Cheaper Than Dirt - Pleasant Surprise


New member
Even if their personal sacrifice is minimal by stating this, if they actually encourage other companies to come out against government contracts for places that infringe upon the second amendment, it is a very good thing. Perhaps it is far fetched, but other companies may see this as being a good marketing ploy as well. Even if it is just a sales strategy, the enemy of my enemy is my friend...for now.

Navy joe

New member
Now THAT one is worthy of some Kudos.

Right up there with a lady of the night donating proceeds to the local convent. I'm glad SAF has the cash. Too bad it came from selling stuff at 2-6X market value. People have an awfully short memory. I personally have never bought from them, never will. I was still a newby shooter and could tell by one magazine ad that they were hucksters.


New member
While I generally do not buy from CTD due to their prices, particularly during panic buying periods, I am constantly amazed by posters such as the previous one who seem to feel that merchants should set prices according to what he thinks reasonable.

The simple answer is, if the market did not support those high prices, then the seller could not charge them.

Blame stupid buyers. If I could sell something for an enormous profit, I would - and I would bet money that so would most of the people who complain about CTD and other merchants.


New member
Gotta agree with you there Mike.


Right up there with a lady of the night donating proceeds to the local convent.

Thanks for proving my point... social conscience from people at the bottom looking up is worthy of some kudos.


New member
Without meaning to start an off-topic, religious thread.... isn't it ironic that people who claim to follow a certain figure seem to forget that their guide chose not to spend time with prominent citizens, but instead with lepers, outcasts, and a prostitute?

There may be more virtue in those of low status, than in those of higher status who cast aspersions at those perceived as socially inferior. Similarly, superior and snide can be funny, but don't necessarily speak well for those who manifest such.

End of rant.


New member
Remember what? That they charged what the market will bear? If you don't like it, don't buy it. Thats free enterprise.

I'm mostly on your side. I'm not sure why people think CTD should have sold out of 30 round PMags in 6 hours for half of what some LGS marked theirs up to out of some money losing principle.

On the flip side, I'm not impressed with their take a stand statement. It holds about as much weight and as much water as me saying I refuse to be drafted by the Army of the People's Republic of China.

And on the third hand :D I am impressed at their donation to the SAF.

They aren't cheaper than dirt, when you tack on 6 different shipping charges from four different warehouses, it's not a savings over a LGS or Midway etc. But I'm not going to shake my tallywhacker at them in protest or anything.


New member
Another less than impressive email from Cheaper Than Dirt.

Tells you about them partnering up for a NRA membership drive and added benefits, of $5 to $700. only problem is, they're implying they're contributing to this somehow and providing benefits from them. The only thing I see is the same $300 lifetime memberhship discussed on twitter, Vortex, Glock talk, and oodles of other places that show up on a Google search.


New member
Remember what? That they charged what the market will bear? If you don't like it, don't buy it. Thats free enterprise.
While I 100% agree with this, I do have a problem with the "dont ship to states where we might/may have a problem" policy they invoked/cancelled when it didn't work well for them.
Turncoats can turn a coat more than once because the first is always the hardest.
I like how more people in this thread seem to notice these gestures are empty b/c it is CTD. Bring it up in relation to all the other companies who probably make minimal sales to law enforcement and everyone gets butt-hurt.

I have made a few orders from CTD in the past. One was delivered without complications. I could care less if they have proven themselves capable of "separating a fool from his money." I do the same every chance I get. My bet is most of you do also.


New member
Actually I've said the same thing about the others. The only one I said "Wow" to was Wilson Combat that actually mentioned cancelling a govt. contract. I'll say "wow" again if Beretta, and/or Magpul actually move.
Barett, Wilson Combat, Bravo Company, and who else is actually giving up sales?

Since CTD sells magazines, holsters, and other accessories, I wouldn't be surprised if a few small departments are buying from them.


New member
MAGPUL is threatening (and preparing) to move their entire operation from Colorado, if the current gun control bills pass. That's pricey.

LWRC is threatening, just like Beretta is, to move from Maryland.

Willie Sutton

Mkidway just donated a $million to the NRA-ILA, on top of the "round up" funds of over a $mil this year donated to NRA-ILA.

CTD "refuses to sell now to customers they never sold to before".

Color me a supporter of Midway.

Color me.... unimpressed with CTD.


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New member summarize...

Folks are mad that a company makes money following the basic principles of capitalism.
Folks are mad that the same company is spending some of that money to protect both your rights and their own.
Folks are also mad that the same company that they're not forced to buy from is now taking a stand to protect your rights and their own.
Folks are mad that this company is doing so publicly in a way that will be sure to get some amount of press coverage and could garner the very sort of attention most needed to protect your rights and their own.


What sort of behavior needs boycotting now?

The starving (in this case gun owners) need friends with food (in this case sympathetic and supportive vocal public backers). Keep it up folks. Our 2A rights will keep slipping away before our eyes. In-fighting is the surest tool of our opposition.