do you carry at home?


New member
I do. when i get home i put the 45 defender on the nightstand and slip the sig 238 in my back pocket. feels the same as my wallet. i like not having to think about grabbing a gun when i go out in the yard or do chores around the barn, etc..
i have a winchester at the back door, but its not polite to answer the door holding it.!;)
i live out in the sticks, if that makes a difference.
do you carry at home?


New member
Well when Im at home no cause I have no need to in town. But out at my brothers I usually carry some kind of gun everywhere. He has alot of problems with feral cats, dogs, and the few skunks or yotes. Most of the time its whatever my newest gun is so lately its the marlin 1895 cowboy. As I type this its getting towards the time I have to go check the cows(calving early sucks) so Ill grab the flashlight and the gun and go out the door.


New member
I do. Couple storiesof home invasions got me spooked. Very unlikely around my neck of the woods. One of those better safe than sorry deals.


New member
No need to. I have two dogs, a gun in the study, a couple of guns in the master bedroom. Gun in my wife's purse in the kitchen area. Several guns downstairs. There are other rooms, but we seldom are in them

Nothing gets close to the house without the dogs raising cane. The front side of the house is on the water with submersed lighting on 24 hrs. a day. The back of the house has a hidden sensor which alerts us to visitors and when the mail is delivered.

We are not paranoid, but if so there is the security system.

Then on top of this, you may hear choppers at night or C-123 or C-130 at tree top level possible deploying some of our finest (Special Forces) for various training exercise on our huge lake (500 + miles of shore line). We feel very safe and secure.

Then there have many reported sightings of BigFoot in the area. These rumored sightings are conducive to keeping bad guys out of the woods after dark. LOL


New member
Always, if I'm dressed. I live in a very rural area with a dry river bed with lots of trees in it. I find many old fire rings where, probably immigrants from down south, have camped. No trouble so far. I have 3 big dogs that will not let anyone come around.


New member
You do hear a lot about home invasions these days. It is almost like a big buzz-word for home howner. I seldom ever hear about them in my home area. Does anyone have any data to show where a preponderence of these type of crimes are occurring.

Around here a home invasion is a bad break-out of some new exotic breed of termites.


New member
What kind of neighborhood do you live in? I don't carry in the house, but know where they all are (4) and are all accessible in a bad situation. Not that I feel unconformable when I carry, but when I'm home, I'm home.


New member
I live in a pretty safe neighborhood and I have dogs(3) so no I dont carry at home but I do have guns in just about every room and in my basement if I need to get one it will only take a few seconds.


New member
Sometimes. If I'm out for the day and grab my CCW I usually leave it on when I get home. However, if it's a day where I don't leave the house I might grab something and throw it in my pocket or not. Usually not. I do have guns that are in easy reach however. No kids so it's easy to do.


New member
Always. As mentioned before, if I've got my pants on I'm packing a pistol. Why would anyone think their home is any less dangerous than being out on the street? Home invasions and burglaries are becoming more and common and in addition to my pocket pistol I have a Springfield XDm stashed in my sofa (no kids around and when the grandkids come over I put my sofa gun in the safe). I've always thought that I'll need a gun when I least expect it so stay prepared. Always.