do you carry at home?

The Great Mahoo

New member
If I'm carrything at day (depending on my schedule) I just keep it all day, so that means at home, too. If its a day that I am somewhere I can't carry, I may or may not retreive it once I get home, depending on whats instore that evening (going out or just lounging about).


New member
I do not physically carry inside the house but there is a gun hidden in every room in the house.
In the living room next to my chair is a 9mm on the floor and in the bed room same thing. (no kids at home any more)
As for the other rooms, guns are strategically placed, even the rest rooms.
If I am in the yard then I carry my S&W 908 9mm


New member
I seem to see a pattern based upon where we live. This probably means we are all using prudent judgement based upon the threat.

Hopefully most of us do not have a reason to be concerned about our safety and only a few of us who are paranoid without a reason. Those without a reason to be conearned have much nicer things to occupy our lives and keep us happy such as waves to the neighbors and nice neighborhoods. This is what America is supposed to be about. It should not feel like a blasted combat zone.

Those who need it, I understand and hope you stay safe and never have to use that ever-ready weapon. I encourage everyone to consider a wonderful retirement spot if you are still having to work in an unsafe city. It will take a considerable load off your mind and allow you to lax up.


New member
The safe paces with valuable goods are sometimes not as safe as the unsafe places with nothing worth stealing.


New member
Always, living just south of a major Doubt it'll change when I move to the sticks, though, it's now ingrained.


New member
nope, don't even have a gun at home. even though I live in the city, my neighborhood is pretty safe, plus we have a dog who has very keen hearing. the wife doesn't like guns, so I don't see myself having one here anytime soon. it also strikes me as a tad paranoid to carry a gun around with you at home. unless you live in a warzone or have fallen victim to multiple break-ins, I see no need to carry.


New member
If I have my pants on, either my S&W 637 or my Ruger LCP is in my pocket. And other guns are strategically placed around the house.


I don't expect trouble while I'm at home. But I do understand that it's unrealistic to expect that nothing bad could possibly happen while I'm at home.


New member
Criminal 1: Hey Fred, how 'bout we hit a couple houses tonight?
Criminal 2: Sure, where should we go?
Criminal 1: Any place, but let's avoid nice neighborhoods !
Criminal 2: Good idea.

It could happen I guess..... :rolleyes:


New member
the wife doesn't like guns, so I don't see myself having one here anytime soon.

I totally understand. For me, the wife doesn't like dogs, so I don't see myself having one here anytime soon. I think our wives fears are unfounded and illogical. I'll work on the opposition at my house, and I encourage you to do the same. I'll promise that a dog won't pee and crap in the house. You can promise that you'll be responsible with the gun, and it won't harm anyone on it's own.


New member

I also pretty much never expect trouble when I'm at home, but I could be wrong.

Quote form another thread:
“Stuff happens everywhere. If that stuff happens to my baby or wife because I fail to protect them. . . . I couldn't live with that.”

That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. As someone else has remarked, “It ain’t about the odds, it’s about the outcome.”.

I live in a rural and quiet neighborhood with a statistically low crime rate (small odds).

Despite that, over the past few years, I have had two close friends and one acquaintance murdered. All were surprised in their quiet neighborhood homes (well, one in her front yard) (Pretty much unacceptable outcome if you can prevent it).

Be safe,


Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Old debate that we just did. Same old arguments.

I would caution that if you throw around the term 'paranoid' - you are not long for us. Be polite. If you want to describe why you think the risks are minimal - do so.

If you want to insult people and don't even have a gun at home, you can wander away.

As far as being in a nice neighborhood, please reference the Petit family. We can come up with others. So spare us the silliness of war zone and paranoid.
