Can you carry at work

Carry at work

  • No where on property

    Votes: 81 47.6%
  • car/truck only

    Votes: 35 20.6%
  • Anywhere on property

    Votes: 43 25.3%
  • Required to carry

    Votes: 11 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member

I was wondering how many people here work for companies that do not allow weapons on the property. I realize some may carry anyway, but for poll purposes, I am interested in what the policy is


New member
I voted for nowhere on the property, I went back for more schoolin' and no carry on campus property. So it's kinda like work right? :D


New member
Can conceal carry in the parking lot/vehicle only while off duty....required to open carry while on duty though so it works out. :)


New member
Living in IL I can't legally carry anywhere, but working in health care also prohibits me from carrying. In every health care setting that I know the company prohibits the carrying of weapons, in some cases, even of LEO's. The thought seems to be that the presence of a weapon could cause an unstable patient to sieze it and create mayhem. So only visitors or those intent on mayhem can carry a gun into the building! What idiocy. A woman who worked for me was once threatened by a family member, because of the death of his elderly mother. He blamed the death of this 99 year old woman on the Administrator of the facility. She asked me if she could bring a handgun to work, just in case. I reminded her of the company rule, but then told her only she could decide how much weight to give to the threat and whether or not it was reasonable to follow the rules. Fortunately nothing ever happened, but that was not due to any company policy.


New member
I'm retired but I'm a retired LE officer, nuff said.

But this post reminds me of a sign posted in a industural parts store in town.



New member
My employer would probably prefer if I didn't have one in the parking lot, but it's Florida so there's nothing they can do about it (fortunately).


New member
I can't carry at work, but IN does have a state law preventing employers from prohibiting guns in employees' vehicles.


"Well trained" guards no doubt. Upon retirement I took a job driving limousines and was told that the company did not "allow" weapons in their vehicles. After seeing some of the areas I was expected to drive through at night in Indianapolis I decided that my life was more important than ANY company policy. Do what you have to do and trust your "gut" feelings. It's your life, not theirs.


New member
I think there is a rule that says employee's can't have a weapon even in their automobile, but everyone there knows I do. I've sure never made any attempt to keep it a secret. They don't seem to give a hoot.


New member
For me its in my car/truck only. I haul mail and am in and out of post offices, so its a huge nono for me to even have one in the truck I drive. If I'm carrying it stays in my personal vehicle when I get to my boss' place.


New member
Since I make handgun storage systems and I own the shop, the answer is yes. Sometimes local customers will call me and stop by the shop to see what I have in stock. They pull out their carry weapon and test fit it the racks, sometimes they'll even bring 3 or 4 handguns to test fit. I encourage it, a side benefit of it is that I also get to see and handle a good variety of different handguns here. I enjoy talking with some of them about their collections and carry guns and such. Sometimes I get some really good information from them and get to pass it along.


New member
We have no formal policy,My boss knows I have a permit and compete in uspsa and IDPA he never ask's if Im carring and I dont tell.
As long as no clients bust me or complain Im good to go.
8 years and no problem so far.


New member
I work on a NASA site. No firearms or ammo permitted by federal law. Random car searches as you enter and leave.


I'm self employed, so yes. But when I worked for the other guy the official policy was not at all. I was the resident gun guy at the shop and talked guns freely at the tech table. I had a lot of respect as a good man and gun owner so the one day that I took the truck in to the truck maintenance center for an oil change, I forgot to grab my pistol out of the truck and the oil guys found it and called my shop to rat on me.

The owner of my shop called me and let me know that I had left my gun in the truck, and gave me quite a bit of ribbing for doing so. He never once made a negative out of it, but did ask me to not let the other yahoos in the shop know that I carried because then they would want to also and that could create problems.

It's all how you carry yourself (in my industry at least, HVAC) in my experience. When you walk with honor and a gentle disposition, people react to that more than the written rules. YMMV in your industry.