Atlanta Airport & Open Carry of an AR15

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New member
I am having a hard time understanding why so many are against open carrying a rifle, but all for open carry a handgun or concealed carrying a handgun.

There are advantages and weaknesses to any method. If it is legal it's legal, and saying that if you saw someone open carrying a rifle you'd pull your concealed weapon and shoot them, or even imply that, well it sounds a bit crazy to me.

I think I'm done with this conversation. We are at an impasse.


New member
it was just a matter of time before someone took our newly dubbed "guns everywhere" law too far and made people uncomfortable with it. it was pretty much out of everyone's minds here since it passed w/o mass blood in the streets, and this guy has to go an inflame the sides again. it's stupid and irresponsible. the fact that you can do it, is a protection for us, not meant to start the flailing of long-arms in the airport, although it is allowed....probably not for long if people keep it up.

if you guys can't realize that "assault rifles" with drum mags can make everyday people uncomfortable and even fear for their lives, than I don't know what to tell you.


zincwarrior said:
Thankfully you are neither a Georgian nor a police officer, both here seem to have more sense than to commit homicide against someone completely within the boundary of the law.
Someone walking into an airport with a rifle ported. Thats begging for a bad day.

One of these days one of these guys is going to walk into a restaurant or such and get pumped by a CHLer or police officer. As the number of "lone wolfs" increases, its going to happen.

What happened?
"This guy walked in pointing an assault rifle. I shouted for him to freeze. He turned at me. I was terrified for the lives of myself and my family. So I stopped the threat and immediately called 911."

And it would be a 'bad shoot' the same as if someone with a concealed weapon that wasn't pointing a firearm at anyone and some yokel tried the same thing.
Get comfortable in Federal Pound You in the Arse Prison, you're likely to be there for many many years.

The fact is, that no matter how much it rankles you, is that the guy's behavior was perfectly legal, and that he threatened no one.

Hell, even the highest ranking official in the Freaking STATE, hasn't anything bad to say about it.

Ain't Freedom just terrible?


Sharkbite said:
Carrying a rifle into an airport scares the Sheeple. Like it or not the Sheeple outnumber us pro-gun types.

That makes for elections that go against us...its that simple.

Stir up the majority and get more restrictions. Push the RKBA past logic and loose those rights. Not hard to understand

I carry EVERYWHERE i go...but nobody knows

The fact that the Governor -
... was re-elected on a platform that included decriminalizing carry at the airport
... had a public signing ceremony for HB 60
... specifically issued invitations to GeorgiaCarry.Org members to attend said ceremony (estimated crowd =>300, the majority of whom were either carrying either openly or concealed)
... is on record as stating he had no problems with the gentleman's actions​

- tells me that Georgians aren't likely to lose any of their rights anytime soon. But then again, we do fight for them.


New member
And it would be a 'bad shoot' the same as if someone with a concealed weapon that wasn't pointing a firearm at anyone and some yokel tried the same thing.
Incorrect. If he had a CHL no one would have seen it. He most certainly wouldn't have been conelaed carrying an M4 with a drum mag.

To the guy sitting at a booth at Dennys-after Aurora, VMI, Fort Hood, Paris, the Navy station, Sandy Hook, the LA airport, and Dallas with the ISIL nuts coming in to kill dozens of people- someone coming in pointing a rifle is a major threat.

if you guys can't realize that "assault rifles" with drum mags can make everyday people uncomfortable and even fear for their lives, than I don't know what to tell you.

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New member
I would be alarmed if I saw someone carrying an AR in public anywhere but a gun range or soy bean field. There are limits to individual rights. You can't yell fire in a crowded room. That was an extremist attempt at proving what? He's lucky he wasn't gunned down by the crowd. Nothing good can come from behavior like that and don't fool yourself that example was about inappropriate behavior. Gun rights has nothing to do with foolish no stupid and obnoxious behavior like that.


zincwarrior said:
here is what I am talking about. This happened recently:

Cops stop OC "activists" (G is hated by the CHL community here for his stunts). Cops are using rifles.

Note the commentary. This is already being used by Moms Demand Action.

That was the most beautiful thing I've seen all week.

They shut those meddlesome cops down, quick, fast and in a hurry.
No BS arrests, unlike the first time Grisham did a legal walk with an AR (and I'll note Gresham was Not convicted of any firearm related crime).
No citations, no fines, no criminal trespass (which should have been obvious to any ""professional"" who knew the law.
Heck they couldn't even work up a 'stern talking to'.:eek:

Poor fellers, the cops I mean, I can't imagine the trials and tribulations they're gonna be going through now that Texans will be able to exercise the freedom to openly carry handguns starting next year.
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New member
They shut down the cops? That is an interesting way of looking at things.

Another is they were almost arrested by cops armed with rifles, and that this is now being used by antigun groups in Texas. Way to go.


New member
We may clap applaud pulling something over on the cops with open carry antics. But where does it end? Next time open carry with black hoods over there face. I suppose some will say hey look at those guys exercising their 2nd amendment right!

Bottom line is where does individual rights vs common sense end? I've carried a firearm open and concealed for forty years. I preach and practice situational awareness at all times. What is situational awareness? To me it is when someone displays behavior outside the norm. Is carrying an AR15 in an airport the norm? Not to me. I know open carry seems to be the next big issue in gun rights but at what cost? What does open carry do to situational awareness. It numbs the fact that a man with a gun is close by. At one time a behavior only displayed by bad guys. I think the world is complicated enough and you should keep it in your pants. You want to fight for a right how about eliminate this stupid licensing process we pay for and have to go through.
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New member
I fear as we see a continued migration of people from Northern States to southern ones like Georgia we will see an increase in the anti-gun sentiments. Acts like carrying a long gun into a major airport only increases the anti-gun feelings of some people. We are only an election cycle or two away from increased attacks on gun rights in Georgia which is why it was so important to pass the legislation in 2014. So, never think that just because we are a gun friendly State doesn’t men we won’t see our rights attacked very soon – just ask Colorado gun owners.


New member
We may clap applaud pulling something over on the cops with open carry antics. But where does it end? Next time open carry with black hoods over there face. I suppose some will say hey look at those guys exercising their 2nd amendment right!

Bottom line is where does individual rights vs common sense end? I've carried a forearm open and concealed for forty years. I preach and practice situational awareness at all times. What is situational awareness? To me it is when someone displays behavior outside the norm. Is carrying an AR15 in an airport the norm? Not to me. I know open carry seems to be the next big issue in gun rights but at what cost? What does open carry do to situational awareness. It numbs the fact that a man with a gun is close by. At one time a behavior only displayed by bad guys. I think the world is complicated enough and you should keep it in your pants. You want to fight for a right how about eliminate this stupid licensing process we pay for and have to go through.

The adjunct point to this is, you don't see this massive conflict with OCing pistols. Its the "lets carry an AR tee hee" crowd that causes this stuff. Its literally nothing to do with the OC pistol issue.

Who walked away happy?
The officers weren't concerned with making sure the Texans knew their rights and were exercising them safely, they wanted to take names, make arrests and get bad guys off the streets. Tactical Ted with his AR ready to shoot someone had to walk away with his head down and tail drooping. The OCT guys looked like they were going to have some lunch and a laugh.
Mothers Demand Action and the other antigun groups walked away happy.


New member
I wonder sometimes, when Texans stopped admiring this...

I suspect it was sometime when we stopped riding horses and started traveling in modern high speed jet airliners. The issue isn’t what gun owners think is normal the issue is what the rest of the voting public might tolerate. SCOTUS has ruled that reasonable restrictions are acceptable. So, it would take very little for the Georgia or Texas legislatures to remove some of the recently granted freedoms. As both States fight feverously for new industries many of these Companies and their employees may not share our beliefs on guns. So, why get in their faces? Why push the issues beyond what is reasonable?


New member
When did this.....become more acceptable than this?

I don't see someone walking around the desert with a long-gun the same as someone walking into a crowded airport, do you? have you been to the busiest airport in the world before?

I mean, whatever, just don't complain when we get new laws, because that's all that will come of crappy behavior
They shut those meddlesome cops down, quick, fast and in a hurry.
So, the intent is humiliating cops? In the 1980's and 1990's there was a great deal of effort put into getting law enforcement on our side. A few things like this can erase that goodwill very quickly.

No BS arrests, unlike the first time Grisham did a legal walk with an AR (and I'll note Gresham was Not convicted of any firearm related crime).
No citations, no fines, no crime
Actually, Grisham was fined $2000 for interfering with the police.

When did this.....become more acceptable than this?
Over 150 years ago. People have this idyllic picture in the minds of a frontier America in which everyone strutted around like armed peacocks. It's simply untrue.

The towns popular culture associates with gunslingers? They were some of the first to pass very stringent gun-control laws. Carrying a gun into the city limits of Wichita and Dodge would get you arrested or possibly shot.

The famous gunfight at the OK Corral? The Earp brothers were attempting to enforce Tombstone's recent ban on carrying deadly weapons in the town. Cattlemen (cowboys!) called for bans against carrying in the streets in several cities of the Dakota territories. Pat Garret's range in New Mexico? They banned cowboys from carrying guns and required that any employee caught with one be fired.

So, we've got a mindset built on a Hollywood myth that enjoys baiting cops. There should be little wonder many of us take a dim view of it.


New member
When did this.....become more acceptable than this?
I don't see someone walking around the desert with a long-gun the same as someone walking into a crowded airport, do you? have you been to the busiest airport in the world before?

I mean, whatever, just don't complain when we get new laws, because that's all that will come of crappy behavior

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