
New member
I just ordered a service grade M-1 Springfield through the CMP. Quoted wait time is some place between 120 days to 180 days. Just curious if any one has ordered one lately and what your actual wait time was.

As far as the M-1, I recently joined a new gun club and once I realized they were affiliated with the CMP I jumped on ordering one and am pretty excited. With luck, it might be my deer rifle this year.

Any hints or tips or quirks I should know about them?


New member
I received mine in October after a 103 day wait. would have been even longer, but they contacted me to let me know that they could get a Springfield out faster than the HRA I ordered. I snatched that deal up as I would rather have a Springfield anyways.

A lot of them come smothered in cosmoline, I was fortunate enough to get one that wasn't. It isn't reccomended to shoot modern ammo through them unless it was made for the M1 as it may bend the op rod. As with anything, there are people that claim to have been shooting modern ammo through their's with no problems and that only paranoid people on the internet actually believe that. That being said, you can get an adjustable gas plug for them (keep the original still) pretty cheaply and shoot whatever you want to from them without fear.

I can't actively think of any other quirks about them, but I'm sure someone else will chime in soon.


New member
I received mine in October after a 103 day wait. would have been even longer, but they contacted me to let me know that they could get a Springfield out faster than the HRA I ordered. I snatched that deal up as I would rather have a Springfield anyways.

103 huh? At least it will be warm enough to shoot outside when mine finally shows up.


New member
Indeed, and to clarify, that was 103 days after I had received confirmation from them that my order arrived. I just looked at my email to figure it out, so I'd add another 2 weeks or so for the order to get there and them to process it.


New member
Hell..... It might be cold again before I ever even get to shoot mine. No worries though, the wait will make it that much sweeter.

I'm going to count on the full 120 days. Every day after that and the anticipation is gonna start building.


New member
My brother just got one recently, His name is Melkiper on here if you PM him im sure he can give you detailed info on how long his took. From what I remember it was faster than he expected.


New member
Rogervzv, that's a sweet one. I'm really curious, is there anyone who's gotten one of the sniper variants from them? I wonder if the wait time on those is shorter.


New member
Good thing I only live 5 hours from either store. Man...6 months now?

In hindsight, I could have driven there as well but as my wife might tell you, there is not a gun shortage at this house.

Man that's a nice HRA. How does it shoot?


New member
I live in Alabama.....

But had to order my last one as they had no service grades in the store, even though I could have driven to it. Amazingly, mine showed up after only about 30 days - maybe living near the store speeds it up (Anniston/south store). This was about 3 months ago.



New member
Amazingly, mine showed up after only about 30 days - maybe living near the store speeds it up (Anniston/south store). This was about 3 months ago.

Maybe Christmas slows down their sales a bit?

Anyway, I'll update with any news on mine...


New member
I actually just received my Springfield Armory service grade M1 today. I sent in my order on 11/14 and they received it on 11/18, so almost exactly two months. Christmas of course fell in that timeline so that did in fact slow things down a little, maybe it won't be as long now, but a lot of people have been ordering Springfields.

If you have not already found out, you can go to the CMP forums and look for the M1 Garand category. There's a thread called "New Order Timeline" with about 9000 replies that has people's timeline for their M1 Garand order. It helped me a lot, instead of being in the dark I at least had a general idea of how things were moving along.

Hope that helps! The wait is definitely worth it, especially once you open up that CMP hardcase to reveal a piece of iconic American history.


New member
If you have not already found out, you can go to the CMP forums and look for the M1 Garand category. There's a thread called "New Order Timeline" with about 9000 replies that has people's timeline for their M1 Garand order. It helped me a lot, instead of being in the dark I at least had a general idea of how things were moving along.

I had no idea the CMP forum existed. Thanks for the heads up.


New member
Hmm.....quite possibly....

I had not thought about the Christmas time frame and orders slowing down due to dollars going elswhere.....



New member
+ 1 on the CMP forum. The New Order Timeline thread helps you know where you stand in the order/shipping processing. Mine took pretty much the full three months, but I couldn't have been happier when my 1942 Springfield field grade arrived.


New member

I ordered mine last Jan when The Deceiver revealed himself. It was 60-90 days. Ironically, the bayonet, clips and ammo arrived in 3. I also got my requested WW2 SN( 1/1943). Beauty of a rifle. The stock seemed to have been replaced and it bore a Dymo label rack number, so it looks like the rifle saw some action and ended its career in a ARNG armory in the late 60's/early 70's.

I concur on the ammo. Only use M1 or M2 ammo. I tried using American Eagle 150gr, FMJ rds and slightly bent my op rod, though not enough to be unserviceable. Ironically, American Eagle makes nearly identical ammo specifically for the M1. The box is identical except for a pic of an M1 and the requisite markings.

You can use an aftermkt gas plug, but some gas plugs can't be used in certain CMP matches.

The M1 has a legendary reputation, but it was at the cutting edge of 20's and 30's technology. It was designed for military ammo, of which there was millions after WW1 and millions through WW2 into the 70's.

5 and 2 rd clips can be found for hunting, I think @ Champion's Choice and other competitive shooting suppliers.

I recommend Hatcher's book on the M1. A fascinating read and since you have been bitten by the bug, a must have for your collection.
My only visit to a CMP store was August 31st in Anniston.

When I asked about why no Service Grades had been in the racks for a while,
three Staff told me with One Voice (in unison):
"We are 5,000 Garands behind because of ammo orders". They had about eight Service G. Specials until I began to think.

Remember that late in December the CMP increased M2 Ball from .50 to .60/round.
Maybe this increase will reduce demand from the ammo flippers and allow even shorter delays for M-1 order processing....


New member
More info please.....ffs1942

The stock seemed to have been replaced and it bore a Dymo label rack number, so it looks like the rifle saw some action and ended its career in a ARNG armory in the late 60's/early 70's.

I am just getting into collecting Garands, and am interested in what a Dymo label rack number is, and how you traced where it ended its career - how did you do that? Is there a website or source to trace history of serial #'s? Thanks.
