Cheney shoots hunting partner (multiple threads merged)

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It is all history and Cheney himself does not deny this fact. He seems to be proud of it.

"Cheney was of military age during the Vietnam War but he did not serve in the war. On May 19, 1965, Cheney was classified as 1-A "available for service" by the Selective Service. On October 26, 1965 the Selective Service lifted the constraints on drafting childless married men. However, after his daughter was born, Cheney applied for and received a reclassification of 3-A, gaining him a fifth draft deferment. Asked about his deferments, the future Defense Secretary said he had "other priorities than military service."[1]


Any firearms training that Cheney might have received in the military would have been largely irrelevant to quail hunting safety.


New member
This will surely stir up a stink with every anti-whatever groups out there. It's a shame though, as I can about imagine how it happened. I just hope neither one loses the faith.
Mr Chenney,.... please pay attention next time.
Mr Whittington,.... next time,DUCK.


New member
Good dodge on the present point. However, I did get a chance to shoot skeet while on R&R in Japan in 1966. BTW, I had "other priorities" also but that didn't work for me. ;) I always find it interesting that these people can run a war but never fight in one. Anyway, at least he did not blow his shooting buddy in the head off.

model 25

New member
Comment by the brady bunch

To: National Desk

Contact: Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 202-289-5792

WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- James and Sarah Brady made comments today related to Vice President Cheney's reportedly accidental shooting yesterday in Texas.

"Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him," said Jim Brady. "I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog - and I thought he was an idiot."

"I've thought Cheney was scary for a long time," Sarah Brady said. "Now I know I was right to be nervous."
This story is a Non-Starter, as anyone who has ever hunted Quail can tell you.
Partners also snag partners with fish hooks. It's wrong; but it happens.


New member
Rich, I'm not a quail hunter, so I guess I will have to just take your word for it. Is it really that common for quail hunters to shoot each other? I would think that some precautions would be necessary if it were.


Moderator Emeritus
The Brady Bunch Chimes in...

... and their compassion is overwhelming. :rolleyes: :barf:
James and Sarah Brady Comment on the Vice President's Hunting Mishap

2/12/2006 5:40:00 PM

To: National Desk

Contact: Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, 202-289-5792

WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- James and Sarah Brady made comments today related to Vice President Cheney's reportedly accidental shooting yesterday in Texas.

"Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him," said Jim Brady. "I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog - and I thought he was an idiot."

"I've thought Cheney was scary for a long time," Sarah Brady said. "Now I know I was right to be nervous."

Harley Quinn

James and Sarah are scary

I have an idea the receiver of the shot was in the wrong location and it
will turn out not to be the VP's fault.

To think that James and Sarah would say something like that, now that is scary.

Idiot's are in places where they should not be when hunting.
It happens less when you are using dog's.
They will keep you from walking to close and into the line of sight.
When you swing the shotgun you will not be at the 30 degee line, that is the dangerous location.

They are lucky he was shooting a 28 gauge, not a 20 or a 12 gauge.



New member
NPR (National propaganda Radio) reported on the incident saying Whittington was hit by buck shot, them quail must be tuff in Texas.


New member
Not sure how it is Cheney's fault:
Whittington “came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn’t signal them or indicate to them or announce himself,” Armstrong said.
Whittington knew where Cheney was and should have signalled his position if he was the one moving about the field.

Of course it is much more fun to blame the VP especially if you are a neutered gun-phobic numbnuts.

Now this old broad, Katharine Armstrong, sounds like a real pistol:
The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by God, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good.



Larry C.

New member
This isn't funny


With our priceless 2nd Amendement under continuous attack, this incident with Vice-President Cheney doesn't help. No, the V.P shouldn't curtail his hunting activities, but for the love of Pete, he's been on the COVER of the NRA's magazine! Ugh!
Just watch, Vice-President Cheney and hunters in general will be the butt of water cooler jokes until (God forbid) something really bad comes along in the news! I'm not amused.

Larry C.


New member
"Any firearms training that Cheney might have received in the military would have been largely irrelevant to quail hunting safety."

Not true, it would have taught him to use a follow up shot to kill the lawyer he was shooting.


New member
Boy, that is sure the truth about wearing Blaze orange in South Texas when quail hunting. The chances are about 99 percent the guy he peppered was not wearing blaze orange.

It says in the article that they were all wearing blaze orange. And what happened to being ultimatly responsible for your rounds no matter what? We make such a big deal about "over penetration" and missed rounds in a shootout, maybe we should just say "hey, people get "peppered pretty good" in these situations. It just happens."

Sorry, but I just don't buy the "quail hunters shoot each other" thing. Yes, accidents do happen, but that is not an excuse for them happening.

"It broke the skin," she said of the shotgun pellets. "It knocked him silly. But he was fine. He was talking. His eyes were open. It didn't get in his eyes or anything like that.

Yeah, well I saw a guy who had a 2" pipe go in the front of his chest and come out his back, and his eyes were open and he was talking too. Heck, he was even walking! Guess he was just fine. No need to be "cautious."

"Fortunately, the vice president has got a lot of medical people around him and so they were right there and probably more cautious than we would have been," she said. "The vice president has got an ambulance on call, so the ambulance came."

Don't think I'd want to hunt there if they don't get concerned when someone is shot.

I just find this all very sad!


New member
A hunting we will go...

Hopefully, the VP will ask Teddy Kennedy & Diane Finestein to go hunting real soon....;)

Is it really that common for quail hunters to shoot each other?
If I used the word "common" then I'm mistaken. It happens. It's not unusual; not acceptable. But it happens.

I have an idea the receiver of the shot was in the wrong location and it will turn out not to be the VP's fault.
Untrue, Harley. Cheney pulled the trigger; Cheney had responsibility for his muzzle, target and what lay behind it. Call it an ND, because that's what it was. But it's also inherent in Quail Hunting. Never acceptable; but it's hardly the stuff of national news stories.


New member
Happens when dove hunting also...
The thing I don't under stand maybe I read it wrong but it said he was 30 yards away. I've been peppered at about that distance before it sting's like hell but doesn't break the skin normally and he was using a 28 gauge, I think this story is a little "Blown UP by the Media", the guy probally hit the dirt from the sting and maybe got a pellet or 2 to break the skin, I don't think he was blown over by #8's at 30 yards from a 28 gauge.

Also I'm not saying that it is OK or acceptable, I'm just saying it is a bigger risk when Dove or Quail or Pheasent hunting for that matter, I do happen to know alot of ppl that have been peppered by others while bird hunting, I have nvr peppered anyone before but I have shot close enough to someone in a swing to make there ears ring and i've had that done to me a few times also...
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