Best all around cartridge up to 300 yards

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New member
Depends on what you are doing.

Hunting up to deer = 257 Roberts
Hunting up to elk = 270 Win
Targets, 308 or 223, depending on what type match.
Varments 204 or 25-20, (depends on how far)

Geeessss I dont want to limit my shooting to one round.


One of these days, I'll get a .280 Remington built for me on a lefty action.

If I truly need anything bigger than that, it better be .35 or .37 caliber and intended for kodiak or bigger game.

Right now though, my .308 M14 does just fine.


New member
Anything that strikes your fancy. Even older rounds like the .30-30 will hit fine at .300yds, you just have to know your distance.

As far as the faster cartridges go 300yds is just a bit further than point blank range for most of them and you don't really have to change your point of aim much (if at all) to hit the heart/lung shot.


New member
50 to 300 yards (about 98% of all hunting shots) for small white-tailed deer to Elk/Moose?
That's a real tough one.... oh yeah, the 30-06Springfield.


New member
My personal favorite here in north Minnesota is 1ST .260 ( kimber 84m). 2ND243 (rem 788) and 3RD .308 (rem 788). No I do not own one but the 3006 is the most versatile caliber.


New member
a nutter silly "best" thread. There's a couple dozen bests in the "all around to 300" category. We could make it easy and just say 270/30'06, but how boring is that. I'll say 300 Savage just to be different from every body else. Opps, somebody beat me to that one....7/30 Waters, bet nobody else named that one.


New member
I own both a 30/06 and a .308. I already have it covered........but if I were starting out with those parameters I would probably buy a 7mm-08....It'll do it handily and thump the shooter a bit less. I also would never even raise an eyebrow if someone told me they chose a .260 Rem for the job. Assuming bullets of suitable construction and good sectional density and launch speeds of over 2400fps the major factor is bullet placement rather than bore size or earth shattering roar.

Old Time Hunter

New member
Petty much all of them over pistol calibers. Personally for hunting I prefer a .444 because of the package it comes in, but a 6.5 X 55 you can argue would be the most accurate for most hunters due to it's mild recoil yet devastating effect on critters. The .30-06 is a good standby, for some it might be a little brisk, especially for a twelve year-old, but for the majority of people it is a very serviceable round. Then again, the .30-30 will handle 300 yards in a pinch too. 'Course the gents on this forum would agrue that one because it is too "old" school or not a 'super-duper-magnum' whatchamacallit or some off the wall caliber.


New member
Thread title looked like an invitation to a .30-06 party so I had to attend!
Obviously there are other rifles that fill the bill quite nicely, probably almost any centerfire rifle caliber could do the job. I just happen to think the .30-06 is the most versatile. Other calibers are more interesting and provide me hours of entertainment and no small quantity of freezer meat. I may not use one on every hunting trip but it's a safe bet there's one nearby, cased up but ready to deliver with almost boring capability.
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