CZ 75 Compact vs. Glock 19 for Carry


New member
Hey All,
I am looking for a 9mm for carry. My wife has adopted my M&P, which is fine, and while i could get another I want something different. I'd like to stay in a 4" barrel or less, but I don't want to go too small as I am not a big fan of the sub-compacts. Weight really isn't an issue as I carry some fairly heavy firearms. However I would like to put it in an IWB holster so I wouldn't want it to be something that is impossible to find accessories for.

Right now I am thinking:
Glock 19
CZ 75 Compact

Fairly different guns to say the least. I've used CZs in the past and been fairly happy with them, though I have never held/used a Compact. At the same time I felt that the CZ 75B had a bit of reach for DA for me so that is a little of a concern. The Glock is kind of a go to option. I know the Gen 4s had some problems for a few people at the beginning and I didn't know if those have been resolved. I tend to shoot cheaper stuff for practice, 115 gr Remington UMC and WWB, and I had heard that the Glock 19 Gen 4 had issues with those.

Any tips or suggestions are welcome.

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New member
Assuming you get the CZ with a manual safety rather than a decocker, the trigger reach can be shortened considerably by carrying the gun cocked and locked ala 1911.


New member
Go CZ. Even though I haven't shot the Compact, I did shot several 75's and loved each and every of them, whereas I didn't like the Glock's trigger, but as you know that's a matter of personal preference.

Besides, in a CZ you've got the external safety, which you don't in a Glock. Again a matter of personal preference, but that is my thought and just my thought.

Nevertheless, you can't go wrong with either. What's mentioned above is of no value if any of them fits better in your hand. Try'em both and decide.

Good luck!.


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@ Webleymkv
True, I do like to carry condition 1 and that is part of the appeal of the CZ.

@ Nordeste
I can't find a store around me that has a Compact to hold. CZ seems to be an odd ball where I live.


New member
"that's not entirely true"

The CZ and its clones are in more holsters worldwide.

Glock still has the majority share in the USA (but that share is seriously degrading as S&W, and to a lesser extent, HK/FN/others, continue to erode Glock's share).

Amin Parker

New member
W2 Glocks are more popular in the US than in other parts of the world. You will find cz, browning and even Sig and Hk most of the time.

I am fortunate to own both a Glock 19 and a Cz 75 compact and i will choose the Cz over the Glock every single time. The 75 is a fantastic pistol but the 75 compact is just one really special pistol.

I have not met anyone that did not fall in love with the 75 compact immediately. It just feels great in the hand and for a compact pistol it recoils far less than anything else in its size.

My compact has not been shot as much as my other pistols, the round count is about 1850 of various weights and shapes. It has never missed a beat, complete reliability even with the full size and extended magazines. I use the 13, 15, 17 and 23 shot magazines without issue.

I had the 19 before i bought the 75 compact. When shooting from the weapon retention position the Glock 19 malfunctions, when i got the Cz 75 Compact it functioned flawlessly shooting from the same position. I understand that while shooting from that position i could have had a 'limp' grip on the gun but what can i say, i did the same with the Cz 75 Compact and it worked properly.

The Cz also has a manual safety and can be carried cocked and locked. The trigger is significantly better imho and is easier to shoot fast and accurately.

I gave my reasons. Glock 19 vs Cz 75 Compact? The Cz is the better choice.


It is beyond all doubt that Glock is the pistol of choice among those who have no say in what they carry. Bureaucrats love getting something for next to nothing, the rank and files' preferences be damned when there are beans to be counted.

Everywhere else in both America and abroad--where and when individual choice prevails, they're just another series of handguns.


New member
Other Options:

Glock 19 is good; an old standby. It is light, and has very high capacity for its size, but still kinda thick in the slide, and the ergonomics are just average.

If you're thinking of a striker-fired compact 9mm, how about the Walther PPS? Check out hickok45's YouTube channel, he seems to really like that little gun. It is a single stack, and narrower than a Glock 19 or 26.

CZ75 Compact - Also good, but heavier than necessary. If you're looking at this, consider the CZ 75 P01, which is almost identical to the CZ75 Compact except that it has a lighter alloy frame and it's parts are more universal.

For carry, I'd probably go with the PPS. It is thin enough, light enough, accurate enough, reliable enough, without being overly small.

CZ Rami - Is this a single stack, about the same size as the PPS? I don't know a lot about these, other than they're a bit ugly. :) Aarond has shot one, I think, and I recall he was pretty impressed with it.


New member
I can't find a store around me that has a Compact to hold. CZ seems to be an odd ball where I live.

I've only handled a Compact with a decocker, but I doubt it would feel significantly different than a manual-safety model. The one I held felt quite similar to my fullsize 75B. The main difference is that the balance point seemed a bit further back due to the shorter barrel. The grip of a compact is also a bit shorter (the compact has, IIRC, a 13-round magazine rather than a 16-round one) but is still more than ample for my hands (I wear an XL size glove).

Finding a Glock to handle shouldn't be an issue as one doesn't seem to be able to walk into a gun shop anymore without practically tripping over all sorts of polymer.


New member
Love my PPS but It only holds 8 rounds vs the Glock19 and CZ compact double stacks. If that makes a big difference.


New member
I have thought about the p-01 but I am unsure of whether I want the decocker. I would rather have the manual safety.

While I am sure the Walther is a very nice gun the capacity seems a bit low.


New member
A better comparison to the G19 is the CZ-75D PCR. Similar to the P-01 but with no rail. If you want a gun with a manual safety that is a lightweight alloy instead of polymer, and is just like the P-01, the P-02 is now available. It is the P-01 with convertible Omega trigger, so you can configure it as a decocker or manual safety by yourself in a few minutes.

Or you can just get the polymer P-07 which also has the convertible Omega system.

The CZ P-07, PCR. P-01, and P-02 are the pistols to compare to the G19, not the all steel Compact unless you are purposely looking for a heavier gun.

I own and carry a PCR. Love it, but my next CZ will be either a P-07 or P-02.


New member
The Glock 19 is one of the best selling one of the most popular handguns in this country. I'm not talking about military or LEO contracts. I'm talking about people who have to buy a handgun out of their own pockets.

With that said, even if "everyone" seems to have one it doesn't necessarily mean its the best choice for you. But it should give you pause and make you wonder why they are so popular and seriously look into whether their popularity is deserved or without merit. Yes, I'm saying try to get as much information as you can from as many different sources as you can instead of relying on what a few people say. Not everyone who buys a Glock or CZ are the best informed nor are they the most ignorant about why they chose what they chose. We're talking about two very different handguns that should appeal to two very different types of shooters and needs. Ultimately you need to decide which group you fall into instead of letting others decide for you.

The most important thing is, as long as you pick something that's reliable and durable stick to it. A lot of people will admit they wasted a lot of time, energy, and money trying to find "the one" and wondering if the grass is greener on the other side instead of trying to becoming better shooters. Myself included.

I've never seen actual numbers of whether CZ's or Glock are more popular worldwide and no ones' been able to produce them. I'm talking numbers not how many small 3rd World and former communist sympathetic countries have them in their holsters. Anyone can manufacture and produce the CZ design (CZ, EAA, IMI, Sphinx, Armalite, etc etc) just like 1911's. Glock has a patent protecting their design under International Law. No one but Glock can make Glocks.
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New member
@ Pilot
Thanks for the tip on the P-02. I had seen it on the CZ custom site but wasn't sure about it. Have you had any experience with the Omega trigger setup? Curious how well it works.

Of course. In the end it is my decision but that doesn't mean I can't ask for anecdotes from people that already have experience with those guns.

You are right that they are quite different. Tbh I just put a hold on a basically brand new Mk III hi power that will probably become my carry. But I like experiencing all sorts of guns so I will likely acquire another carry gun at a later date so all of this is still useful. In the end though I will buy what feels and shoots the best for me. I can make decisions for myself and I always do more research than just this site.


New member
Of course. In the end it is my decision but that doesn't mean I can't ask for anecdotes from people that already have experience with those guns.

What I'm saying is broaden your search base for opinions. Every gun forum has its own "sub-culture". Some are more friendly to certain makes and more hostile to others. I'm not just talking about GlockTalk or CZ Forum. Some are more neutral. People tend to congregate where opinions are of "similar" mind.;)


New member
I would recommend the CZ also. However, if there is any way to avoid it- I would not let your wife shoot it lest you lose that one too.;)


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The CZ's, even the compacts, are best suited as range guns. The Glock would be a much better carry gun.


New member
TR wrote
Thanks for the tip on the P-02. I had seen it on the CZ custom site but wasn't sure about it. Have you had any experience with the Omega trigger setup? Curious how well it works.

I have only dry fired an Omega trigger on a P-07. Loved it! I like the fact you can easily and quickly convert it yourself from a decocker to a manual safety for cocked and locked or traditional DA/SA function.

I am on the fence about getting a P-07 or P-02 to compliment my PCR and 75B next.

jmr40 wrote
The CZ's, even the compacts, are best suited as range guns. The Glock would be a much better carry gun.

Maybe to you, but I carry a PCR daily and its no more difficult than a G19, and the new P-07 is polymer and even lighter. I really don't know where you are getting that perspective. :confused:


New member
Get yourself a Ruger SR9c and call it a day. Light weight,accurate,great trigger,great ergo, great price,and made in the USA!!!! What's not to like?


The CZ's, even the compacts, are best suited as range guns. The Glock would be a much better carry gun.

Not if he appreciates a different grip angle or has larger hands or thicker than average fingers it won't be.

Some persist with this myth that the G19 is perfect for everyone when in actuality it is at best a "one size fits some" type of ergonomic design.

On a CZ there are no finger grooves, backstrap hump, weird grip angle, nor any term out there called "CZ knuckle."