Biden "fireside chat" on gun control, Thurs. Jan 24 1:45PM ET



Our esteemed [Vice] President Biden has attempted to educate the masses, explaining to us why we don't actually have a right to semi-automatic weapons with more than 5 or 7 or 10 round magazines, why registration or another AWB is no big deal, etc.; how gun control would be a great victory against criminals, would save The Children, etc.

Food for thought:

Randal Marlin said:
To avoid repeating mistakes of the past, an alert citizenry today should take the trouble to learn how easy it can be for a powerful minority to manipulate information to win the support--or the indifference--of the majority towards its actions. People need to be sensitized to these methods if they are to guard adequately against such manipulation.

... The art of mass persuasion is embedded in contemporary societies, those of liberal or neo-conservative democracies included. Public relations methods are intertwined with all major functions of modern life. During the 1930s, President Roosevelt pioneered the use of radio for gaining public support for his progressive propaganda through his so-called "fireside chats." ...

New century, new communications media, same old methods.

"Banning guns is an idea whose time has come." --Joe Biden, 1993-11-18, quoted by the AP
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New member
So Google has decided to mouthpiece for Biden.

I notice Dave Kopel, Alan Gura or John Lott, to piock a few, are not invited to "hang" with Biden. Who are those guys who are.

I sense a lovefest in the making. :eek:

I clicked on Guy Kawasaki and he is some kind of author. More interesting are the questions posted for him to ask the Great Man...I might add one or two.

One already is inquiring why Mexican cartels can have them and we can't, and a number more in that vein.

I suspect Biden will only get the softballs, but his fellow "hangers" might learn something from well-thought questions.
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Kawasaki is more of an evangelist-for-hire than anything.

Philip DeFranco is one of the early youtube success stories. His channel is a low-content current-events recap, or at least it used to be.

Another alleged participant is this internet video personality:

What's confusing is that they have someone from PBS moderating this "chat". Does that mean one of the participants is going to be pro-gun, or is this going to be a "moderated" pro-gun-control love-fest?


New member
So Google has decided to mouthpiece for Biden.

Google is simply the vehicle, much like a tv network that hosts anything. I would much rather see Google allowing anyone to use their services regardless of their political views and opinions than have them dictate what can be shared.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus that ate your iPhone.

Airborne Falcon

New member
I just received this from the White House ...

Probably because I signed a petition last year ...


Watch Joe Biden at 1:45 PM ET

Before Vice President Joe Biden introduced a set of ideas to help reduce gun violence, he kicked off a national conversation. He wanted to make sure that he heard from people from every perspective about the steps we need to take to protect kids and make our communities safer.

And that dialogue isn't over.

Today, in a hangout hosted by Google and moderated by Hari Sreenivasan from PBS NewsHour, Vice President Biden will speak with a group of Google+ users about the White House policy recommendations and answer their questions. And we want you to join us.

What: Google+ Hangout with Vice President Joe Biden
When: Thursday, January 24 at 1:45 PM ET
Where: Live on


Anyone got any time to watch and tell the rest of us what the idiot Biden has to say?


Staff In Memoriam
While I am off from work today, I see no reason to waste my time listening to someone I have ZERO respect for...

And with a cute little 3 year old girl to watch over... All the more reason to miss it...:rolleyes:



New member
This is really good propaganda:

". . . he kicked off a national conversation. He wanted to make sure that he heard from people from every perspective . . ."

It gives the undecided the impression that his recommendations have the support of the nation. That he listened to everyone and went along with the majority. Which is, of course, nonsense. He listened to what he wanted to hear.

So join something like the NRA. The implication is that every member will vote a certain way and use this issue as the basis for that vote.

Donate money to an advocacy group. Money talks.


New member
I just had a look at the white house website, here's what they had to say about this google+ hangout...

This week, the White House will continue a series of conversations with top administration officials on Google+. On Thursday, January 24 at 1:45 p.m. ET, Vice President Biden will join the latest “Fireside Hangout” – a 21st century take on FDR’s famous radio addresses – to talk about reducing gun violence.

On January 16, President Obama and Vice President Biden released a plan to help protect our children and our communities by reducing gun violence. The plan outlines specific, common-sense steps we can take right now to help keep guns out of the wrong hands, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, make our schools safer, and increase access to mental health services. Learn more about the plan here.

During the hangout hosted by Google and moderated by Hari Sreenivasan from PBS NewsHour, Vice President Biden will discuss the White House policy recommendations on reducing gun violence. Google+ users from the around the country will join the discussion, including Guy Kawasaki and Phil DeFranco. If you have a question, you can suggest it by writing it on the participants’ on Google+ pages. Watch the hangout with Vice President Biden live on, or tune in to the White House's Google+ page or YouTube channel.

We'll continue to host hangouts with key members of the President’s cabinet on a range of second term priorities. Follow us on Google+ for updates from the Administration and opportunities to participate in upcoming hangouts.

It looks to me like we won't be able to participate except to write on these people's walls suggesting topics and questions.

I suspect that it's going to be filled with a bunch of bigwigs that hate guns, just so that the white house can feel better about the stupid they're pushing to get legislated. Kind of a 'tell me my ideas are good so I can try them out, because i'm not entirely sure it's the right thing to do'.


New member
10 minutes in, and it appears that it's not working. either they're having technical difficulties, they haven't started yet, or they're not allowing us to see it...


Biden: (paraphrased) Even though assault weapons represent a small percentage of guns used in gun crimes, we need an assault weapon ban because cops are out-gunned.

Biden: "You don't have a right to... F15 fighters... tanks... automatic weapons..."

Wrong, Mr. VP. We do have a right to go out and buy automatic weapons in most states, if we can afford it and want to jump through the NFA hoops.
Good lord... He actually is claiming that police are being outgunned, and that's why we need another AWB.

Wow. They're trying to completely reframe the argument.


VP Biden brought up CDC statistic gathering about firearms, and compared this to gathering statistics on vehicle accidents.

The difference is that when guns kill people, they're operating correctly. Gathering statistics would only really demonstrate which ammo is more lethal, or which guns are more lethal, but everyone wants guns that are more accurate, and more effective, which translates to higher lethality for hunting or self defense. Gathering stats on this is completely pointless from the perspective of public safety.

VP Biden: "Harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than ... [to use a] shotgun. If you want to keep someone away during an earthquake, buy some shotgun shells."

Oh My God.

VP Biden: "...Glocks... magazines that can hold 2 10 8 12 30 shells in it."

VP Biden: "There is no diminution of your ability to defend yourself having 10 clips in a round... I mean ten shells... instead of [30+]."
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New member
That was six different kinds of useless.

In typical political fashion Vice president Biden refrained form answering some of the questions by talking about something kind of similar.

In my mind, nothing was gained from this 'fireside chat'.