Bush is sunk...no second term


New member

:) Sorry to say but I just found this cutting edge report on Drudge and when all the undecided voters in the US hear this, Bush is sunk. No way he can be re-elected with so many intellectuals in other countries disapproving.

The funniest thing is the numbers for MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last paragraph.
[BTW I think the story is joke and this poll is an even bigger joke!]


Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Strongest negative views on US foreign policy were held in Germany, with 83 percent of those polled saying "worse" followed by France (81 percent), Mexico (78 percent), China (72 percent), Canada (71 percent), Netherlands ( 71 percent), Spain (67 percent), Brazil (66 percent), Italy (66 percent), Argentina (65 percent) and Britain (64 percent).

Is this when I break down weeping?

Actually, on second thought, instead of breaking down weeping, maybe we should just pull the foreign aid plug.


New member
I am with Hank on this one.
If some also ran country. Some third world country. Or some socialist paradise country is against a candidate, that is reason enough for me to vote for that candidate. Since their viewpoints are direct opposites of mine, it only makes good sense.

Dave R

New member
Lemme 'splain it to all the media types who just don't get it.

The REASON all these countries want Kerry instead of Bush, is because they know they can push Kerry around. Put a little pressure on him--and you can get anything you want from him. He'll say or do whatever it takes to get your approval.

They know Bush will stand up for our interests, not theirs.

I wanna see the numbers for North Korea. I'll bet Kim Jong Il will vote for Kerry!

Or another way to look at it--all these socialist European countries would love to see a socialist USA. Of course they'll choose the socialist candidate!


New member
I would think Kerry would try to suppress this info.
Americans typically don't want to do what the rest of the world does or think the way the rest of the world thinks.
That's why we have the metric system, drive on the right side of the road, and don't play football with round balls.
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New member
I'll have to admit when I started reading it I got pi$$ed off, then that gave way to a chuckle which was inturn was replaced with the question, "When did Theresa start writting Kerry press releases?"
"You know she always tells the truth, and that's why we love her" :) :) :) :) :)

Then something someone I admire said once in jest came to mind.

"We start bombing in 15 minutes" -RR



New member
International poll

Huh! Mexico should be clearly in favor of Bush. After all, he's done nothing to close the border to the south. It's still like a lemming run into the United States. If these people don't like our government can we keep our monetary aid to them? :p


New member
Huh! Mexico should be clearly in favor of Bush. After all, he's done nothing to close the border to the south.
True...but Kerry would set up water and food points along the way and give them all welfare, health care and drivers licenses. Edwards would have government sponsored lawsuits against any doctors who commit malpractice on the illegals... :)


Gosh; more europeans and other foreigners believe that WWF is for real than I thought. Perhaps it is just people who take part in polls.


New member
The REASON all these countries want Kerry instead of Bush, is because they know they can push Kerry around. Put a little pressure on him--and you can get anything you want from him. He'll say or do whatever it takes to get your approval.

HAHAHA, i've never heard someone put forth a statement so full of ****.

Maybe it's because of Iraq, etc and the way Bush pissed off half of the world?