"Bullet Proof" vest doesn't live up to its name.


New member
I would like to see if he can catch a bullet in his teeth. Now that would impress me. LMAOROF!!!!
Here is mother nature trying to correct her mistakes. ID10T!!!!


New member
This is a prime example of Darwin attempting to do his work.

But, really, bullet proof is an incorrect term. At a close enough range and/or with a faster and/or larger projectile anything will let a bullet through. Some things are quite bullet resistant, but they do have limits.


New member
He didnt look like in a hurry to get to ER

Looks kinda real, but I see the previous posters arguements that it might be fake :eek:

Going back for another look :eek::D


  • rrrs holes.jpg
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New member
I just had a real close look

tried pausing and play and pause etc.... I didnt see the slide move, didnt see any brass fly, didnt see any muzzle flash or any sort of recoil, didnt see the gun dudes trigger finger move, or the target guy flynch or anything..... I think fake for sure 99% anyhow :D:barf:


New member
there was recoil and slide movement a half second before the sound. Could just be a audio sync problem


New member
Yes there was recoil and slide movement,Just dont see brass but probably poor video or lighting contrast.


New member
It was shot on a cell phone, hence the lag. The slide moves and the kid really took one to the chest. I don't know about penetration though. By the way, terrible shot placement, if the vest failed the kid would be toast.


New member
Agreed. Why the hell would you test a kevlar vest first (a) on a live person and (b) why the hell would you shoot him near the heart?

I wonder if he has any fractured ribs.


New member
that has to be the stupidest thing i have ever seen. :eek: what an idiot! that kind of stuff just gives responsible gun owners a bad name


New member
Kchen Why? Because there stupidity and lack of safety went out the window as soon a they trained the idea of the vest test,even before the test.


New member
Youtube has a restriction on the frame rates. The shlow rate my be what is making the brass disappear. However I do agree it looks fake. They turn around right as the guy is undoing the vest so he could have put something there with the camera turned. The jury is out on this one... at least for me. (doesn't change the thtoopiditee fakter though :rolleyes:)


New member
I can't remeber were I saw it but there is a video out there of the genius known as johny knoxville shooting himself in the chest with a revolver, that was apperently how he got on "jackass" It was really rough to watch the moron do it, as I recall in the video he was saying it was the cheapest vest he could buy and even his moron friends knew it was a bad idea which is why he had to shoot himself. even MTV was smart enough not to air that stunt.


New member
I saw a clip a while back of 2 older guys on a boat talking about this "new" body armor (not dragon skin) that would stop steel core 7.62x39 rounds. He then procedes to shoot himself a couple of times in the chest with an AK while wearing the vest. Anyone seen that clip?


New member
I think they should leave this video on the air as it might, just might make some other dumb kid wake up.

I had to wear one of those stupid vests for three years. It is hell in the summer, not bad in the winter, but heavy and uncomfortable all of the time. Best of all it failed every test thrown at it. When all of us on the job complained to the CO and even presented him with a paper showing the results of the test's where the vest failed we still had to wear the dam@ed things:barf:.

The vests were hell on the older men and smokers, and put all of us more in danger of heat stroke than being hit by a bullet. I think I could have worn the vest with more resolve if it actually repelled something other than rain.

Anyway, you can't stop people from doing stupid things. They will find some way to injure themselves whether firearms, 4 wheelers, jet ski's, motorcycles, fast cars, {slow cars}, etc............
Also, I almost forgot IF that vid is real {Ive also seen real gunshot wounds and the one in the vid looks real to me} then what does it say for the 9mm? If the idiot in the vid was a bad guy would it have stopped him?
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New member
mtrain said:
If the idiot in the vid was a bad guy would it have stopped him?
I don't want to get a 9mm vs ??? thread going, but I think the video bodes well for the 9mm. The 9mm did pretty well penetrating all the material of the vest, so it might do well against a normally dressed attacker. I wouldn't think many BGs would be sporting a bullet resistant vest.



New member
If there is independent verification via a story in the local media, I'd believe it to be real.

As it is, the people involved are far too calm after he takes the shot to the chest. It looks to me like something that would be done by some guys who are into video post-production. Most likely students putting together a bit for their demo reel.

There are plenty of software packages out there that allow you to do complex motion tracking and digital compositing and doing effects that appear to be shot on handheld cams in the real world is about the best trick you can pull.

For examples of some of the things that can be accomplished today, go here.
4) Murphy's law never takes a vacation.

I see you are not actually familiar with Murphy's Law. Murphy's Law states
“If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.”

Edward A. Murphy, Jr. was one of McDonnell-Douglas's test engineers on the rocket-sled experiments that were done by the U.S. Air Force in 1949 to test human acceleration tolerances (USAF project MX981). One experiment involved a set of 16 accelerometers mounted to different parts of the subject's body. There were two ways each sensor could be glued to its mount, and somebody methodically installed all 16 in a replacement set the wrong way around.

I believe that more correctly, you would say that Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives never takes a vacation.

Yeah, shock trauma right square over the heart, even without full penetration. Not good.

I am not sure where you took anatomy, but the heart isn't located under the left nipple...where is about where it would have to be for that shot to be "right square over the heart."

We often hold our hands over our "heart" on the left side of the chest when we say the Pledge of Allegiance, but that isn't quite the location of the heart.


New member
The commonly accepted phrasing of Murphey's law is "anything that can go wrong will go wrong". And it never takes a vacation so one should avoid doing stupid things.

Also at 56 seconds there is a visible hole (with blood running down) about 1-1.5 inches to the side of the nipple, by your own image, pretty much exactly where the left ventricle sits on most people.

Though what I can't really figure out is why you want to argue these details.
Being commonly accepted does not make it right. It is sort of like clip/magazine, bullet/cartridge, shooting/gun fight terminology. Why use the wrong terms when you can use the right ones?
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