Best Home Defense Shotgun

Smitty in CT

New member
hihosilver said:
...How do you like that SPX? reliable? Im thinking of going ahead and picking one up, if I can find one or have someone order one. Seems like the ultimate home defense gun to me.

The reliability of the whole 930 series of shotguns by Mossberg is incredible. The SPX's are getting very hard to find, though..... supply and demand thing...

I think the Home Security / Field combo is a better deal than the SPX is, it's about $100 cheaper and you get the extra barrel....


New member
I personally use a double PG 870 as my primary HD weapon next to my XD9 Service. I can comfortably shoot from the hip and hit targets right around paper plate size out to around 10-15 yards, which is more than enough to put any BG down in my own house. Plus, to me, the recoil is less felt through the double PG's than a full length stock and fore end. That's just my opinion, and it's not shared by many obviously, but it's not for everybody. I just happen to be one of the few.

However, I would never recommend somebody to use a PG or double PG shotgun without a lot of practice first before relying your life on it. Not everybody can control them from the hip or even with a raised sight line. So if you're interested in it, try it out first if possible or just buy the full length stock and start with that.


New member
I own a tactical Bennelli, Winchester's , Remingtons, Mossbergs, and have 2 Saiga 12's. They are all very good shotguns and I like them all.

New England Firearms (H&R) is importing a copy of the Remington 870 made in China. They go for $179.00 in Academy. Go to a gun shop, handle all of them, then pick this one up and handle it. You'll see that it is at least equal in quality to the Rem, Moss, and Win. IMO, it is the best value in HD shotguns out there and is the one I recommend to new gun owners looking for a HD weapon. I bought several of them when they were $149.


New member
I saw a post on the GUNS FOR SALE side of this forum...dude in WA is selling an 870 postol grip for $225 FTF.

I got my 870 for $300 and added $300+ worth of parts/sights to it. I found a POS 500 at a fun show for $200. I sold it.

good luck.


New member
You people who like the pistol grips and the saiga shotguns go ahead and use them. And when the prosecuting attorney flashes it to the jury and you end up in jail I'll send you a nice b-day card (on my b-day, not yours. I'll make sure it has a pic of me at a beach or something).

Get yourself an Rem 870 Express (with an 18" slug barrel), keep it bone stock, learn how to use it and then pray you never need it.



New member
500 and 590a1 are gov't models. I always like the 590a1 20" model heavy barrel ready for action. It is like the AK of shotguns.


New member
The Mossberg 500 is what our troops carry. It must be pretty reliable if we are defending freedom with it

The Mossberg 500 may be a good shotgun, but the reason you gave isn't, in itself, a reliable indicator.

Our troops are defending freedom with piece of garbage after market, cheap, unreliable magazines for the M9-- which won the contract over Sig Sauers' superior P226 largely for policital reasons. Sig isn't a NATO ally whose soil we need for U.S. Air Bases.

Pentagon bureaucrats made the decision to stick with the inferior after market magazines, rather than purchase the good ones from Beretta.


New member
Chickenman wrote:
I saw a post on the GUNS FOR SALE side of this forum...dude in WA is selling an 870 postol grip for $225 FTF.

I got my 870 for $300 and added $300+ worth of parts/sights to it. I found a POS 500 at a fun show for $200. I sold it.

good luck.

It's actually down to 200$ FTF :p Damn good price even with the pistol grips since you can get a decent set of wood furniture for around 40-60$ on the forums. Or just leave the PG's on there for a fun gun at that price lol :p

EDIT: Only TFL is seeing that price too just FYI :)


New member
here is mine


its a 500 with some goodies


New member
Was never a huge fan of the carbon fiber stocks that they put on some of the 500's. They look alright, but just too light for my liking. Good looking gun you've got there though :)


New member
You people who like the pistol grips and the saiga shotguns go ahead and use them. And when the prosecuting attorney flashes it to the jury and you end up in jail I'll send you a nice b-day card (on my b-day, not yours. I'll make sure it has a pic of me at a beach or something).

If it's an iffy shoot maybe, but in castle law states it wouldn't matter. You could blow the BG away with a real cannon if you legally owned it. Wouldn't matter if the cannon was painted black either!


New member
The Mossberg 500 is what our troops carry. It must be pretty reliable if we are defending freedom with it

Ha Ha, that's a good one. Remember, your life depends on equipment manufactured by the lowest bidder, approved by Pentagon bureaucrats, and purchased by Congress. That's a recepie for success.


New member
You people who like the pistol grips and the saiga shotguns go ahead and use them. And when the prosecuting attorney flashes it to the jury and you end up in jail I'll send you a nice b-day card (on my b-day, not yours. I'll make sure it has a pic of me at a beach or something).

If it's an iffy shoot maybe, but in castle law states it wouldn't matter. You could blow the BG away with a real cannon if you legally owned it. Wouldn't matter if the cannon was painted black either!

A prosecutor or civil attorney might well use that against you---the evil pistol grip.

But it's the same pistol grip used by SWAT team members to keep one hand free, enbabling them to do other things--like turn lights on/off, shut doors, grab a cell phone, or carry a child to safety. The same as we might have to do.

I'd like to think my attorney is capable of making the case for my choice of weaponry, and for the ammo I might use, as well as defuse any red herring introduced by the opposition.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Let me wade back into this.....

Practically ANY reliable shotgun shorter than 4 feet long makes a wonderful defense tool in trained cool hands.

That last phrase is the key.

We come up short way more than our tools do.

In a crisis, when instantly at a gut level we understand just why they wanted to know who our next of kin is, physical things happen.

Heart rate and strength goes up, vision focusses on what's deem the threat, and fine motor skills tank badly.

If someone is trying to kill you, priorities AND ABILITIES shift. That's why they say combat changes people.

I can't recall the names of all my girlfriends of yore, or those of folks I worked with for years, but every incident that threatened bodily harm to me still comes through like it happened this morn.

As one of the Gun Gurus says, "We descend to our level of training".

The military says that 50% of combat casualties from enemy fire happen during the person's FIRST firefight.

Rather than focus on what shotgun to get or shudder, what bolt ons, try this checklist.....

Am I fully proficent with the weapon?

Can I operate it safely and effectively 15 seconds out of a sound sleep in low or no light when scared?

Can I run my weapon without running it dry?

What's my Plan B?

A few minutes cogitation will bring up other concerns.

A couple training tips....

A set of welder's goggles can imitate low light conditions for those of us with range access only by daylight.

And more than 50% of crises occur after dark.

Running in place before firing a COF spikes the heart rate and simulates adrenalin boost enough to warrant doing this.

Shooting clay games is not only great fun but if shot Low Gun is great practice for getting a good mount quickly. And if you can acquire and neutralize a 4" disc moving on an unknown trajectory at an unknown speed within a second or so, larger, slower closer targets will give you little trouble.

BTW, 4" is about the width of the CNS for much of its length.
