Can you carry at work

Carry at work

  • No where on property

    Votes: 81 47.6%
  • car/truck only

    Votes: 35 20.6%
  • Anywhere on property

    Votes: 43 25.3%
  • Required to carry

    Votes: 11 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
No firearms allowed on company property, in company vehicles, in personal vehicles, or while traveling on company business. So they can send me to Atlanta, for example, and I cannot carry to, from, or there while I'm on or off work.

According to the policy, this holds true despite any state law, like ours which specifically protects employees who have guns in their cars at work.

A co-worker was robbed at gun point a few years ago. He mentioned that he wished he was armed, but that it was probably against company policy. I informed him it was against company policy. He lamented that he would have been fired for defending himself. I followed it up with, "I'm with ya'... I'd rather die than lose my job here."

He didn't get the sarcasm. :rolleyes:


New member
I can carry just as long as I keep it on my person at all times (no coat pocket, bag, etc.) and keep it inconspicuous (ie concealed!) at all times. We have to notify our supervisor that we may be carrying but otherwise just be quiet about it. I think it freaks my supervisor out a bit and I'm sure it would bother quite a few others in a rather large office building knowing I was carrying so I keep it secret. I don't think a week goes buy without some discussion regarding gun control with co-workers and I just put in my two-bits and never let on that I'm carrying a gun a few feet from them.
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New member
I work for my local Public School System, therefore, no guns allowed. I can't even have it locked in my car on school property. Makes having a CCW a pain to really only be able to carry on the weekends.


New member
The official company policy is no weapons on the premises. I have a CCW and I have my own personal policy of "Don't ask - dont' tell". I could probably get another job but I can't get another life.


New member

Not in the building where I work per USC 18 Part1, Chapter 44 § 930.

Not technically illegal on the facility itself but only because the Commander hasn't bothered to issue a rule.

He doesn't want it, so it's effectively illegal.

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New member
Post Office.... No Carry Zone Period

I retired from the US Post Office in January. No guns allowed in buildings or parking lot. Get caught and the career is over.

It was in a Bad Part of town, sort where you could recognize the names of resturants or business places by their names as having been robbed. There were streets where thugs had done drive by shootings. They'd get high, turn on a DVD Camera and shoot or rob the next "MF" they saw.

So for 14 years I sucked it up and drove to and from work without a weapon in the car. I worked shift work so, if I needed to go out to pickup something after work, I'd come home and get a weapon before going out.


New member
I can't carry anywhere living here in the people republic. I'm trying to talk my father (I work in a famly business) to deal me in for 1% so that I cna be considered an owner and then I could carry on company property.

Or at least thats the plan. for all I know there's probably a law that says you need to be a majority owner:mad:



In Jan 2012, I was let go from a full time position because I wanted to carry my M&P 9x19mm with me. :mad:
I'd several documented threats(death threats) & was dealing with events that included weapons/firearms on the property.
The co-owner/mgr was risk-adverse & didnt want any company employees to carry firearms due to; "legal reasons" & civil liability.

He & the other owner just wanted to avoid the lawsuits or legal issues that may come up from a line of duty shooting incident.
I didnt agree with their views but I did get state U/C, :D.
It's sad to see US business owners or small business owners more concerned about lawsuits or insurance than the safety & welfare of their own employees.

In today's world, you can get hurt or shot or killed in the workplace BUT heaven forbid to carry any weapons to protect you. :rolleyes:



New member
My Employee handbook states that CCW is not permitted in the offices and the state does not allow unattended storage in the vehicle.

Basically, I'm not allowed to carry when going to work.


New member
Don't ask,don't tell.It's never been mentioned but what's in my pocket is my bussiness.My wife is allowed to but does.


New member
Required to :D I laugh too because they make us go through a "active shooter" course that is designed for office workers and other people without guns not LEO's... yet we still have to go through it.


New member
Guess I'm amongst the lucky ones. My boss knows I have a CHL, so he is okay with me carrying anywhere in the office or the shop. They know my stance on 2nd amendment and they fully support it.
I think he sees is as a benefit too. We are a finance company and we finance car repairs as well as car sales. We get in anywhere from 2k to 7k cash daily. Given our offices are small and some customers are a little shady it is comforting to know we are not completely exposed.