Bush is sunk...no second term


New member
Maybe it's because of Iraq, etc and the way Bush pissed off half of the world?
Right. We can't afford to alienate other countries on whom we depend for national security and foreign aid, now can we? :rolleyes:


New member
They know Bush will stand up for our interests, not theirs.

You mean like he's secured our southern border?

Oh yeah, he hasn't, has he?

Sounds like he's already standing up for Mexico's interests. I'm surprised he didn't do better there, considering his amnesty for "workers" plan and all...



New member
Well, the Germans, the French and the Russians don't like Bush because they lost all the money that Hussein's government owed them. Some $40 or so billion, IIRC.

The rest of the world, with the exception of Margaret Thatcher, didn't like Reagan either. The only time another country likes a strong US leader is when some group of thugs start slaughtering other groups of thugs in their country. Then we send in the Marines, they like us for a week or two, then start shooting at the Marines.

If Kerry tries to use this as a campaign issue, it's going to blow up in his face.


New member
some bad stuff about bush is supposed to be leaked to the press tomorrow. the white house is really freaking out right now. i don't want to let it out right now as i don't know who all is watching this board, but if it comes out tomorrow, i will let everyone know what's what. then again, everyone here will probably hear it before i get a chance to.


New member
cookhj wrote:

some bad stuff about bush is supposed to be leaked to the press tomorrow. the white house is really freaking out right now. i don't want to let it out right now as i don't know who all is watching this board, but if it comes out tomorrow, i will let everyone know what's what. then again, everyone here will probably hear it before i get a chance to.

Mmmmmmmkay? :confused:

Any .45

New member
I guess we won't have Bush for another term damn those foreigner's.... They must not like Bush and there vote really counts in....... uhh not here. Seriously now who give a damn what those other countries think, they just have no idea of what Kerry has done as far as our rights. Ignorant I tell ya Ignorant. :D


New member
ok, well since i haven't heard anything on the news yet, i will go ahead and let it out. apparently some investigative reporter is writing a book on how when bush was a young man he paid for a woman that he got pregnant to have an abortion and he dealt drugs in college. the only thing is this woman is supposedly the same reporter who said that nancy and ronald reagan were potheads.


New member
Hey we should all listen to those other countries, I mean why wouldn't they want anything but the best for the U.S.? :barf:

John Marshall

New member
Kitty Kelley, the author of said book is a writer that does not even rise to the level of The National Enquirer standards. Her claimed source for the cocaine story about George Bush, Sharon Bush (George's sister-in-law), denies ever having made the assertion that the President used cocaine at Camp David - the claim that will appear in the book.

This, and the Texas ANG document flap are nothing more than desperate attempts by the DNC to resuscitate the campaign of their 'hero'. If Kelley weren't the author of the book, I would have guessed that both "bombshells" smelled very much like James Carville and Paul Begala, recently added "campaign advisors".


New member
Response #28 in this thread is total BS. It was a plan discussed in the past to spread rumors about Bush on conservative message boards citing just this type of BS story to create a scandal. It never happened and you are gullible to believe it.


New member
i'm just repeating something i heard from someone that works in the republican party. i'm not saying that the author is credible at all, but then again, you have people out there that will believe damn near anything they hear off the news.


New member
That abortion rumor is old news. They tried it back in 2000 (that scumbag Larry Flynt was pushing it). It didn't work then and it's not going to work now.

The White House has nothing to worry about from that fraud or her book.

Real Gun

New member
BTW I think the story is joke - Selfdfenz

Then how do you explain the title of this thread, unsupported by the actual story? The thread title sends a message and should appropriately represent the topic. It should also be factual or reasonably supported. Fortunately few if any bought into it, but the message title stands alone on the thread list. Nice move.


New member

Yea real gun , when i saw the title of this thread it peaked my interest. (" what could this possibly be about" ) I heard about this poll of the foriegn nations " kerri by a landslide " whats the point of it? Its stupid. You do not have to look to deeply at our president to see he is the most sincere that we have had in many years. His intentions and his mind are good firm and strong.
( we dont need a bs`er as a leader , save those guys for the comedy channel on cable TV I say )

IMO :: The only way anyone else would be in the white house for the next 4 years would be if we held a special election in france or something.


New member
Real Gun,

I was being facetious. I don't waste band width when a link will do just as well. Check out the link, it's still live.

You wouldn't have to read too many of my old posts to see that anyone that thinks I give a hoot regarding what people in other countries care about us and the US is confusing me with someone that gives a @#*&.

I may not be the greatest supporter of W this time around and I don't hide the fact he has been "off the reservation" on more than one political point that matters to me but he's gonna win this election.

I still get a laugh out of the fact Yahoo thought the story was news worthy and I thought some here on TFL would also. Looks like I was only partly right.



New member
cookhj, I wasn't accusing you or anything. I was saying that the information was BS, a concocted piece of false news specifically designed to get Bush out of office. Upon rereading it, it sounded somewhat like I was directing that shot directly at you and that's not what I meant to do. My apologies, didn't mean to shoot the messenger.

Real Gun

New member
The morning after

With the sunset of the Clinton Gun Ban (AWB), I am now wondering about those who made Bush's possible role in renewal such a pivotal issue in how they would vote for President. Seems to me that voting "effectively against Kerry" is now an unconditional gun rights vote.

To me, other nagging issues will just have to be dealt with later. There may be some weeds, but the grass is greener on one side of the fence than the other. A President may set a tone and may also draw partisan votes for other candidates but is really only part of the bigger picture.


The funniest thing is the numbers for MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What more do they want, free health care for illegals? Oh wait, we already have that, never mind. And the borders are wide open.


New member
Well, the Germans, the French and the Russians don't like Bush because they lost all the money that Hussein's government owed them. Some $40 or so billion, IIRC.

Now that's an interesting spin on why they refused to help depose Saddam, not surprising either. Do you have a source for it? I think many would like to read that juicy bit.