"Bullet Proof" vest doesn't live up to its name.


New member
Dumbest of dumb moves here......

Talk about an idiot! He was fortunate that the shooter was not firing a
5.7x28 at the vest.......


New member
There are an INCREDIBLE number of FAKE 'shooting' videos on youtube. Most are very obviously fake. This one is borderline. Regardless, they are idiots all the same.


New member
Bullet proof in an inherently inaccurate phrase. There is always a bigger and more powerful bullet out there somewhere. In the scientific world, "proof" is an absolute, like "checkmate". If the maker of an over the counter pain reliever claims that "no other pain reliever has been proven more effective" they are both technically telling the truth and saying something totally meaningless. There is no way to "prove" something like that.


New member
Here is a conversation I'm having with one of the posters on youtube about the video...

Z28x: "Fake"

Me: "Ok...but why do you say that? What in the video makes you come to this opinion? "

Z28x: "Getting hit with a bullet would be like getting punched in the chest. His body doesn't move after the bang. He just starts screaming and walks away."

Me: "Well...I can't say that I've seen too many actually shootings. Definitely nothing in person, just war or police footage. I don't remember seeing anyone's body move when they were shot other than in movies or TV. Though these small projectiles have a LOT of energy due to speed, they impact with a very low profile. What causes incapacitation is the internal damage.

I may be wrong...just my opinion. Have you had experiences that would make you think otherwise? "

Z28x: "Watch a video of someone getting shot with a paintball or even BB gun. They flinch. "

What do you think? If he said idiot was shot, should he have moved more?


Trooper Tyree

New member
I'm voting real. Stupid almost beyond comprehension, but real. They looked drunk and stupid enough to try it. Shooting him over the heart really takes the cake though, I was speechless when I saw that.

The wound and blood afterwards appeared to me to simply be the normal trauma you would expect to the tissue after taking a round on a vest. I'd venture the reason it was so isolated and punched an actual "wound" instead of bruising him, is he had the vest directly against his naked skin causing the force to be transmitted directly into him over a very small area, almost like being shot only without the penetration, oh wait that's what happened. :rolleyes: Over the heart at that, moron, jeeze, he's lucky to be alive.

Had he had a shirt or underlayer on under the vest it would have probably dissipated the force over a wider area and had the more typical bruising response.

Just mind boggling. :confused:

Also one or two of the guys did seen genuinely worried for a second or two, and it appeared and sounded like the one grabbed the vest and verified that the bullet was actually in the vest not the kid.

Amazingly stupid stunt though. The trauma from the impact could easily have killed him being located over his heart like that. Heck, if they didn't get him to the hospital after that he may have croaked, there are all sorts of things that could have gotten him from a clot to shock.

grey sky

New member
Silent partner vests

Didn't the maker of silent partner vests market them to police departments by live demonstrations ??
Seems like he was injured demonstrating the effectivnes against a knife and it failed with a second stab hitting the same spot ouch.


New member
Just found this interview of the guy being shot. Sounds like at the time he was attempting to become a police officer. If these videos are fake, they did a great job.



New member
Not just fail, EPIC fail.
And he still doesn't seem to understand just how bad his judgment was (and apparently still is).

At least we all found out BEFORE he became LE.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
At least we all found out BEFORE he became LE.

No kidding. Maybe part of the screening test should be:

"Alright, now you put this on and stand over there, we're going to shoot you..."

anybody who says "Ok" is out.:eek:;)