Can anyone tell me why it is so hard to find a Sig Sauer?


New member
RC20 the title reads can anyone tell why it is so hard to find a sig sauer. And then the first post goes into which one I am having a hard time to find.


New member
Well I just called my LGS that I started dealing with and he ordered the sig P220 super match for me yesterday. He was told by them that he sould have it sometime in Feb. Let see how long Ill have to wait.... And he quoted me a great price too.


New member
I don't know if availability is the same for all models, but a buddy of mine walked into our LGS last week and walked out with a 250C. The label on the box says it was manufactured in 2009, so it had probably been on a shelf for a while, too.


New member
Yes diffrent models have diffrent availablty. For the last 3 weeks I have been trying to fine one or even get a quote for a price on one and due to everyone being or getting ready for the sure shot show in vagas no one new anything...


New member
Well I just spoke to someone at Sig about this pistol. They are still in production but they are moving the frame production to the USA because they were not happy with the frames produced in Germany. So now its just a waiting game because they have over 400 orders for this pistol.


New member
Lol I'm going to guess I was looking at it after you sold it. But that's OK cause they are still making the pistol so I'm in no hurry now.


New member
Well its been almost a year and I am still waiting for this pistol to get delivered to my local deal. No signs of it not even from sig...

Anyone know why?


New member
Sig is all about moving the metal these days. They are going to build only a few of these a year. It is the Sig equivalent to purchasing a 1911 from Heirloom Precision. They do not complete that many guns a year.

You are not looking at a run of the mill off the basic assembly line Sig. Be patient I have waited over a year for a custom built 1911 this really is not any different.

Uncle Malice

New member
All of the custom Sig models are made in small batches about once a year.

I waited 10 months for my P229 Stainless Elite, and that was back in 2010 before the shenanigans.

It was actually a nice surprise. Get it paid off and forget about it. By the time the sting from the payment is gone and it shows up, it'll be like a wonderful present. :)


New member
Vwsig I have been waiting for almost a year so I'm patient my only problem is in NJ the purchase permit is only good for 6 months and I pulled one for this pistol 6 months ago. So the only good thing that has come out of this is I used it for a sig 1911 stx yesterday just before the permit expired. I always wanted a 1911 but I wanted the super match

The last time I talk to someone at Sig hr told me they had over 400 on order and they would have to start filling the orders. But they are still no where to be found...

So now I put in for a new permit which my town said it will take 5 months to get. My luck the pistol will show up next month and I won't have the permit for 4 more months... So you see where I'm going with this? Lol
But thanks for your support.


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tynman I can understand the frustration withe the NJ permit thing. It complicates things like this. Just because 400 are "on order" does not mean 400 will be produced. IMHO they won't produce that many before they change the model.... LOL

Hopefully you will get your gun soon!!!! :)


New member
The permit thing makes this very hard. I now have to hope my permit comes in and then with in the next 180 days the p220 comes in. But now if I have to wait the 5 months that my town is saying it will take to get me my permit that would put me June sometime... So hopefully everything lines up. Another hard thing about this no one has a price on it so I cant even pay for it and then just wait for it to come in.....
But Im patient with my fingers crossed....LOL


New member
Well just an update to this, I have spoken to 1 of the 3 LGS I put my order in for the P220 super match and he told me its been over a year but sig has sent him a list of ship dates for his back ordered guns and mine is 2/28/14. So with that I have some hope that I may get it by July if Im lucky....
But I do have hope...


New member
I predict they will gradually phase out the specialized 220's and start ramping up on specialized 227's.


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I have an update. I bought a like new used p220 super match. My FFL dealer has it already in NJ and I have seen it and checked it out and it looks like new. Now Im still waiting for my permit from the town that I submitted it on 1/7/14 for this pistol.... So I may have it home and to the range by Sept...