Castle Doctrine Used on Drunk Fla. Man

The Colorado case is still shocking to me. This guy was with it enough to recognize that the house had the same number as him but wasn't able to distinguish that it wasn't his house. He somehow then didn't realize that there was a German Shepard that wasn't his barking at him from inside "his" house. I'm not sure how much more the homeowners in this situation could do. They called 911 right away. They have a dog that was going crazy, they seem to be yelling. The guy breaks the window and begins to unlock the door before the homeowner shoots. The only other thing they could do was wait until he actually got into the house before shooting. I don't think I could wait that long either. It was a fight or flight situation caused by a drunk guy, and that guy unfortunately made a fatal mistake.


New member
If Iwas drunk,and I tried breaking in the back door of someone else's home,and If I was shot and killed,I would wake up dead and say" Dang I went and got Myself killed.
My apologies to the folks I bothered.I had it coming.

I never want to be shot at or shoot anybody.I'm not Rambo.

Regardless of our speculation,generally,if a person shoots another person and there is any doubt,the DA charges the shooter.In the Co incident,no charges were filed.That speaks.

Sometimes,not shooting gets you and your family killed.That door breaking thing is important.He wasn't just whizzing on the rhubarb.

This is no different than a drunk driver hitting a bridge and getting killed or a drunk pilot crashing the plane.The only difference is the poor couple who had to experience the intrusion and shooting.I wish them peace


New member
this guy used being drunk as his excuse also... he was only 21, I don't think Katie (the corey's daughter) was very forgiving of that excuse.

drunks do stupid crap I see it every day. people die because they are drinking, and do something stupid.... why don't we show the drunks that fall off the balcony and land on their heads, or the drunks that walk out in front of vehicles on the street and kill themselves, or the drunks that ride around in the back of pickup trucks, fall out and die. should we outlaw balcony's pickups, or streets? should we change the laws to say that you can drink, but not walk down the street, ride in pickups, or walk on anything over one story tall? hell we should outlaw swimming pools as well.

someone kicks the door open on the front of my house I'm gonna do my best to put two in the chest and one in the head.

On a side note, had a cop who jumped my fence walked the acre between my fence and my house at 11pm to tell me my mail box was one of the couple on my street to be hit with a mail box. I think he was VERY receptive to the lesson when he saw me standing behind him with the .357 in hand. we had a discussion about leaving his lights on the car on, when breaking onto someones property, and not sneaking about at 11pm to tell us our mailbox had been damaged. he said the only reason he did it was because he saw the lights in the house on still... He was less than pleased with me. I guess what I'm trying to say it situation always dictates response.
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