do you carry at home?


New member
Yes; I have at a minimum a LCR 357, and usually a Walther P99c. Once I take delivery of my Kimber Solo I'll have some other options...


New member
This link is to a video dramatization (an old CSI show) so you can take it with a grain of salt, however it does illustrate how fast things can go from "happy family movie night" to horror and death...or worse (The last words are "show me your bedroom").

57 seconds in this case.

So every individual has to decide what works for them but I strongly urge everyone reading this to HAVE A PLAN! (actually have a couple of plans).

All the odds say you'll probably never need your plan, but like house and car insurance it's never been about the "odds", it's about just how serious the consequences can be if you aren't prepared ahead of time.

Onward Allusion

New member
You do hear a lot about home invasions these days. It is almost like a big buzz-word for home howner. I seldom ever hear about them in my home area. Does anyone have any data to show where a preponderence of these type of crimes are occurring.

Around here a home invasion is a bad break-out of some new exotic breed of termites.

From an older post of mine... Dang good odds in a bad sort of way.

Simple math with the 70K robberies (not burglaries) at one's residence...

US Population ~ 320,000,000
Typical household size ~ 2 to 4
# of households in US ~ 160,000,000 to 80,000,000
Chances of it happening to you - 70000/160000000 = 0.044% to 70000/80000000 = 0.088% or

1 in 2285 to 1 in 1143

Of course all this depends on where you live...etc...etc We're just talking about averages.

BTW, I carry pretty much 24x7. ;)
In the Immortal Words of Inspector Lestrade.....

...As long as I have my trousers, I have my hip pocket, and as long as I have my hip pocket, I have something in it. :cool:


New member
Thanks "Onward Allusion" for the data. The numbers show more personal residence burgularies happen during the day. The robbers must believe in working the day shift. LOL

Like in our area, the few robberies happen to primarily the weekenders or folks who are away most of the time. Similar to burglaries of residences when people are at work.

I too have had to work in regions of the Country where crime is much higher, and like others it is not always a choice. In these situatons there is a reason to have concerns.

I have been retired for a number of years. I do remember being told in pre-retirement seminars to be cautious with selecting your retirement location. Southern Florida was mentioned as a bad choice. I sort of doubt this has changed.

Lately the biggest complaint in our area is fishermen tying up to your dock and fishing around it. People seem to have a thing about their dock furniture and boat uphostery being ripped by trebble hooks. It is such a tough life. We are simply blessed to have such trivia to complain about.


New member
I am restricted to a powdered chair and since home invasions are becoming more common, my Commander is always within reach. That 200gr Hornady
HP-XTP is a very nice tool.:)


New member
As the number of home invasions has increased, I keep a weapon available. As a criminal recently stated -"I aint playing".


New member
As others have said, if I'm wearing pants, I have a gun. If I'm not wearing pants, I'm probably in bed, and there's one in the nightstand.

It only takes seconds to be surprised wherever you are. I live in a safe neighborhood, but that's just a matter of relativity. Nowhere is 100% safe this side of the grave.

If the unthinkable did ever happen, and that door did fly open, being caught unprepared is not an option. Being prepared to defend my family is one of my primary responsibilities as a husband and father. Since I am not psychic, that means being prepared ALL the time.


New member
Definitely. We were robbed a little while back. Interrupted it when we arrived home. I will never enter my home without a loaded revolver in my hand again. And no loose firearms are left in the house. By the way we live in a nice neighborhood too. And the guy who keeps no gun at home because his wife doesn't like it. I hope you are never a victim of crime. However living in a nice neighborhood means zero my friend.Do you ever watch the news? Watching someone molest your loved one will likely do miracles to change your mind. Please don't learn the hard way like we did. Had I been armed the punks who broke in here would not still be at large. Yes they are still out there. Hope you are not their next stop. I'd bet somebody's house is next. You will feel incredibly dumb like I did , knowing you had the gun , but not with you. Our situation could have been much worse.I hate thinking what could've happened to my wife if schedules had been different. Be safe every body. Don't be naieve.


New member
Home carry

I live in a reasonably good neighborhood, at the end of a cul de sac. Thankfully I don't feel the need to carry in my home.