Biden "fireside chat" on gun control, Thurs. Jan 24 1:45PM ET


New member
And there are many legitimate sporting applications for 30 round magazines.

Here's one; 3 gun competition.


New member
Clearly Biden is hoping to appeal to those who are as uninformed as he is- I just hope that the NRA can get ahead of this and start using social media and other sources to start pushing the facts. For starters, they have 40 years worth of what the city of Chicago has become to use as an excellent example of what happens when the populace is disarmed.


New member
And there are many legitimate sporting applications for 30 round magazines.

Here's one; 3 gun competition.

Don't forget the "President's Hundred Match" put on by the CMP, per CMP rules you must use either the 20 or 30 round magazine. Same with EIC (Leg Matches).

Not to mention you have to use the US Service rifle or Civilian Equivalent.

That's PRESIDENTS MATCH, not sure this president knows about it.


New member
Mr. Biden, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no respect, and may God have mercy on your soul.

This seemed to fit perfectly.


New member
I have to admire this administration and them Dems overall for their agit/prop skills. today's "chat" was a clinic on how a rather extreme viewpoint can be packaged for the less than aware population. We can learn a lot from them.


New member
Clearly Biden is hoping to appeal to those who are as uninformed as he is
This has always been so. Facts don't sway an ignorant audience, emotions do, and Joe knows this better than anyone. Like I said before, we can learn from this.


New member
Quote - This has always been so. Facts don't sway an ignorant audience, emotions do, and Joe knows this better than anyone. Like I said before, we can learn from this.

But we don't learn from it, wether it is in electing President's, other Government Officials, or influencing gun control debates. We state facts that should be enough to sway the majority of intelligent people, but they have learned how to effectively play on emotions and the hell with the facts, which unfortunately is so much more effective on our greater population that just doesn't take time to understand, or care about the facts. Ask the average person how they feel about their taxes going up this year. They bought into the emotion of the President (Tax the rich), and now they are paying for it.

And the frustrations continue.....


New member
The unfortunate truth is that a majority of the people are uninformed about guns in general. They have no wish, nor desire to be involved in the shooting sports. Nor do most of them own, or wish to own any firearm period. They will take what the VP and other politicos say at face value. While they do not trust them on many issues. They actualy believe it when the politicos say that stricter gun control measures will make people safer.

I hate that fact. I wish resonable people could educate the general public. The reality is that is not going to happen anytime in the forseeable future. The thing is when the media shows those standing up for gun rights they tend to show the sterotypical knuckle dragging, chest thumping, sabre rattling fanaticals to show how unreasonable the gun rights crowd are. Compleete with the name calling, and screaming and yelling. ( I hate the double standard when they show the liberals pet groups doing the same thing over some casue or other, and people will symathize with them.)

I am deaf so watching and listening to the from what I seem to gather ws the one way sided talk of people do not need more than so many rounds, and ceartian types of guns to defend themselves, or hunt, or target shoot.

All in all it was exactly what I expected. Total unadultarated hog wash.


New member
One way we can win this is to pound away at the fact that the police can't protect us, they can only clean up the mess. I think this would resonate with people because all the new gun buyers flooding the stores these days are doing so for a reason. I wonder how many of them bought a gun with no intention of telling anyone about it?


New member
Joe Biden on Gun Control

We shouldn't be afraid of the facts? I think they shade the "facts" to fit their ends just like in a campaign.

Crime went down because of the 1994 AWB? That one is pure BS. Crime has continued to go down for a long time including after the AWB sunsetted.

Restrict "Assault Weapons"? Why... because they want to and they are a symbol when less than 1% of crimes are committed with an military styled rifle.

Machine guns are illegal? That is a new one....

Background checks? There is little evidence to support that having required background checks for all firearm transfers will reduce crime. Joe.... let's study this and let the facts dictate what legislation is proposed.

Let all voices be heard? They only listened to the voices that told them what they wanted to hear./ The pro-gun groups were only invited to the "meetings" so they could say that they were involved in the proposals.

10,000 cops.... they hired no where near that number and after a year or so the local government had to fund their salaries.

I am more concerned about magazine size than assault weapons? Carry more magazines if limited to 10-rounds. He suggested it might take 1 to 1.5 minutes to change a magazine by someone who is not trained. That is time for law enforcement to arrive and maybe one life will be saved.... BS. He doesn't know what he is talking about.

His fireside chat was filled with errors. He claims to be a sportsman. I bet he doesn't even know how to load his shotgun. He also said a shotgun is a better SHTF firearm than a "assault weapon". I'd want both.
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New member
One thing that bothers me is that these anti gun folks keep saying that legitimately purchased and owned semi-auto 'assault weapons' are on the streets.
They most certainly are not! they are in people's closets, locked in safes or otherwise cleverly stored inside the homes of law abiding citizens, and as such pose no threat to anyone, certainly not law enforcement.

And even when they're not stored away safely, they are in cars being transported to shooting ranges across the country, or at those shooting ranges being used and enjoyed.

IMHO, the ownership of guns is protected by the second amendment, and the shooting sports are protected by the right to pursue happiness. I am certainly happy when I am engaged in my sport of choice!
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New member
Lets not forget how our popular media news outlets distort the truth to push the liberal agenda. They roll their eyes on camera, etc.. They want to demonize or belittle anyone that thinks a gun is a tool. The liberal democratic party wants to put gun owners in the same social shame as they did with smoking. They feel they can socially eliminate guns on their way to total governmental control and ultimate power. It's always about power, money and dependency.


New member
"If you wanna keep people away in an earthquake, buy some shotgun shells."

Very interesting video... :rolleyes:


New member
The police feel "out gunned" by citizens possessing "assault weapons" ?!?

EVERY cop in the area where I'm from have a MINIMUM of their service pistol, (typically loaded with the most hard hitting ammunition available to them, not what you can find a meijer or walmart.) A 12ga pump or semi auto shotgun, AND.....get ready for this Mr. AR15 of some kind in their patrol car. Our local guys ALL have 14.5" barreled bushmasters. Some guys have buddy (when he was a LEO) had his G22, a G19 under the seat, a +p loaded .38 snubbie in the console and a 6" .44 magnum S&W in the pouch on the back of the seat. Along with...a 12ga 870 and a 16" Colt LE carbine. OUTGUNNED!?!

And then went on to say that LE feels outgunned by assault weapons....since they are being carried around on the street by "the bad guys"...which are most likely in possession of them illegally and couldn't give less of a C@#! if they are banned or not. What bearing could that possibly have on a law abiding citizen?

The youtube guy had very good valid points and questions....and Biden didn't answer or address a dang one of them. "how is banning fried chicken going to end obesity problems in the US Mr vice President?" -Biden- "Now I tell ya, I like and blue bicycles, yessir I do" That's pretty much what happened..........idiot:rolleyes:


New member
I particularly liked the bit about shotguns being better for defense than AR's.

Not that shotguns are a bad choice for some, but I don't see the people that protect HIM using them. Wonder if the Secret Service will be switching to side-by-side 12ga guns soon :rolleyes:


New member
This whole 'fireside chat' crap by this VP was no more than more cheerleading and pom-pom waving for the public by an anti-gun administration that is bound and determined to keep screaming their point with the hopes that the longer/louder they scream the more people they will recruit to their socialist line of thinking.

This so-called 'chat' confirmed even more that this administration is just using the death's of the people killed at Sandy Hook and other tragedies as a stepping stone to promote their own anti-gun/anti-second amendment philosophy's. Same as when Obama used the children on stage during his speech about the new AWB's

Purely sickening!

Too, the comments about LE being outgunned on the streets by thugs carrying assault weapons? Why then is all the plea bargaining going on in the court system's when these thugs are caught with guns, arrested by a cop who risks his/her life daily to do their jobs and the courts put the thug back out on the street before the cop has a chance to even get his/her report filled out completely?
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New member
So, self defense is only O.K. in an earthquake? Hmmm...

Instead of protecting rights now, its about "for the children!" (meaning push the can down the road, but they forget to mention the rights of those same children to own the same firearms we do, when they are old enough)
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