Be Careful Guys

Amin Parker

New member
Hi all,

Took part in a Bowling Pin Match as usual. While shooting in the 9mm event a shooter to my left hits his table. The round flies back and hits me on the lip. This made a hole that went straight through.

6 stitches and half hour in the ER and back home now. In a bit of pain and quiet shocked to be honest.

Be careful.


New member
While shooting in the 9mm event a shooter to my left hits his table

I am having a hard time understanding what happened...

The shooter to your left, when shooting, shoots the table and the bullet ricochets through your lip? Are these tables metal? I don't get it...


New member
As serious as it was, glad to hear your ok. just never know.

I posted this some time ago, but for safety sake, may be worth repeating.

I'll keep it short.

Brother was at friends house shooting a .38 S&W airweight. Targets posted on some railroad ties his friend often used for shooting. He shot then immediately grabbed his throat. Dad ran up to the line, looked at brother still holding throat. Projectile was at brother feet and he grew quite an 'adams apple'.:eek:
Come to find out, bullet hit steel just under wood surface, ricochetted straight back.

Either Amin's or my brothers incident wouldn't have been avoided by wearing shooting/safety glasses but if these projectiles would have hit either in the eye without protection, things would have turned out worse for both.

Something to think about!

Thanks for the post Amin and hope you recoup quickly.

Amin Parker

New member
Thank you ShortWave, i hope your brother had a speedy recovery?

I was actually thinking about being hit in the throat a few minutes after being hit. Its terrifying. I must propose that the club change to wooden tables because after almost 20 years, i am really too scared to go back.

If they dont ill have to consider a different sport. The problem is that im a Bowling Pin Shooter by heart and instinct and love the guys i shoot with.

Or maybe ill just get over it.


New member
I'm glad you're OK sir!

How did he hit the table, what the heck happened?

What kind of gun, etc.... Negligent Discharge? Glock? What?

Again, my best wishes for a speedy recovery sir!

C Philip

New member
Perhaps a face shield and kevlar scarf would be in order. How close were the tables? For a 9mm ricochet to still have that much energy left is surprising. The club should put a wood beam in front of the table edge, or make the front edge slanted downwards like indoor backstops.


My old club back in NJ used very simple wooden tables held together with dowels to avoid such a thing and the pins were rigorously inspected and retired when too 'full'. Why all the trouble and expense of replacing the tables again and again?

Because life is invaluable. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope your club will change it's use of metal tables.


New member
Last Pin match I shot, one of the guys was kicking back in his folding chair and had his safety glasses knocked off by a ricochet. Startled but uninjured. He was fairly far back too. Not sure of the caliber.

Amin Parker

New member
The tables are the international 7.6 meters from the firingline. Bad shooters hit the table, even though the edges are angled, lead hitting solid thick steel at high speed has the chance of bouncing.

The wood beam idea is a good one though.

I too was suprised that a 9mm will be that potent on a rebound, it boggles my mind. To cause this much damage really needed loads of power. Well note to self and others, i got a mouth full of pudding thats for sure :)

I thank all for the well wishes, it helps with the pain. I hope i am the last shooter that ever gets hurt on a range.


New member
7.6 m , that's the problem ! Especially with a steel table .
Maybe that kiss proof lipstick would help !:rolleyes:


New member
The first .44 Bulldog that came to central MO was purchased by guy we called 'Preacher Bill' and old auctioneer and purveyor of just about anything. It'd been cold as hell but being anxious to shoot it, we headed out anyhow.

The first target of opportunity was a limb knot on an oak maybe 15 yards away. I had just taken my hat off when a 246 grain RNL came back and dinged me right at the hairline. Raised a pretty good knot too and the bullet landed at my feet. Bill drilled a hole in it and had it on his keychain for years afterward.


New member
Metal tables downrange? Wow, I'm surprised this hasn't happened before.

They need to replace with wood. A 1/2" layer of cloth-reinforced rubber on the front face that can be torn off and replaced will extend the life of the tables, perhaps indefinitely.


New member
Ouch! Hope it gets better.

Did you ask the Doc for some pain pills? I used to be young and tough and just take aspirin. Now when I get cut on or injured I dont want to suffer :(

I know that lip probably has to have a good throb on by now :(