CZ 75 Compact vs. Glock 19 for Carry


New member
Beowulf, czech out High Noon Holsters, lots of options for darn near every pistol in the CZ lineup, very good holsters. I prefer the Down Under with straps for my CZ SP-01 Phantom, (18 rounds, same weight as P-01), concealed.

Not everyone likes the same thing, or it would be a truely boring place to live. I am glad we have such a diversity of good solid quality sidearms available today, that everyone can find one that fits them well.


New member
I understand the desire for something different but I would just get another M&P. You liked it or you wouldn't have bought it. Your wife likes it and knows it so if she ever had to grab your gun and use it or you hers having it be the same makes sense. It also means you can share magazines should the need arise. You can share holsters too. There is a lot to be said for spouses having the same carry gun. Of course you'll want them engraved as his and hers. : )


New member
First off, I'm a total CZ aficionado, I think they're fantastic pistols and while I didn't hold onto every one, the various CZ models I've owned include: 75B, 85 Combat, PCR, P-01, SP-01, pre-B 75, SP-01 Shadow, 75 Shadow, and the CZ of topic, 75B Compact.

Here's my take: the only thing wrong with the a 75 Compact is that there isn't really very much that's "compact" about it, for all intent and purposes it might as well be a regular full-size 75... In fact, it's actually heavier than a lot of full-size duty pistols out there and only very slightly smaller.

The P-01 would be my choice as the CZ to carry, but I know too much about them now and IMHO decocker-equipped CZ's are sort of an abhoration on what makes them so great, also the decocker guns do not readily accept the CZCustom's competition hammer which is truly like taking the governer off of them and letting their trigger's be all they can be and is something I've come to consider essential to add to a CZ (the Omega's are similarly handicapped and therefore out too, so the P-02 is a no-go).

The main thing is that for it's size and weight, if you're thinking of carrying a 75 Compact, might as well consider carrying a 75 Shadow as it's a way better iiteration of the same platform and the few extra ounces and 1/2" in size aren't much if the 75 Compact is already considered feasible.

Now the above aside, I carry a G19 and recommend that everyone should own one (in fact, if a person can only have one single gun, IMO that gun should be a Glock 19). It does everything well, doesn't f'up, and is the right size and weight to go anywhere while still being large enough to really be shot well, just huge upside, very little downside.

Is a CZ easier to shoot well? Yes. While more difficult to take to, can one learn to shoot a a Glock just as well as the CZ? Yes. Learning to shoot Glocks well takes work, and whether guys will admit it or not, lots give up on them before they've figured them out.

It's the Indian, not the arrow... don't give up on the arrow that is far more practical just because it's less forgiving and takes a little time to master (because it might be faster into action, require less maintenance, and light enough to more likely be close-by when you need it).