Do you conceal carry an Expensive Handgun.?


New member
Some folk carry inexpensive handguns for a CCW...because I was told this.

My question to you is this...Did you ever consider that if you were ever involved in an life saving scenerio, that involed you in having to kill a bad guy in self defence.
And you will be found innocent in the court of law.
BUT....That after that shooting, when the police arrived, the crime scene, along with the investigation, had to take your firearm (confiscate it for evidence). And your handgun had to be locked away in a police station for many months, and possibly years, for that duration of your court case to be settled, before you ever get it back.

Would you want your very expensive gun in that situation.?
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New member
I carry pricey handguns daily.
I never think of possible confiscation but only of reliability, ease of use and carry.
The cost of the firearm will be last on my list of concerns.


New member
I carry a sub-$300 Argentine .380 daily and have never had any doubts or misgivings about it's ability to perform.

As to confiscation, holding as evidence, etc, I would certainly rather surrender that gun to the "care" of an evidence clerk.

Bob Wright

New member
I know of two men who were involved in shootings in Memphis. Neither had his gun confiscated.

Evidence, for what? There was no question of who did the shooting, nor with what.

Bob Wright

Frank Ettin

I carry a gun whenever I legally can, and yes, the gun I carry is usually an expensive gun. That's what I have my guns for.

Bob Wright said:
I know of two men who were involved in shootings in Memphis. Neither had his gun confiscated...
Notwithstanding your second hand anecdotes, it is standard procedure in any shooting investigation to take the gun used as evidence.
I carry guns that I TRUST and which I know will function reliably.

Some of them are expensive (my P7PSP), some of them not so much (my Charter Arms Off Duty).


New member
I'm going to carry whatever I feel will do the job best for me - that I shoot well and is reliable. I wouldn't care about how expensive it is. If you're talking about some custom-job or collectible that really is expensive or impossible to replace, I don't know what I'd do because I never expect to own one anyways. But if I end up owning a $1,000 H&K and that's what works best for me, I'd carry it.


New member
"Expensive" is a relative term. To some, $500 is expensive. To others it's $1000 or more. I don't carry anything that cost me more than around $500, and am quite confident that my choices are 100% adequate for SD. On the low end, a $300 Elsie Pea, in between in price a $450 Kahr CM9, and in the $500 range, a Springfield Armory XD40 Sub Compact. These are pretty much the three that I choose from daily.


New member
Typically I've carried guns in the $400-$600 range. Is that expensive or not? I guess it's a matter of perspective.


New member
"Do you conceal carry an Expensive Handgun.? "[graysmoke]

Sure. Only regret is I can't afford to buy more of them.

If an expensive handgun, i.e. a Nighthawk, saves a life, then it has earned its keep. Should it be held by the PD for a time, that's life.

Which is why it is wise to own at least 2 expensive handguns.


New member
I used to worry about that,,,

I used to worry about that,,,
just like I used to worry about "too nice to shoot".

Then I reality slapped myself and got over it.

I have a $700.00 pistol that I often carry,,,
If it saves me or mine and gets confiscated as a result,,,
I will surely whine a bit but I will also say it was money well spent.

Then I will go out and buy another one. ;)




New member
Expensive is a Subjective/Relative Thing

I carry a Kel-Tec P11 because it is the highest capacity compact 9mm I have ever found that can be pocket-carried in the Summer HEAT (which has been Horrendous here in the Mid-West ALL Summer long :mad:). It so happens that is a very inexpensive but is not the reason that I CC with it.


New member
It depends on what you consider expensive. Handguns are, by and large, expensive items as a good quality one will typically cost at least a few hundred dollars which is an amount of money that I consider expensive. That being said, the monetary value of a gun is not really a consideration for me when deciding what to carry. My life and the lives of my loved ones are far, far more valuable to me than the monetary value of any handgun, so I choose whatever I feel is the best gun for my needs and don't worry about the cost.

That being said, there are certain guns that I consider too valuable to risk being confiscated should I have to use them, but their value to me is not monetary. Guns which I personally would not carry include those which would be difficult, if not impossible, to replace at any cost. If I had an exceedingly rare gun that was only made in small numbers, I'd probably choose to carry something else that could be more easily replaced. Likewise, I would not carry a gun that was a gift or family heirloom because no replacement could ever hold the same sentimental value.

Grant D

New member
If the police confiscate my firearm,that means I won the gunfight,and I'm still alive, and the firearm did it's job.
I would rather be alive waiting to get my pistol back than the alternative! lol


New member
Both of my typical main carry pistols were bothe less then $500.00 but I do carry a couple on occasion that were over that.


New member
On a slightly different note, I have seen when traveling in Open Carry areas guys packing $1500+ 1911's and the like. Always made me think it may tempt some "crazy" to attack just for the piece thinking as well that the intended target must have a "nicely" stocked wallet to go with it...