Back up Knife?


New member
You might want to consider an impact weapon for the mutts. The don't like to be wacked much.

depends on the type of dog. when our mastiffs got into a fight (wich was very rare) we hit them with 2x4's so hard they broke then switched to throwing cinder blocks that were handy again nothing. Finally found out that dumping a 5 gallon bucket of water over them ended it every time. weird but true.


New member

I can appreciate how tough your dogs are. Had a neighbor's Doberman get hold of our Golden's neck, some years back. Mostly got hold of hide hide, and not meat, so "serious" damage was not happening. But the Dobie was doing that twisting & pulling that they do, and it was causing dog a lot of pain. Now didn't want to just up and kill the Dobie ( neighbor's dog ). Started with light blows with a 2X4. Nothing. Progressed to serious blows, and still would not let go. Tried water ( hose ), and still nothing. What finally did the job, was prying the jaw apart with a good sized screwdriver ( broke a couple teeth ). Amazing how tough they are.



New member
"Depends on the type of dog."
Very true. Great stories about how tough some dogs can be. And those are dogs you care for. Talk about needing to dish out tough love.

The Great Mahoo

New member
I always carry a knife with me; unless of course I am going somewhere it would be confinscated (courthouse, etc.). I learned a long time ago that they are just too useful to leave at home.

I carried a Spyderco Jess Horn Edition folding knife for a long time, but I broke the tip off and weakened the lock on it after so long. I switched to a Columbian River fixed Falcon, but reverted back to a folder after a few months. Now adays I carry a CR Mt. Rainier lockback, with an lock-block to keep stress off of the lock and keep it from accidentally closing.


New member
I have a couple I alternate out.
My old Benchmade AFCK, has seen MUCH use and shows it but is still 100% functionial! And my other is an Emerson Commander, little bit beefier but just as good.

Am actually about to order one of the new Kabar TDI knifes for duty carry. Says it will fit nicely behind belt... so I know it's there but that's it. I kinda like that idea. However, I think I will probably always carry a full size knife.

Oh yea..... have a SpyderCo Civilian. Wicked little contraption.... keeping it more for collection than anything. Sure is mean though. I should probably carry IT. For protection, great.... but for other uses... nah.


New member
I do occasionally carry a knife when I go out, especially to places where there is a high risk factor and where gangs hang around...

But it's not really a back up weapon. Since in the United Kingdom we cannot carry firearms to protect ourselves...

Also there is no point in carrying a knife, if like 95% of people, you have no idea how to use a knife. Statistics in the United Kingdom suggest that a very high proportion of those killed in incidents involving knives are actually the owners of the knives used to kill them...

They pull the knives and their assailant stabs them with it, mainly because they can't hold it correctly.


New member
My EDC knife on my right pocket an EMERSON CQC-13, on my left pocket CRKT M21-14SF & on my left back pocket an EMERSON Kombat Karambit. I also carry a Cold Steel neck knife.