Do you have a favorite or worst gun writer?


New member
Where's the love for Sweeney?

Definitely my favorite gun writer - Patrick Sweeney

+1. My favorite as well. I have a couple of books that he wrote- Book of the 1911 and Book of the AR15. I also read a lot of his articles in different gun mags that I subscribe to.


New member
Of all time?

Skeeter Skelton, Bill Jordan by far.


John Taffin (Somewhat of a throwback to the old 'riters in my opinion), Mas Ayoob, John Connor (ALot of his stuff is meant as comedy/political,etc. but he crams in a gun thing every now and then), Clint Smith, are all good.

ALthough of the current ones, John Taffin is one of the better ones.


New member
Yea, Dean Koontz.....

...I too noticed his lack of gun knowledge. Steven King, as well. I sense an employment opportunity here--gun guru to the blockbuster novelists!

A friend told me years ago about a book or series of articles by a gun writer/hunter who hunted game all over the world with just a .22. Up to and including (I think) elephant. Never have found it. Ring any bells for anyone?

Oh, and that J.K. Rowling--since when do you use an aspen wand for an excruciatus curse?! Everyone know rowan or bone works better--less spread, greater conductivity (with the bone, anyway...)!

Sheesh. Doesn't anyone do research anymore?


New member
I'm not a huge reader, but I liked these two's books with all the information they put into them.

Maj. John Plaster, and Robert Rinker.




New member
I started with O'Connor, Warren Page and Pete Brown. Later Finn Aaguard impressed me as did others. I enjoyed Keith but he over did it. Thats what made him so entertaining.

I never read the fast draw guys or today the black gun stuff.

These days I am on the net rather than reading magazines as much and John Barsness is a current favorite.


New member

Skeeter Skelton
Elmer Keith
Jim Wilson
Jeff Cooper
Clint Smith
Finn Aargard
Ross Seyfreid
Sam Fadala
Massad Ayoob
Charles Askins
Bill Jordan

Can live without:

Mike "Duke" Venturino
Jan Libourel
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New member
Favorite old/new: Skeeter Skelton / Brian Pearce

Least favorite old/new....Not sure I had a "least favorite" old, but the new would fall to Layne Simpson.

Two other damn fine writers are Mike Venturino (I like him cause he's fat like me) and John Taffin.



New member
My favorite.................

Skeeter Skelton! Also liked Bill Jordan and Keith! Rick Jaimeson also gets my vote.


New member
Skeeter Skelton
Elmer Keith
Jim Wilson
Jeff Cooper
Clint Smith
Massad Ayoob
Charles Askins
Bill Jordan
When Skeeter past I felt I'd lost a dear friend.

DT Guy

New member
I think there's a difference between a 'gun guy who writes' and a 'gunwriter.'

Nonte and Dean Grennel (sp?) were 'gun guys who wrote'; both knew more about guns than should be allowed.

Jeff Cooper knew more about shooting than most ever will.

Of the current crop, Patrick Sweeney was a gunsmith and shoots competitively.



New member
Ross Seyfried
John Taffin
John Connor
John Barsness
Clint Smith
Mas Ayoob
Brian Pearce
Mike Venturino
Jeff Cooper
Skeeter Skelton
Peter Kokalis

Never really found a writer I didn't like, but I'll read everything the above list writes/wrote while others if it doesn't interest me I'll skip over.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I always liked the guy who used to write the The Last Laugh for Outdoor Life. Pat McGunnuis was it? McManus maybe? Anyway, he was a funny guy.
I've always liked Sheriff Wilson. He reminds me of my grandfather regarding his take in firearms in general. He's been digging up old articles Skeeter wrote back in the day and I've gained a better understanding why my elders have always respected his writings.

Allan Jones and Lane Pearce have been my favorites in recent times due to my reloading addiction...