Daughter wants a gun


New member
She is 24. She is an adult. You won't be able to tell her how dangerous a gun is. You can't even show her. You have to put the info there so she learns it herself. Remember how you were? But I think you got it.

I would disagree about showing her, I have 17 yo daughter, and a couple of you-tube videos of objects being blown to bits was a pretty good start.

My next step is to take her to an outdoor range and do the same thing live, milk jugs, water bottles, fruit, vegetables.

Most people(~70%) are kinetic learners, meaning, they learn by doing. When you see these objects blown to bits, it's not hard to imagine something similar happening if you shoot an animal/person.


New member
Daughter is only part of this - what about the boyfriend. Is he gun savy or a gun beginner. You don't want him to be unprepared with a gun in the house.


New member
All, Thanks for the replies and input. A Little more information on this situation:
She is 1,100 miles away so I am not able to work with her. She IS going to take a class specifically for women beginner shooters. I have told her to take another class in about 6 months to get more instruction. I totally agree that instruction from strangers can be much more effective than from family.

She is a very responsible person but is very spontaneous. I would never think she would "snap", I was just caught off-guard with the sudden desire to own a gun. She has never mentioned it before.

I did stress gun safety during the times we went shooting and while she was growing up. Most of our shooting was with an air rifle in the back yard. I did take her to the range a few times and I let her shoot some pistols. She just did not get near the experience I did growing up.

The BF is very level headed and I am very impressed with him and his life decisions. He is good for her. He said he would rather have a shotgun for home defense. He is not 'anti gun'.

As I said, I know I can't stop her, I was really caught off-guard with her sudden desire to own a gun.

Thanks again to all,