Do you buy mostly new or used?

Virtually all of my guns have been used. The only one that comes to mind that I purchased new was an EAA Witness in 10mm.

The exception to that is going to be the new Remington R51 which I intend to snap up just as soon as I can.


New member
I collect vintage S&W and Colt revolvers, so obviously, mostly all I buy is used.

I have bought a few new guns but not very many. I see very few used guns that have any appreciable mechanical wear and minor finish blemishes don't bother me if the price is right.

As an example, I have wanted another Browning Hipower ever since mine was stolen. I refused to pay a grand for a new one and bided my time (almost ten years) until I found a used one for half of that.

I have no desire to run out and buy the latest and greatest firearm because it is all the rage and everyone else is running out and buying one.


New member
I'm old. I like old stuff. I'd walk over the hood of a 2014 Corvette to get into one made in 1971. I'm not into modern tactical style. I prefer the classics. Maybe 98% of the guns I have bought in the past 20 years were used. Most were WAY used. Most new guns I buy are new versions of classic designs.

When I think semi auto pistol THIS comes to mind.


Or this...


I did recently buy one very modern gun. But this is a working gun with a specific purpose.



New member
Used for me. I would say close to 70% of my collection was bought used. I have gotten burned a few times but each time it worked itself out one way or another and did not end up as a total loss.

I honestly cannot remember the last gun I bought NIB. :cool:

I did recently buy one very modern gun. But this is a working gun with a specific purpose.

If you wanted a working gun why did you buy a Taurus.... LOL just kidding. ;)


New member
I have been gun buying for ~20 years. In the past, I thought new meant I was getting the best possible chance at a great running gun.

Now, this sounds weird, I know, but I would prefer to buy used, especially semi's. A worn, shot a lot semi says to me that a guy has shot it enough to know it was reliable for him/her and then carried. That is generally what I want in a gun! I can either deal with the finish wear or pony up for the refinish. An unfired used gun is a bit suspect, but can just be well cared for. You have to read the seller a bit.

I have only bought a few used, but I'll keep looking that way.

I've bought new, usually at a gun store. Several of them were fine, but one was a real nightmare that I turned into a 99% custom....the ejector MIM finally "broke" and I'm using that as a starting point to finish it's conversion to all tool steel internals! My point is that new can be great or can not be.

So, I feel like even though used has nobody backing it that there are ways to know how it runs.

Although as I say this, I bought my last gun new! Still, my FAVORITE CCW was a used Kahr I bought at Buds. Who would have thought, Buds, used, one pic would be ok. Call them, they are willing to take care of you on a used gun.

One thing to look out for or look for are used IPSC guns. They can be a great deal or a pile of issues. If you know the platform and know how to work on them, they may be a good deal. I think I would want to detail strip and function check every part before buying! "Hmm, do you mind if I look at this $2000 1911 for like 2 hours and shoot 100 rounds through it?" They might mind...

I bought a used LEO Glock 21 that looked well used in the pics! After a full cleaning, it only needs a front sight, as the tritium is a bit dim....price was really good from a reputable FFL!
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New member
I've seen used guns priced higher than the new ones in the same store---maybe its built in haggle room---don't know, never asked----just walked away when I saw that.

If the used price is within say $20 bucks of the new one---I'll go new every time.

Be careful on the used vs new pricing. A brand new S&W 19 is not near the gun in my eyes as a 99% 19-3. I would really confirm what you are comparing. I have seen what you are talking about and went :eek:

I have seen this used for $20 less than new thing too. If the gun looks like it has had 500 rounds through it , I would probably go used for 10% less than new...would prefer an FTF deal.


New member
In thinking about my guns, I guess the common theme in whether they were bought used or new is "good deal", and just a smidgen of "gotta have it".

Looking at my assortment of guns bought new, I'd say all but one were bought because I had been interested in one for a while and the right deal came along:

  • Winny 94 Trapper in .357 - local ranch store was closing them and the .44s out for ~379 a dozen years ago. Should have bought 'em out!
  • Marlin 1895 guide gun - an FFL I've done a lot of business with sold to me for his cost.
  • Ruger SR556 - local store had a Pre-Christmas sale 2 years ago.

Virtually all of my first guns were used. Mostly due to the fact that there was a local shop/pawn store that had TONS of nice, clean used fare. No negotiating, but the prices were fantastic - most Saturdays there were more guys lined up at the display cases than at a bar in Green Bay during an away game. I probably still have a half-dozen guns bought from that time in my life.

Most all of my gun dealings these days are F2F via our local online gun classifieds. I check the site or mobile app WAY too many times a day, but when a true deal pops up, you've got to jump on it or it's gone. Just this past week it was a Belgian Hi Power in Satin Chrome with box etc for 750. :D Mind you, this is the first purchase I've made in a couple of months as the market has been really soft over the holidays. I'm expecting more guys to get tight for money in the next month and "need to sell". I'll be ready. :)


New member
I buy New-I ain't gonna lie.If it's still made and I want it-its gonna come home new with a warranty.I've never been one to pay someone to buy there problems.But if it comes home new it also stays home.I have traded 1 gun in my life and that was more of a favor to my favorite uncle than anything else.
say what you want but any savings on buying used is thrown out the window on there first trip in for service.I'd rather call for a RA# get my pre-paid shipping label-and drop it in mail-sit back and wait for it to come back home..


New member
All used here. The ones that interest me, for the most part, are no longer in production (and the ones that are seem disappointing in workmanship compared to earlier examples of the same model)


New member
I prefer new

I live in an area of high cost of living and I rarely see any mouth watering deals on used guns. I pay the premium for new and don't feel like I'm letting anything slip away.


New member
Commercial, mostly new, but occasionally used if a deal comes up on something I want. C&R Milsurps, of course used most of the time.

Why not let someone else break it in and eat the depreciation costs?
I guess I understand the short term depriation, but unlike automobiles, somewhere between "like new, used", and antique that depreciation is reversed. I wonder how much the $86.50 new price I paid for my still like new circa 1970 S&W Model 10, or the $115 I paid for my Ruger Super Blackhawk around the same time have gone down? :D
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New member
New, too many idiots out there who don't know what they're doing and can ruin a feed ramp or a firing chamber with a dremel.

I bought a Colt that some moron had polished the feed ramp, I had to spend 400 bucks having a new one installed in the gun.


New member
I bought used for a lot of years until I got myself burned on a couple of really infuriatingly bad used guns.

Then I bought some really infuriatingly bad new guns.

So now, I'll save my money up and buy brand new,name brand ,quality centerfire handguns only.

Life is too short to own a bad handgun.

Knight cadet

New member
Its funny, I've only owned a handful of guns, and only one of them is new. I wrote about it in this thread:

I never had any problems with my other guns, all used (Chipmunk.22, Marlin mod 60, charles Daly 12 ga, Camp 9, S&W 915) but the first gun that I actually bought myself, new, with my own money, I had to work on in order to get it to work right.


New member
I buy used revolvers and new semi's,,,

I buy used revolvers and new semi's,,,
I feel confident that I can check out a used revolver,,,
I don't have the same confidence when looking at a used semi-auto.

I will buy a used semi if I can get a buy-back guarantee from the seller,,,
The Evil Pawn Shop Guy always gives me that courtesy,,,
So under that very limited circumstance,,,
I'll buy a used semi-auto.




New member
I'm at about half and half between new and used. Some of the guns I like are older modele, no longer available new. I have no qualms about buying used guns. I know enough to check for proper fit, functioning, and to spot obvious defects. I can handle the "easy fix" items and have actually gotten some very good deals because the seller was unable or unwilling to fix minor issues (in one case, a good cleaning was all that was needed.)