Cheaper Than Dirt - Pleasant Surprise


New member
CTD takes its share of bad-mouthing here, and with some of their pricing policies in 2008/2009 and 2012/2013 they earned that, but I opened my email today to find a very pleasant surprise.

Cheaper Than Dirt Supports Citizens'
2nd Amendment Rights

Recently companies such as LaRue Tactical and Olympic Arms announced they will no longer sell prohibited items to government agencies and personnel in states denying civilians to own those same items. It has been and will continue to be Cheaper Than Dirt's policy not to sell prohibited items to government agencies and agents in states, counties, cities and municipalities that have enacted restrictive gun control laws against their citizens. We support and encourage other companies that share in this sentiment.

This is pretty cool on their part.


New member
good for them to take a stand

I applaud them for taking a stand but as long as there is panic buying and their shelves remain empty, it doesn't hurt them at all.

I will wait and see if they continue this ban after the panic is over and ammo is sitting on their shelf before it is more than an empty campaign.

Credibility is hard to establish, easy to loose and takes time to regain.


New member
Do you really think the State of New York buys ammo from CTD? I never had to answer a question from them that I was LEO- Not that I'm in NYS.

The fact that they won't ship anything to anyone in New York(or where ever) isn't really the same as saying we won't deal with the government agencies, but will continue to service the average Joe.

None of this really is either here nor there on the anouncement. And I wasn't shopping years ago when CTD may or may not have been price gouging, so I'm not pre-disposed. I just don't like self-back-patting that makes my skin crawl, and that set off my warning alarms.
While I will most likely never give them my business again, credit must be given where credit is due.

As Jim stated the likeliness NYS has even done business with CTD is nil, the point of the matter is they've established their intent. I'll take it for what it's worth. Having public knowledge of a business refusing to aid in prohibitive governments can, in fact, create a snowball effect. The case of CTD mentioning other businesses doing the same gives anecdotal evidence of that. I hope the momentum picks up.


New member
I call BS I don't believe for one second that CTD would turn down a huge order from a government agency that restricts civilians rights, but you beleive what you want....:eek:
While I will most likely never give them my business again, credit must be given where credit is due.
But what if it's an empty gesture, as Jim pointed out? If they're not filling government contracts already (and I doubt they are), then they lose nothing by doing this.

This isn't a risk or a sacrifice for them. Magpul leaving Colorado is a sacrifice; this is a Facebook missive.

And this isn't the first time they've gotten creative with pricing to capitalize on a tragedy. They did it after Virginia Tech as well.
Granted, their word doesn't carry much weight. But that's only to those that follow the news of CTD. A select few friends of mine knew what CTD has been pulling these past few years.

My point is the general public will see X, Y, and Z companies are making a sacrifice whether genuine or not, and it could help influence other companies to follow suit. If their "due credit" is given and word is spread they voiced their sacrifice, people could hold them accountable if they renege.

IOW, "CTD, you're making a sacrifice? Great! Happy for you. But if you waver, I....will...remember!"

Willie Sutton

CTD knows that many of us just think that they are opportunistic bottom feeders (which they are). So they are tossing a sop... but it means zero. They will sell to any private individual, and they likely have a total annual NY Govt. Contract revenue of zero. They would not be competative with ammo or anything else NY buys. This is just weasel-words from pond scum. In my considered opinon, naturally... :rolleyes:




New member
?..they likely have a total annual NY Govt. Contract revenue of zero. [...] This is just weasel-words from pond scum.

Yes, but they're our crazy uncle in the attic pond scum, and family is family. So I'll give them kudos where due.

But I'm still not going to buy anything.


New member
CTD are gougers, I can't believe anyone shops with them anymore.
They turn tail every time there is a bit of trouble, & this latest email campaign is damage control, nothing more.
If they wanted to stand by us they could have...
CTD also donated $100,000 to the Second Amendment Foundation. I don't shop there myself because I feel I can get better products cheaper elsewhere; but it is nice to see them put their money where their mouth is.


New member
I don't think it was an empty gesture, as much as taking credit where credit may not be due. If they refuse to deal with the entire state of NY because of NY laws, that's not refusing to deal with a government passing laws they don't agree with.. that's refusing to do business in a state they don't want to pay a lawyer for. I suppose the easiest way would be for someone to pretend to be a NY state trooper long enough to go through the checkout process but not actually finish the checkout process, to see if they every ask, and deny you.


New member
Sure, now that the political wind seems to have shifted somewhat in our favor CTD now switches to our side. Talk about a fair weather friend. Besides, seems to me that CTD is still price gouging during this time.

If they will switch sides once they will do it again.


New member
I expect a fair number of agencies use/used CTD, Midway, or purchased weapons from manufacturers such as Olympic and a few years ago Barrett in California.

While boycotts have a poor track record, there are instances where they achieve at least a partial victory. This may be one.

We will see if any of the lunacy is reversed.