can't decide: glock or HK

HK or Glock

  • HK USP .45

    Votes: 86 71.1%
  • Glock 30

    Votes: 35 28.9%

  • Total voters

greg c

New member

Versatility, versatility, versatility.

You want cocked and locked, you got it.

You want DA/SA, you got it.

You want DAO, you can do it with a drop in part.

Reliability is a moot point between the two.

Shootability is based upon your experience.

But if the above two are equal, the versatility is the key.



New member
H&K according to your criteria.....

I'm 56 and have shot literally hundreds of different handguns. I've shot two different H&K .45's - both of them just blew me away with their accuracy, ease of recoil, and ergonomics. A range mate let me shoot just a clip from his own H&K .45 and at 10 yards, after emptying the clip, I had one ragged hole about 1" in diameter. Mind you, this is simply picking the pistol up cold and shooting it in SA. The gun makes even an idiot like me a much better shooter than I really am.

My son also owns an H&K .40 cal USP compact; same story: amazing results. Simply superior handling, sight alignment, trigger pull, and reliability.

Go with the H&K; you'll have a gun for the ages.........


New member

(I can't see how Glock/USP partisans get all weak in the knees over one chunk of injection-molded polymer and denounce the other as junk... )

Looking back through the thread, it appears no one has taken the stance that one or the other is junk. Clearly people have preferences. I think they've stated them pretty clearly.



New member
I have a Tactical. Love the trigger, the recoil, the gun. I have a Glock 21, also love the gun!...same reasons. I favor the Tactical, but do not like th trigger on the standard full frame USP 45.


New member
Voice of dissent

I always like being a wild card and an under-dog.....

I have to cast my vote for the Glock 30. Yes, I *finally* just bought one. After 18 months of comparing, searching, doing homework, reading reviews, etc...the Glock 30 was recently added to my inventory. Why, you ask?

1. It is just a simple machine. Under stress, simpler is always better. The trigger on my G30 is very nice...kinda like shooting single action. Very simple...point and squeeze. Also, it is very low maintenance and easy to care for. I liked that alot.

2. Sweet baby Jesus is this gun a shooter! My G30 is more accurate than it has any right to be. I can make better shots at longer distances with this gun than I can with either my cop friends G22, my dad's S&W 6906, or another friend's Ruger P95. It is just simply an accurate gun. Case closed.

3. Customer Service! Not that you will necessarily ever need it with either gun, but Glock's Customer Service is far and away better than H&K's. Though I have no personal experience, from all I have heard or read: Glock is easier to get in touch with, they are generally more agreeable, and they are easier to get results from. Like I said, you will probably never need it, but it is nice to know that they are there for you (even if you are NOT L.E or military).

Yes, the Glock is a little less expensive, but I like mine a lot. Your mileage may vary


Futo Inu

New member
For home defense

not concealed carry, I would get the USP - Expert model - supposedly, the design of the Expert with it's longer bbl makes it incredibly accurate - some say under 2" at 50 yards from a ransom rest!


New member
I'm sorry, it's the full size HK USP. Tried the compact, but didn't like the grip as much. Strange how the glock 30's grip was fine though huh?
But have you also tried the FULL-SIZE Glock 21?

Having bought a unsatisfactory H & K USP 45F back in '95, I cannot in good conscious recommend the USP.:barf:

MY new HK motto : "In a world of compromise we do!"

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
That full sized HK USP is a large handgun. I've been at the range with a buddy that has a couple of them... we'll be shooting and I'll give an HK a few shots. Each time I go from 1911 to that USP I always think "Man, this is a HUGE pistol!"


New member
They're both good guns. Practically speaking, I'd pick them both up individually, close my eyes and point it at a spot on the wall, then open my eyes. Then buy the one whose sights are closer to being on target.

Non-practially, do you know what kills Glocks for me? The magazine release.

Here we have a fine gun with a glorified paperclip sticking out of the side of the gun. It looks like something was accidentally jammed into the gun. I actually cringe whenever I see that thing. Germans would never do that.

Compare the two for yourself.



"***do you know what kills Glocks for me? The magazine release."

Actually, that's like the pot calling the kettle, well ... you know. :)

The Glock's mag release button is traditionally located and sized. For reasons that still elude me, HK has opted for some funky Euro nouveau-tech set-up, which appears to be a design difference simply to be different, rather than any kind of functional improvement over the traditional design. (BTW, this isn't limited to HKs, as the P-99's mag release also departs from the standard type).

Possibly this is a design concession to the Commando-imagery a high priced polymer Euro-pistol is expected to exude. No doubt a traditional mag release, ala the more pedestrian Glock or Smith, is somehow inconsistent with the elite niche the glossy PR pics suggest is the intended market. :D
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