"Bullet Proof" vest doesn't live up to its name.


New member
I did a search, but couldn't determine if this video had already been posted so please accept my apology if it has already been discussed.

Has anyone seen this video on youtube? Could this possibly be real? If it is a fake, it is a very well done fake.

I don't know what to say. I'm just shocked. :eek: I know there are a lot of people trying to emulate the MTV shock shows, but this went right past crude entertainment to downright criminal behavior. Do you think these guys should be charged, or left to their own demise?



New member
That is because there is no such thing as a bullet proof vest- they are called bullet resistant for a reason. There are quite a few things that are stupid there. I bet the rocket scientist that allowed himself to be shot lived, but - WOW.

I am a medic. I have treated many GSWs. That looked real to me.


New member
It may very well be real. I tested a German flak vest from the 80s against 9mm 115gr ball, 12ga 12 pellet 00 buck, and .22lr plated HP (I put the vest on a tree stump). Stopped them all. The pistols were shot from about six feet away, and the shotgun from about seven yards. The 9mm made a very small but deep indentation into the vest, tearing the inner lining, but not making it out of the kevlar. I would guess a very similar "puncture" looking wound would have been produced. The 9mm and 12ga scraped bark off the tree (though the projectiles were caught), so I would guess they would have caused moderate or severe internal injuries anyway. Certainly would have hurt A LOT. The .22lr was fired from a pistol, and didn't make any indentation on the back of the kevlar. The whole thing I've always heard about .22lr being an armor puncher are total BS if a $50 flak vest can defeat it.

I'm not sure what these morons could be charged with, since all were willing participants. Reckless endangerment, possibly possession (they sound sorta wasted), or some local/state gun crime. Certainly stupid by any measure. Looks like a really good way to earn a Darwin award.


New member
i heard a police officer say the vest he wears is rated for most pistol calibers, like 9, 40, 45, but any centerfire rifle will probably punch through and the 762 tokarev round would most likely pierce it evn from a pistol.


New member
divemedic said:
That is because there is no such thing as a bullet proof vest- they are called bullet resistant for a reason.
My title "Bullet Proof" vest doesn't live up to its name." was meant in a sarcastic way. Bullet proof vest makes about as much sense as crash proof plane or unsinkable ship.

I'm not trying to advocate more government control by asking if these guys could be charged. Though it wouldn't bother me if they were locked up for a while so they can't make any more stupid videos that embarrass the rest of us who try to promote gun safety to others.



New member
Another thing I don't understand: We all know a 45 or larger round fired from a pistol at a range of 10 yards will make a person fly through the air and land several feet from where they were standing...so why didn't this 9mm fired from such close range even make him stagger?

Yes...I'm just kidding. :rolleyes:



New member
Looks like reckless endangerment to me and if that is as real as it looks,they a very stupid guys that show the lack of respect of firearms,and there friend.After they guy takes one to the chest they other guy goes and hits him with his hand and laughs about it.


New member
looks fake. Look at the gun. The slide doesnt move back. I think the other guy set off a firecracker.

I watched it again. I think the slide moves, but there is a delay on the sound, so who knows.


New member
I don't think the round exited the vest.

I'm surprised honestly--I was expecting more of a bruise (purply and ugly) not a skin-breaking pinch.


New member
I looked again more carefully. The slide does indeed move, but I can't see the brass, and I hear the guy yell BEFORE the "pop". Coulda been one of those CO2 powered BB pistols that looks like the real deal. The close-up certainly looked real enough, but the camera pans past it once it is "loaded", and all you see is the dude in the vest for a second.

Could be a fake, but could just be the very poor quality of the video (cell phone maybe?). Either way, don't try this at home. It's a very good way to end up more dead than you'd like.


New member
Let's just assume that it was a real video for a moment.

Notes about body armor (and safety).

1) The technical name is "Soft Body Armor" or SBA. As noted previously this is because "bulletproof" was giving folks the wrong mental image since SBA is most certainly not 100% bullet-proof.

2) SBA has a lifespan. Motion, moisture, and other factors contribute to cause the fibers to eventually mat up and break down. Look at any SBA and you will find it has an "expiration date".

3) Even if SBA works perfectly, you are going to get damage ranging from a mild bruise all the way up to a really nasty hematoma and cracked bones.

4) Murphy's law never takes a vacation.

5) You ignore the "four rules" at your own risk

(okay, I'll get off the soapbox now)

chris in va

New member
I saw it last night. Looks to me like the bullet managed to cause enough of a blunt force to induce bleeding. Don't think it got through.


New member
The fact that he is coughing suggests to me that there is some sort of fluid buildup in his chest cavity. This is what you would expect to see in either a hemothorax or in the event of pulmonary edema.

There is a reason why state trauma alert standards include "penetrating injury to the head, neck, or torso" as a key criteria. If he were my patient, he just bought himself a trip to a Level 1 trauma center as a trauma alert.