can I shoot it alot and not break the bank (i.e. .22, 9mm, 7.62xeverything, 30-06, .45, 12 ga.)

The most expensive ammo I shoot for plinking is the .45 (about $0.20/round).

I do keep some good ammo on hand for Hunting/Self Defense but 99% is surplus or Wal Mart specials for recreation.

Other than that, reliability. Will it go bang EVERY time I pull the trigger? If it don't I either fix it immediately or sell it.


New member
My 'theme' is with the 'safety' ---

I put most of my collection together using the idea that the safety was either ON or OFF...
This idea came to me early and I stuck with it.
I encourage others that are beginning a collection to explore this idea, too.
Tang safety; front of the triggerguard; or back of the triggerguard for familiarty with one's own guns.

There are a couple of exceptions, but for the most part, if I pick up one of my guns, I know by feel where the safety is and how to use it.

Long guns have the safety at the back of the triggerguard...push LEFT to FIRE.
Pistols have the safety on the slide...and go UP to FIRE.
Revolvers don't have a safety ( per se ) but I chose Ruger DoubleActions so I have the same motion for the cylinder pop-out and reload.

This 'theme' may not agree with everyone, but it's simple and works for me!:D


New member
My collection is quite small. But every gun I have purchased fits into atleast three catagories. I can use it for Home Defense or SHTF senarios. I can use it as my concealed carry weapon. Or I can use it for practice to make me better at the first two.

I'm not much of a hunter so very few of the guns I will buy will be useful in that arena. I love military weapons so when I get all my ccw needs met I'll start by getting an AR15, Arsenal or Vepr AK, M1A, then who knows. Some Sigs will come between the rifles for sure. I am addicted to Sigs.


New member

You mentioned you have a Marlin Camp Carbine...which takes the S&W pistol magazines.
If you have a S&W pistol in 9mm, you'd have the modern version of the old cowboy standard of having a handgun and rifle in the same caliber.
Just a thought.


New member
Very good attention to detail Bus getting the Camp carbine also opened the door for such things as a later purchase of another weapon :D and the Carbine .45 was another line of thought although I got to be honest the single stack mag was a downfall over the High Cap 9mm


New member
Every gun has to have a "purpose" or it doesn't fly with the Mrs. She is on top of things... As such, every gun I own is diverse from all the others in some way that makes it 'necessary' to have.


New member
jcadwell, explain purpose if would so kindly. I mean even if you got a measly .22 pistol you would have to explain why you bought it and for what reasons?


New member
Started out

with guns that just grabbed my attention (eg AK-47) and that is still a strong influence, but am tending to get rifles in hand gun chamberings and a "matching" handgun.
.22, .44, soon .357, then .45 lc and APC.