Be Careful Guys


Perhaps welding some heavy steel to the front of the table such that the existing lip is covered by a portion angled down by at least 45 degrees would prevent a recurrence.

Amin Parker

New member
John, all the metal edges facing the shooters have angled edges. When you look at it from the sides they look like arrows.

Oh boy its throbbing now. This afternoon i tried to rinse out my mouth cause of all the bleeding and discovered water was running out of the hole. Was weird.

I like what the previous poster said about the wooden tables.


:eek: steel and bullets dont mix at all....I dont see how these folks can shoot at metal plates,you are lucky,God was watching out for you.
Wow man. Are you serious?! Sorry to hear about that...upsets me. Was is a negligence on his part? Did it knock out your teeth? Good thing it stopped there...I prefer it never went there. God knows huh? Maybe happened for a reason. Directed your path away from something worse.

Hang loose man!


New member
Wow, glad you're OK.

Yes, the thought of the bullet hitting the head or neck is bad.

I wouldn't risk it until they fix something.


New member
Ouch! Glad to hear the damage wasn't more extensive. Put some ice on it and put your feet up for a while. Get better soon man.

Go bowling next time, none of them balls will come back... well maybe one of the 6 pounders.:D


New member
Amin, I sure hope things feel better by tomorrow. Any type of facial injury throbs for a bit, lots of nerves in the face.

By the way, which Lucky Ned Pepper do you like better? Robert Duval or Barry Pepper in the newer film. I like them both. :p

"I'd call that bold talk for a one eyed fat man!"


New member
Glad to hear you are ok. Very scary stuff. I can better appreciate why our local club allows wooden stands only. Some idiots last year put rocks on the range and were shooting at those. They were banned.
I guess the lesson is that bullets can and will ricochet, and in surprising directions.


Glad you are OK.

Safety is so important. I think anti-gunners when they hear about things like this think that shooting shouldn't be a sport, but you can say the same thing about a lot of sports. People get hurt, and even die doing things like sledding, skiing, etc... how many people drown every year swimming?

Safety is always important.

Glad you are OK !


New member
First I am glad you are ok. I don't get why they would have metal tables...

After your accident - I would think they would look into the wood option.

Gee - what if you or someone else gets killed? Blinded?


New member
Amin, glad you’re ok!

I used to bowling pin shoot with my cousin back in the 80’s. The tables were two saw horses with a sheet of ¾ inch ply over them. The saw horses were wood. A line was drawn 1 foot from the front edge of the ply sheet for the pins to be placed on.

We shot for about six years, against shotguns, AK’s, and a guy we called Rambo (and he liked the name). the worst we saw was a guy with a 44mag hit the ply going through its length causing the ply to fold.



Thanks for sharing and so glad u r OK!

This is gonna hurt more over the next few days -- u r gonna need some strong painkillers to be sure. Hope the docs help u heal it with minimal scaring. U will also carry this around for a while -- but u will be back at it soon and this will fade in time. U r truly lucky, all things considered.

As for the table, I see now. The Pins were on the table and u were shooting at them. I wonder if someone was using jacketed bullets? Anyway, NO STEEL DOWNRANGE -- please.

Let us know how this is going once in a while.


Doublea A

New member

I wish you a speedy recovery as strange as this was. Thank God as it could have been much worse.

Perhaps this also could be some opportunity for you to invent some kind of a lip safe gear and get it out there. Just an idea ;)


New member
I was shooting in a pin match 20yrs ago when a shooter was forward on the line and I was sitting on a table 10yds behind the shooter. The shooter fired a round of 230gr ball ammo and hit the pin he was shooting at and the round came almost straight back and hit me on the right shoe, almost breaking one of my toes. I still have the bullet around here somewhere, I kept it as a reminder that sometimes bullets come back from whence they came.

Good advice....BE CAREFUL.
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New member
Was recently shooting .22s at some badly dinged metal plates, had one zing back near my head at about mach 2 or so. Stopped that fun right there! Eyes and ears on alwasy!! Get better soon, glad u are ok Amin!!


New member
I'm wondering what kind of bullets were in use. When I was bowling pin shooting, our club forbade hardball of any kind because of the ricochet danger. 9 mm also sounds weird to me for a bowling pin match, usually we used fairly hot .357 or .45 - but always wood-grabbing hollowpoints. It's been a while, so the rules may have changed, but the combination of metal table and hardball ammo would be just asking for ricochet trouble.