Bin Laden wants to negotiate !!!


New member
Alleged Bin Laden tape released says attacks are coming in the US "However" Bin Laden wants to negotiate a truce and help rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan....Hmmmm I think it good news. Of course I'm a little nervous about a possible new attack, but I seriously think Al Qaeda is weak and wants to make a truce. Bush has GOT TO JUMP ON THIS is its is really a message from Bin Laden.

Bush has to go on nation TV and say HERE ARE OUR DEMAND;

1) Bin Laden must Surrender to US authorties

2) All Al Qaeda attacks will stop...In exchange the US will stop killing Al Qaeda members.

3) All Al Qaeda members must disarm, disban and all Al Qaeda funds will be turned over to US authorties. The funds will be divided evenly to all victims of Al Qaeda attacks.

4) All Gitmo and other Al Qaeda prisoners held by the US will be tried by military tribunal ASAP, and will be spared the death penality, With the exception of Mr. Bin Laden.

and that is it, we don't leave Iraq or Afghanistan, take it or leave it.
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This would be a nice opportunity to show the world that America isn't a war hungry bully. But of course people will continue to claim that "all Muslims are liars and they'll just strike when we let our guard down". Who knows, maybe it's worth the risk. Peace through compromise sounds a lot better to me than peace through superior firepower.


New member

All Muslims are Muslims...

All Muslims take the Koran for the word of Allah...

All Muslims believe that ALL non-believers are devils and should be destroyed.

Not all Muslims are liars... because they will admit these things without compunction. Besides, they don't consider it a sin to lie to an infidel.

Redworm... you are an infidel.

I asked a Muslim friend of mine if his Imam was to order him to kill me... Would he?

His answer was unqualified... :(


Needless to say, he is no longer my friend. :rolleyes:


New member
Threats to attack the US in one breath and offers of negotiations if we stop all efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, but by no means laying off the first threat? Not even the leftist liberal underminers can really take this seriously... Could they? :rolleyes: They probably will... :eek:


New member
If we give in now and capitulate we will have lost. This will be yet another "peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time... ". Neville Chamberlain said this in September 1938 about Adolf Hitler and the signing of the Munich Pact. Richard Nixon used a variation of these words January 23, 1973 to describe the peace in Vietnam. I do not agree with everything President Bush does but we must stand fast on the War or all is fought for naught.


New member
we stop all efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq,

Not part of the deal....maybe, just maybe we give a pardon to those Taliban, al Qaeda, or insurgent of Afghan or Iraqi decent who was not directly involved in attack against innocent civilians, but the US military is not going to leave...but as a courtesy we offer troop reduction deadlines.

I think (and hope) that this latest threat of an attack is all al Qaeda saber rattling. I mean while the recent London bombings was terrible, they were not very effective or spectacular like 9/11 or other attacks. I think (and again I hope) they can no longer pull a significant attack anywhere, and perhaps with the recent US missle attack in Pakistan they realize their time is almost up, and they need to cut a deal or die.


New member
Peace through compromise is one thing, giving in to every half-assed scum bag murderer with a bomb and a complaint is another. Too bad we can't ask Hitler what had a greater influence in making him give up HIS plans for the extermination of an entire race - appeasment by his enemy or that enemy's stronger military. Of course we already know the answer (may he burn in hell), so I have a feeling OBL is finding out the same fact.

These people, these murdering fanatics (I don't really know of anyone having referred to them as liars) have declared war ON ALL OF US...have called for "the death of every man, woman and child". And they have done everything they can to prosecute that 'idea'. Bin Laden LAUGHED at Clinton because of his feeble "paper tiger" responses, right in his war decree against us. Seems he is not laughing now? Hmmm...maybe Bush was right?

And by the way, is there still anyone really foolish enough to think the threat against this country wasn't and isn't real? Apparently yes, unfortunately some people forget, or are they are just so damn stupid and naive as to think 'we can all just get along'? They just do not get it.

Screw Bin laden....may HE burn in hell too. Itis only a matter of time.


You negotiate with your enemy with your knee on his chest and your knife on his throat

All Muslims believe that ALL non-believers are devils and should be destroyed.

You have a degree in theology I see



New member
Nobody has any interest in negotiating a truce when they're winning. Note that.

However, a truce is a fine time to rebuild and deploy your forces. You can talk to Vo Nguyen Giap about that and I'm sure he has some great suggestions.


All Muslims believe that ALL non-believers are devils and should be destroyed.
This makes me wonder what non-Christians must think we believe after a glance through the bible. Especially Leviticus.:confused:


New member
The correct interpretation is all non-believers must be CONVERTED to Islam or be can take this literally or spritually...however the Koran also mentions that non-believers must have their heads removed from their bodies, so you decide.


This makes me wonder what non-Christians must think we believe after a glance through the bible. Especially Leviticus.

Oh but that's different. See, Christianity went through a "reformation" and thus despite the fact that the bible does say to kill in the name of god and to convert the heathens yada yada yada, Christians are not as evil as Muslims because those parts of the bible can be ignored. It doesn't matter how many people have been killed in the past, only that they're not doing it anymore. It doesn't matter that christianity can be interpreted exactly the same way as islam because even "real" christians don't follow all the rules to the letter. But of course, "real" muslims follow their rules verbatim.

And yes, I do know lots of Muslims.

Yet they haven't killed you.......interesting :confused:


The correct interpretation is all non-believers must be CONVERTED to Islam or be can take this literally or spritually...however the Koran also mentions that non-believers must have their heads removed from their bodies, so you decide.

Another theologian :D

Yet they haven't killed you.......interesting

Tehy cant find him...hes "Micro":eek: :)



New member
Again if there is any negotiations it should be one sided, favoring the US. I really think that we are fighting a war on terror, and it is debatable if we are fighting the war well or not, but we are winning, but how do you end it. Let's say we have no truce and we eventually find or kill Bin Laden, someone else will step forward and when that guy gets caught, it keeps going. The best way to fix this is to force them to surrender and have them disband. I think the US learned this lesson with the first Persian Gulf war, no half way truces, and US forces go home, this is a Japanese WWII surrender. Bin Laden comes into custody, and for that matter the head al Qaeda guy in Iraq has to surrender too, and we come in and dismantle the al Qaeda infrastructure, everyone who is guilty of a crime goes to prison and everyone else goes home. Bin Laden disappears in US custody (to be killed after extensive interrogations) and that is that. Sure some of the guys you let go, those "terrorist in training" could do something, but there is no more organization for them, they are basically alone. It will put other terrorist groups like Hezbollah on notice.


This is a rather interesting turning point. Religious zealots rarely concede anything.

Either he thinks we're fools, or BL (who's not a stupid guy) is having some second thoughts.

Hopefully, we'll be able to make something of it. The war thing is getting a little tired.


New member
re: Pointers comment

whoever told you that about muslims are full of sh-- I studied for three years even with some of the muslims that were on the extreme side. Only if you knew what they really thought. Dont believe everything on your jewish controlled media. Do your research.


New member
Some points to consider Redworm. I agree - so the next group of Christian fanatics who declare war on my country and our life styles, who state and plot to murder us all, and commit an attack where I have to get the DNA off my kid's toothrush so i can identify what's left of her in some smoking stinking pile of rubble, I will also support them getting brought to justice too (eternal justice I hope - preferably via some serious US hardware). They too can burn in hell.


New member
yea, i dunno, not to take this on a tangent but the lumping of muslims into one bowl is kind of silly. although their religious texts are written quite strictly, it's the 21st century, and there are progressive muslims that do not interpret literally the same way there are christians who don't take the old testament as live-or-die.