Best Glock for my needs?


New member
Why a glock? Well, it keeps it simple for me. I have actually shot more 1911's than I ever have Glocks, but I think for my every day needs I would prefer a Glock.

I guess I don't have a "good" answer to that question, but it keeps it simple for me. Plus a nice 1911 is going to cost a lot more than a Glock. I have shot some NICE 1911's from Wilson Combat, Les Baer, Kimber, and Nighthawk Custom.

The $600 for the Glock is a good route for me.


New member
The midsize Glocks are great. Big enough to be shootable, small enough to be practical.

One thing to consider if you are seriously considering getting "just one". A 23 or 32 (.40 or .357 Sig) gives you the option to drop in conversion barrels. So you could have a 23 in .40 with a .357 Sig barrel and 9mm conversion barrel, and a .22 slide and barrel and basically have 4 guns in one.
But why a Glock in particular, rather than a PPQ, XD, M&P, FNS, VP9, SR9, or any of the myriad choices for striker-fired pistols out there? Our cups overfloweth.


New member
I don't care for the XD's at all, at least the new ones. The others I just don't know enough about.

Pond James Pond

New member
The others I just don't know enough about.

If you want a Glock, get a Glock. As I said earlier, I was quite content with mine.

However, $600 is no small amount so perhaps you may want to at least handle some of the others, if not shoot them if rentals are possible so you don't overlook something that works just as well, but may feel better to you.

You may find one or more of that list could do with being short-listed.

Spats McGee

CC268 said:
I don't care for the XD's at all, at least the new ones. The others I just don't know enough about.
"Not knowing" is a solvable problem. A couple of years ago, I was on the hunt for a polymer 9mm. As is my usual way, I researched the everloving snot out of them before I finally bought my G19. Accordingly, I started a thread called Spats searches for a 9, phase 1. Our TFL members, as always, provided me with lots of good information about the pistols on my list, as well as some suggestions. If you're interested in the other polymers, start there. The thread's a couple of years old, so you'll want to double-check the information. (For example, someone suggested the Caracal, but it was later recalled....)


New member
I add the Glock 19 as my choice. It was my first pistol that I bought once I turned 21 (15 years ago)and it has served me well for thousands and thousands of rounds.:D Between the 26 VS 19 there is only about 1/2 differance in the barrel length and 1/2 differance in the grip, I have had a few 26's but always sell them off and go back to the 19.
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If you want a Glock, get a Glock. As I said earlier, I was quite content with mine.

However, $600 is no small amount so perhaps you may want to at least handle some of the others, if not shoot them if rentals are possible so you don't overlook something that works just as well, but may feel better to you.

This a thousand times. Glocks are excellent, excellent guns, and the Glock-19 is arguably the best all-around gun in circulation, but you shouldn't eliminate all your other choices before at least handling them.

At the end of the day, you could very well end up with the Glock-19 you started your search with. But be sure it's what you want before plunking down your hard-earned cash. Every gun has slightly different ergonomics, and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble (and money) down the road finding the one that's 'just right' instead settling on 'good enough'.

Besides which, trying out different pistols is just plain fun!


New member
Keep in mind that the cost of the gun is about 1/3 to 1/2 of the true cost of getting into a new handgun. You'll need spare mags, holsters and mag holders at a minimum. You may need to add night sights and perhaps a few accessories (the grip plug comes in handy on Glocks).

For example, someone suggested the Caracal, but it was later recalled....

Just get the Glock 19 Gen 4. It is a known gun. Known guns work and keep you alive.

Never buy a newly released gun within the first two years of service. There is likely to be a recall. Caracal's problem was bad, but the Remington R51 was even worse. Everyone went ga-ga over the R51 and it was a complete dud. Springfield Armory had to recall many XDs guns because of a flaw in the trigger system. Ruger had two back-to-back (I think it was SR series pistols). Don't be part of their QA department!


New member
Own the G19 and 26 and like many surprisingly do shoot the 26 better all the way out to 35yds....

Carry the 26 all the time, put nearly 6000 rounds through 9mm glocks last summer and probably 70% of that was through the 26 as it's just fun to shoot to...
"Not knowing" is a solvable problem. A couple of years ago, I was on the hunt for a polymer 9mm. As is my usual way, I researched the everloving snot out of them before I finally bought my G19. Accordingly, I started a thread called Spats searches for a 9, phase 1. Our TFL members, as always, provided me with lots of good information about the pistols on my list, as well as some suggestions. If you're interested in the other polymers, start there. The thread's a couple of years old, so you'll want to double-check the information. (For example, someone suggested the Caracal, but it was later recalled....)
I wish I was a forum member then; we could have commiserated over our mutual OCD!

I ended up spending two months and close to $500 on range/rental fees and ammo seeking out the right gun for me, but it was worth it in the end. It's cheaper then buying a series of replacement guns when you decide you liked something else more.


New member
I love my G23... eats up all the cheap reloads I shoot for practice... very easy platform to shoot well, as well as maintain. I trust my life with it every day. Its the only striker fired polymer pistol in my collection. It serves its purpose as an excellent concealed carry weapon... 100% reliable ALWAYS. Its not super sexy like my 1911s or a BHP, But flat out kicks ass for what I need it for


New member
I have the 17, 26, and 19 - and I had to sell them and only keep one, I'd keep the 19. It's the perfect size for home defense, carry and you lose nothing for accuracy.



New member
I have the G19 and G23. I carry both. However, the G19 is my main carry gun. Both guns being the same size, I can use the same holster(s) for both.