Bush is sunk...no second term


New member
John, I don't have a link, but I did some reading recently (few weeks ago) about Chirac's long friendly history with Saddam. Remember that Iraqui reactor that Israel bombed about 20 (?) years ago? The French built it and Chirac was the main mover behind that. The French are up to their wallets in complicity with Saddam.

You didn't think all that posturing was a matter of principle, did you? ;)


New member
Real Gun said:
Selfdfenz said:
BTW I think the story is joke - Selfdfenz

Then how do you explain the title of this thread, unsupported by the actual story? The thread title sends a message and should appropriately represent the topic. It should also be factual or reasonably supported. Fortunately few if any bought into it, but the message title stands alone on the thread list. Nice move.

Real! Relax! Self is one of the good guys! He was joking! Some of us got it. You missed it. It happens.


New member
JohnK, I just did a quick search for "Iraq debt" and came up with an article from USA today, as well as other stories. Here's a paragraph from the USA Today article:

"Much of Iraq's debt is held by Saudi Arabia, Russia, France and Germany, all of which provided little or no aid to Iraq at an international donors conference in Madrid in October. Iraq owes the United States more than $2 billion, much of it apparently lent to support Iraq's war against Iran, back when the United States and Saddam were allies.

And here's the link to the whole story: http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2003-12-15-iraq-debt-usat_x.htm

The $40 billion figure for our Three Friends still sticks in my head. I'll have to do some more searching to find that source.