CZ 75 Compact vs. Glock 19 for Carry


New member
I have to carry and qualify with the Glock 17/19 at work. Had several of them fail in my hand. Latest was a G-19 that refused to chamber a round from any of my issued magazines, reasonably new Speer GD ammo. Weapon turned into the armorer for repair.
I carry a CZ P-01 as my authorized off duty pistola, and it has jammed only on my very badly done first generation reloads, many years ago. I also use a CZ SP-01 Phantom, and find it even more accurate and easy to use.
Based solely on my first hand personal experience, I choose CZ pistols to defend my life on - Glock and I just don't have a good history.


New member
I own a PCR and love it. It is very reliable and easy to shoot. The only issue I have with it is that it is very difficult to find a holster for it. That is where the Glock 19 really starts making a bit more sense as a carry gun. I love my CZ but the lack of holster options is an issue for me. I use a concealment holster for a barretta 92 which works ok... but it would be nice to have all the holster options of a Glock


New member
I have to admit, I am somewhat surprised by the responses. I expected the CZ support to be decent, but not to completely overwhelm the Glock support like this. Going to try to get my hands on compact so I can handle it for myself.


New member
Personaly I like the Glock 26 over the 19. Then again it is smaller, by a bit, and lighter. Then again it is 104 in the shade outside rightnow, and gonna be hotter. Guess what I will have on me when I go outside to run errands, and take my girlfriend to the fleamarkets.


New member
The CZ PCR is one fine gun for the money. Have owned and shot Glocks and the CZ is a much nicer gun to shoot IMO. I much prefer their ergonomics to the Glocks.

Ralph Allen

New member
In 9mm I have a Glock 19 and 26. I also have a CZ PO-1. The PO-1 has a decocker. For a carry gun I like them both. The difference is the CZ is double action first shot followed by single action. The Glock is a Glock. I also have some full size 9mm pistols, but will not carry anything cocked and locked. CZ PO-1 is rounder than the 19, but both carry well. The Glock 26 is rounder also, but smaller than both of the others mentioned. Buy them both, you won't be dissapointed in either.


New member
<deleted> said:
Seems to be that the Glock is the standard to be compared too. I see now why they lead the world in sales.

Likewise, the Toyota Camry is "The Standard" for family cars. They're solid and reliable, and they get the job done.

But Camrys too, have been accused of lacking character. ;)


New member
What JWT says:
"The CZ PCR is one fine gun for the money. Have owned and shot Glocks and the CZ is a much nicer gun to shoot IMO. I much prefer their ergonomics to the Glocks."

I agree 100%. My CZ75 Compact is one of my favorite guns. It just feels great to hold it. Carry it Condition 1.


New member
There is something to be said for having several duplicate handguns, familiarity primarily, having the same feel, same controls, same sight picture, same ammo, either of you could grab either pistol and its operation would be second nature. This would be especially useful in a high-stress situation.

Amin Parker

New member
Once one feels the CZ compact in the hand, you cant not be impressed. I think its a gun that feels just right for many people.

It really is a very very nice gun.
I'd be 1st to admit I'm a revolver guy... but I do have 3 semi's in my carry battery... the CZ-75 is my favorite... yup... it's heavier than the revolvers I regularly carry... but most of that weight is ammo

I tried to buy a Glock twice, & both times ended up with steel or alloy guns... the CZ style seems to fit my hands like it was made for me, long before the plastic guns started offering custom shaped back straps & such... my "big" gun i n the carry battery is a full sized Witness in 10 mm ( a CZ clone ) & the grip is what sold me on that gun over the Glock

over the years I've progressed to a couple plastic guns ( though I seem to like metal better ) my FN 5 - Seven seems to have a much better grip fit than any Glock I've ever gripped, my other plastigun is a Taurus TCP ( made in America ) in 380, which I bought as a cheapie to wear when rollerblading & other sweaty summer activities... I bought it, because I didn't figure I'd get attached to it the way I did my CZ's

Walt Sherrill

New member
The CZ and its clones are in more holsters worldwide.

Glock still has the majority share in the USA (but that share is seriously degrading as S&W, and to a lesser extent, HK/FN/others, continue to erode Glock's share).

I think you'll have a hard time proving the claim that CZs and clones are in more holsters worldwide. I was a senior moderator on the CZ forum for years, and we constantly chased that rumor, with no success. (CZ claims more departments and units -- all mostly small -- but makes no claims about NUMBER of guns.) In fact, it's only recently that CZs (and clones) have been put into use by a few military units -- and they aren't close to catching Glocks or SIGs on that count. There are probably more Berettas in use in the US military than CZs or clones in the military, worldwide...

That said, I'm a big CZ fan. I'm also a Glock fan (but only have one, right now -- a 35).

For concealed carry, I prefer the Glock 19, but the PCR (not the Compact) would be my close second choice. I tried carrying a CZ Compact for a while, and it was heavier than I liked.

I also think the Ruger SR9c is also probably a close second or third, and the M&P compact might be good, as well. I have a well-tuned M&P Pro in 9mm, and it's one of the best 9mm I've owned -- right there with a custom AT-84s, a Sphinx, a CZ-85 Combat, and a BHP.
Curious... I have a NIB CZ-85 that I (obviously) haven't shot ( father in law was a collector ) I really like the 75 B's & have several I shoot... I haven't felt the need to shoot the 85... am I missing something... or were you implying your 85 was also tuned, & it was therefore one of your favorites ???

Walt Sherrill

New member
The CZ-85 Combat is a little different than the 85B (which is an ambidextrous 75B).

The Combat doesn't have the firing pin block of the "B" models, has an extended slide release, adjustable sights, and a trigger adjustable for over-travel. (Mine also has a Champion sear, and was tweaked by my gunsmith when he installed it.) Nice gun, reliable as the day is long, and quite accurate. It has been one of two favorite guns for IDPA competition (along with a Glock 34.) I have a similarly tuned 75B SA, which has a slide that feels like it's on ball-bearings.

The biggest strength of the CZ is it's ergonomic design; it fits the hand better than almost anything out there (that isn't on the same design.)

I like CZs, but don't carry them concealed. I want something a bit smaller and lighter, and I have a Kel-Tec PF-9, for that. (I had a Kahr P9 before that, but someone made me an offer I couldn't resist.)
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New member
Even more important than how a pistol feels in my hand or even how well it points naturally for me, is the question of the trigger. The answer will be different, yet correct, for many different and diverse shooters. I personally prefer "traditional" da triggers for a self-defense pistol and I loath the Glock trigger. My preference is no doubt biased by a career in le where, first, da revolvers and then (at least in my case) Smith da Model 5906s and, even later, Model 4006s were in vogue. I'm sure that if I trained enough with the Glock pistol I could become proficient with its trigger and maybe even come to like it. Ugh! :D

The CZ and the Glock pistols the op is considering are very different in many ways, so much so that some shooters might absolutely love the Glock and despise the CZ and vice-versa. And the triggers are way different. This is certainly one time when the old axiom for choosing one gun over another should be heeded: At the very least, handle and dry-fire each of the two pistols extensively and, optimally (albeit, often impractical), shoot both of them before deciding on which one to buy.

There is no wrong choice here. But there is a better choice between the two pistols under review for each and every individual shooter.
My compact is really early... I'd like to try an alloy frame PCR sometime... but being a revolver guy... I'm not likely to spend the money soon... my compact compared to one of my B's
