Biden "fireside chat" on gun control, Thurs. Jan 24 1:45PM ET


New member
We need to fight back on all this crap in an EXTREME and DIRECT media campaign. The NRA needs to shell out the cash for a SUPER BOWL COMMERCIAL.

No fancy dialogue or actors, no warm fuzzy sweaters and fireplaces.

Get a respectable spokesperson to come on screen with a simple background and say FLAT OUT that... "

The AMERICAN PUBLIC is being LIED TO and INTENTIONALLY MISLEAD about GUN CONTROL and VIOLENCE by politicians and billionaire elitists!" "Here are some FACTS along WITH their SOURCES that TELL the TRUTH."

(Show some statistics here in white letters on a black screen. Include facts about LOWER crime rates, assault weapons rarely used in crime, relating to CONFISCATION from registration.)

Spokesperson comes back on screen. "Feel free to read more about this subject and the struggle to maintain our Constitutional AND individual STATE'S rights on online and form YOUR OWN opinions." Thank you for your time.

End commercial.

I think if the Republican Party would be willing to help foot some of the lawsuits that would follow by naming SPECIFIC names than it WOULD BE EXCELLENT to mention them BY NAME.

Airborne Falcon

New member
Not sure why the threads were merged but, meh, whatever.

At any rate does everyone who watched it agree that some good questions were asked and he dodged every single one of them? He completely dodged the facts that the one guy was presenting straight off the FBI pages.

JoBi is a d-bag. The media is worse.

Take a look at how they reported this thing. It was nothing like they are reporting it.

I wish someone had a complete transcript of the entire chat to throw-it-up around the web and show how what actually transpired, and the questions that were asked, were totally different from how the media is reporting it.


New member
The police feel "out gunned" by citizens possessing "assault weapons" ?!?

Thats funny because my department issues patrol deputies government supplied M16s and still has a store room with racks of them.
Police outgunned-
Not true, but increasing training is in order for many. Most police shootings involve drugs/organized crime. No ban will stop firearms from reaching organized crime. Look at the series of arms factories in Northern Mexico, flood of Russian weapons, and influence of Korean Mafia in Mexico cities. All related to organized crime trampling law enforcement

Identifying prohibited individuals-
The problem here is predominantly "patients rights" and has little or nothing to do with the NRA or gun control. People simply do not want to report because of liability. This is true in schools also. Almost all of the school shooters gave off clear signals before the shootings, but b/c of PC and such no serious actions were taken

SROs are a big part of the reason we have "zero tolerance" now. Once they were in local school districts and saw things like assaults they had to act. The schools all changed policies to require all staff to call SRO. Dumbest thing in education today.
1000 SROs for 90,000 schools? I don't think any of my local districts has 50% coverage or is going to spend any more on Police that do little to nothing day to day.
Flexibility for local choice(psychologists) Is there going to be flexibility for arming other staff if hat is what districts want? From his other comment i am guessing no.

More cops from crime bill-
They paid 75% for 5 years. How many of those positions remain? Almost none. All of our local staff were cut long ago. The same will happen here after spending lots of "free" federal money

Mag cap-
Biden said something like almost no one can control a rifle for 30 rounds so people should use shotguns. Seriously? Even a 5 shot pump shotgun is loosing 120 20 caliber projectiles and even if the shooter aims correctly they aren't going to be as controlled as a rifle shot.

"30 or 40 clips in a magazine" Yes he actually said it. Several times.
General argument to the effect that LEO would be safer from law abiding citizens
THis actually was kind of scary to me. Watching his talk it seemed almost an admission that he wants LEO to out gun LAW ABIDING CITIZENS and they would not be happy until that was the case.

This is the law I think states should really be passing:
"Any law enforcement officer, federal employee, or security contractor faces the same limitation on firearms as that faced by law abiding citizens." That would put an end to this crap immediately. If this stuff should be reserved for the military & war than domestic law enforcement doesn't require it. If domestic law enforcement does require it, than citizens in the areas they operate in need it also.

Pond James Pond

New member
I watched it. Generally speaking it seemed each guest was challenging the VP with their questions, but only one really hit a mark, IMO, and that was the young lad. He raised the point of targeting assault weapons, whilst theirs being only a small percentage of the gun problem.

Mr Biden's answer to that was weak and did not hold water. First, there is the affecting the many for the actions of the few (the criminals who shoot at police). Second this still does not address the causes of said crime.

However, I agreed with two things that Mr Biden said.

The first was, whether for or against, that people should write to their congress-person.

Secondly, that people should not be "afraid of the facts" and particularly that research needed to be conducted to understand the pattern of behaviours and the social fabric that leads to this violent behaviour.

Research, provided that they are looking for those causes, not simply evidence that will support one side or the other, can only be a good thing.

As such, research should be very well financed, and independent.
The problem with "research" is it gets boiled down to statistics. Almost no one looks at the experiment design. Even if the statistics part is done well it is very easy to find a misleading correlation most people will assume is causation.

It is very easy to say that the shooters all played violent video games 3 hours a day or watched violent movies and that CAUSED the violence. In reality it is more likely they had a drive for violence/empowerment and were using video games and movies as a release/expression. The "research" will almost certainly conclude the former though.
The same with firearms and everything else.


New member
I heard a snip last night about magazines.

Biden said the psycho after Giffords was in the midst of changing magazines when he was swarmed and taken down. I recall he had a 33 round magazine and got swarmed because he got swarmed. A limitation by small magazines didn't happen.

Biden blamed big magazines for making Sandy Hook worse. IIRC, that psycho was changing magazines frequently, before they were empty, leaving many loaded mags on the ground.

Can anyone confirm this?

Biden is either misinformed or a liar.

He also ignored that Virginia Tech was accomplished with two pistols and 10 and 15 round magazines. Neither pistol is on Feinsten's list.

Spats McGee

Biden may blame big magazines for Sandy Hook, but NBC recently reported that the shooter used 4 handguns. That's right. Handguns. If you can get to youtube, there's a clip from the Today show on that topic.


New member
IIRC, that clip is dated 2 days after the murders. The story changed since then, for real or not.

There had to be a lot of shell casings on the floor. A .223 is impossible to mistake for a pistol round. How the initial radio reports from inside focused on handguns has to reflect the casings. I think.

Something appears amiss.


New member
I agree with what most of you guys are saying, but the fact is that we are preaching to the choir. We don't have to change each others minds. We need to inform the uninformed. As gun owners we are the minority, most people haven't been effected by gun violence directly or been assaulted to the point that we needed to protect ourselves. That is what makes the whole "less guns less violence" thing stick. There are going to be certain explanations that will automatically turn off the uninformed or anti gunners. These are usually gov tyranny, more guns make me safer, the police won't always be there, and because "it is my right". We really need to think of a way to connect to these people through emotions, and use their tactics against them.


New member
I used an argument asking why we segregate the deaths of those by gun shot by those who die from a stabbing wound or being beaten to death. How is it more acceptable for those tragic losses of life by one tool when compared to another.

Ultimately we value life, both sides (most of the time) want to do something to better the world so that our children and their children are able to grow up in a safer world.

A death is a death, it matters not what instrument you use to commit the crime. I ask what makes that LEO or retired military member more valuable and have more of a right to defend themselves against the same criminals that would just as quickly end their lives in an attempt to escape being brought to justice than I have the right to defend myself my loved ones and my property from when those same criminals try to threaten me and mine?

Why am I not allowed to use one of the most common and effective instruments in our modern day society that our Militaries and police officers arm themselves with to enforce the laws that are being broken by said criminals who already would have no qualms about killing those who would enforce them without a moments hesitation due to a very apparent lack of respect to said laws and regulations.

I want to be able to ensure the safety of me and mine, and while I wish I did not have need to arm myself, and were able to entrust me and my families well being to those that are trained and employed to protect and secure my freedom, the fact is, there simply isn't enough of them to gurantee that I will be safe at all times. Thus, it is up to me, to provide that protection for me and mine until help from those noble men and women serving as LEO and soldiers are able to arrive and assist.


New member
I received a message from another forum i frequent, and just have to post the link.A quote from the body of founder Pat LeFemine's editorial, without permission but posted anyway, is here:
A Message to the Opposition

Hunters do not cower from your threats. We see right through your transparent attempts to divide us. It will not work. You may dupe the masses with your crafted sound bites and emotional campaigns but you won’t fool us. Your anti gun agenda was not bourne from the tragic events on December 14th.

We were all devastated by Sandy Hook. I live in Connecticut. I know people in Newtown. My heart was torn apart on that day. Those little kids were a treasure that can never be replaced.

Every gun owner I know wishes he was at Sandy Hook on December 14th. To place myself in harm’s way for a chance to protect those kids from a monster would have been my duty, my honor. Every hunter and gun owner I know feels the same.

So while you use this tragedy to push your feel-good, impotent gun control agenda understand one thing about us; we would consider it an honor to defend your kids too. If that day ever comes, and I pray it does not, you will want us there (with far more firepower and ammo than we need to kill a deer). You will tearfully thank the lawful gun owner who stood between evil and your family. You know this to be true, even though you will never admit it.

Here is the link. Pass it on.