Be Careful Guys


New member
I cannot let my team, my province, my sport and shooters the world over down by walking away from my passion...

...and you won't. You'll be back shooting in no time. You will no doubt be 100% more aware of possible hazardous things around you and won't have a problem voicing your thoughts when you see potentially dangerous props(objects around you), or someone acting in an unsafe manor.

As bad as things are today, there's a big plus to all this...YOUR A WISER SHOOTER TODAY and you'll move on. When you go back to the range, no doubt your safety conscience will be on 'high alert' and thats not a bad thing. Maybe showing up at the range and some of the range superiors seeing your damages, will get them to looking around for other possible safety issue's.


Your unfortunate incident and the fact that you told us about it, made me go out back to my own range and look things over with and 'fine tooth comb' for potential overlooked safety issue's.... and I found one.
Back in the ravine, we've got a combat course set up. We've had alot of hard rain here and behind one of the targets, the rain had eroded the dirt away leaving a huge flat rock partially exposed. The rock was at a perfect angle to cause ricochet's.

Thank You for your post....
.... and I know you'll be visiting your range shortly.;)


New member
Noble sentiments Amin and all the best on your next match. If you keep looking at those Spitfires, you are going take one home.:D
I cannot let my team, my province, my sport and shooters the world over down by walking away from my passion that brings me so much joy. you'll be working the kissing booth at the next match? Otherwise, WildAlaska runs it, and the less we say about that, the better.

...I kid, I kid! :)


New member
richochet in face

We had to ban bowling pin matches because they are too dangerous.
Even if you require major loads of .357 , .44 mag , .45 ACP and ban the .38 Spl. and 9 mm.

What happens is,

1. You hit the pin dead centre and it sails off the table - no problems
( using major loads)

2. the trouble starts when you knock over the pins and now they are rolling around on the table top. The bottom of the pin has about 1/4 inch plastic base.
This plastic is made from suryln - the same as the covering on a golf ball.
It is extremely tough stuff.
The really dangerous richochets happen when the pins are on their side and the shooter is trying to shoot them off the table.
This is when you get multiple richochets off one pin into another and back to the shooter.

There is no fix for this - you shoot bowling pins at your own risk.
When you shoot pin matches - eventually someone gets hurt:(

Sorry to be such a downer for such a fun activity JD


There is no fix for this!?

There is 1/4" of tough pastic on the bottom. Oh well. We're stuck. Hey, wait. Can't we overcome that by, now I'm just thinkin' out loud and probably missing something, sawing that off?


New member
I had no idea there was a international standard distance for shooting bowling pins. . . .or that is was something beyond a local club thing. . . .Do the shot gun guys shoot at duck pins?. . . . .( 1/2 size bowling pins where the bowling ball is scaled down and is held in your hand to throw. )


New member
Years ago I waas ROing an indoor bowling pin match and a veeeery lightly loaded 38 special bounced off the pin, square back into my family jewels. I was down for the count, with a shooter panicking over me, and a HUGE peanut gallery roaring with laughter behind us. No MAJOR injury, and in retrospect it really was funny - never thought I needed a cup to go shooting. Still have the bullet somewhere. The shooter apologized for a week straight.
Hope you have a pain and complication free recovery, sir.

Amin Parker

New member
Hey friends, got a massive scab on my face but other that occasional stinging, im ok and the stitches will be removed on Monday. My 7 month old daughter head butt me yesterday which was very painfull but its ok now.

As for the kissing booth, unless Sports Illustrated decide to shoot their swim suit edition at the range, there will be no kissing booth unfortunately. This is rather unfortunate.

As for Bowling Pin Shooting and ricochets, after exhaustive research i have discovered that ricochets can result from a number of circumstances. Lead inside the pin can be dislodged when hit by another round and can fly in any direction really.

Its time to up the safety gear. Does anyone make safety 'glasses' that cover most of the face? Similar to what guys wear when they use weed eater lawn mowers?


New member
Hear you go Amin

Just drill two holes for the ears and three holes in the front.:D


Amin Parker

New member

I nearly fell off my chair. Thats a good one thanx bro.

Maybe ill take one to the range just for laughs.


New member
I remember when I was shooting at an indoor range, I had a 45 slug come back at me and smack me in the forehead. I saw that thing glinting at me as it twirled and tumbled through the air. Enough time to see it but not to react. I blinked as it hit me, paused, and was a bit shaken. I kind of looked around like... did anyone see that... I picked up the ricochet and it was just the mangled jacket that came back at me. I had no idea how it happened because it hit the black backstop which is angled (and I always assumed they were made out of some high density rubber).

Scratched my forehead, but no blood. Have never seen anything like it before or since.


New member
sorry for your injury; hope healing goes quickly

This is why I find safety glasses MANDATORY.

The truth is, when shooting at ANY close target of ANY material, the potential for objects flying back at you remains real.

Amin Parker

New member
Well boys and girls i just came back from the doctors and the stitches are out. Clean bill of health and ill be ok.

Thanx everyone for the well wishes and support. Im sure it would have been a heck of a lot harder without it. It is appreciated.