Atlanta Airport & Open Carry of an AR15

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Frank: "Reality is what goes on in the world -- not what goes on in your head."

Really, prove it. When you think you see a car the light entering your eye triggers chemical reactions in the retina, these produce electro-chemical impulses which travel though nerve fibers to the brain. Then the brain analyses the data it receives, and then creates its own picture of what is out there. Then and only then have you had the experience of seeing a car. But what are you actually experiencing is not the car itself, or only the image that appears in the mind. Thus reality is in your mind.
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New member
No worriers, Permissive open carry is already legal in my state, and has been that way since I moved here in the 80's. Prior to that I lived in Vermont. What else you got?

What about other people in other states. This IDIOT is not just influencing the voting public in that state. He will show up across the nation as an example of WHY we cant be trusted with the right afforded us by 2A

Its nice that you think YOU are good to go. Some of us look at other factors


New member
It's a fair point that feelings and logic may bring people to different conclusions, but that doesn't bear on whether there is any logic to bringing up a benign incident as support for a prohibition.

ZincWarrior said:
Because its really really hard to find circumstances where police and military have opened up on US civilians.

Its not hard at all to find circumstances where mass killers/terrorists have opened up or tried to open up on civilians.

Again, if you want to play cop graduate from Police Academy and become an officer. You don't have the same powers they do.

In point of fact, american POs "open up on US civilians" daily, usually for good reason. Sometimes, as happened in Cleveland with Tamir Rice, as a matter of tragic error.

Moreover, POs are slightly more likely to engage in some forms of violent conduct, so it can't be having survived the rigors police training that cause most people little alarm at the sight of an armed PO. It is plausible to argue that ordinary sights will raise little alarm while extraordinary sights are more likely to cause alarm.
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Well no one has used their rights against quartering troops for nearly a century. Almost no one uses that right now.
The right not to have troops quartered in my home still stands. If such a situation were to come up, the courts would protect that right.

I hear the "use it or lose it" argument from the open-carry folks all the time. It may sound satisfying (at least to an approving chorus), but it has no verifiable basis in fact.

Second, we really don't know what folks thought about that then.
To some extent, we do. They didn't approve. I posted a few examples a couple of pages back, and I can dig up more if need be. As long as we've had firearms, there have been restrictions on how they're carried in public. In fact, the earliest I've found goes back to 1523.

There has never been a halcyon golden age in which people could walk around anywhere they want, carrying any kind of weapon they want. That's a romanticized view taken from 1950's fictional cowboy movies. It really concerns me that open-carry advocates base some of their arguments on that.

Really, prove it. (...) what are you actually experiencing is not the tree itself, only the image that appears in the mind. Thus reality is in your mind.
Ontological debates are outside the scope of this argument. The dent in my car attests that the tree is very real.


New member
You did not cite anything to show police have anywhere near the instances of attempted mass killing, with or without a rifle.

Please cite an instance where a police officer walked into an airport and started attacking people.

Please cite an instance where a police officer walked into a restaurant and started shooting people.

Please cite an instance where a police officer walked into a school and started shooting people.

please cite an instance where a police officer walked into a theater and started shooting people.

Please cite an instance where a police officer attempted to kill dozens of people at a cartoon competition.

Well no one has used their rights against quartering troops for nearly a century. Almost no one uses that right now.
The right not to have troops quartered in my home still stands. If such a situation were to come up, the courts would protect that right.

I hear the "use it or lose it" argument from the open-carry folks all the time. It may sound satisfying (at least to an approving chorus), but it has no verifiable basis in fact.

Clearly my attempt at humor failed. :(


New member
"...doesn't bear on whether there is any logic to bringing
up a benign incident as support for a prohibition...."
But in the mind of the Fearful, it's a man "waving an assault weapon around in a crowded airport full of women and children..." (remember now, it's presented for emotion -- not for fact).

That we have such people even in the highest echelons of those we would ordinarily think of as 2A friends should not be passed over lightly. (to wit: Yesterday afternoon I listened to Fox/Megyn Kelly expound at length on the common-sense goodness of Universal Background Checks)


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Sharkbite: "What about other people in other states"

Ok, I'll bite, what about them? There are currently only 6 states that ban open carry. Calif, NY, Ill, FL, SC and TX. In SC the house just passed unlicensed concealed carry, the vote was 90 to 18 TX looks like they will soon get open carry by January. California has the lawsuit pending on the issue in the 9th Circuit.

I'm not sure what you want me to say. Keep fighting the good fight?



New member
mehavey said:
But in the mind of the Fearful, it's a man "waving an assault weapon around in a crowded airport full of women and children..." (remember now, it's presented for emotion -- not for fact).

For that emotional impact to manifest, doesn't one need a harm to manifest? That's why Newtown was so sad and potentially effective for those who sought to exploit it.

zincwarrior said:
You did not cite anything to show police have anywhere near the instances of attempted mass killing, with or without a rifle.

Why would anyone cite that for which you have not asked?

It is beyond dispute that POs shoot people daily, usually for the better. If you doubt that, you should feel free to watch the local news in lots of cities for a couple of weeks.

Tom Servo said:
The dent in my car attests that the tree is very real.

Of course, you only know the dent is real because it is really a perception known to your mind. I suppose that's more epistemic than ontological. (EDIT - I am smiling, but I refuse to employ emoticons)
Things are getting intemperate. Posts have been deleted, and people have received stern talkings-to.

Does anyone remember the name of the guy who carried a rifle into the airport? No? That's because this whole thing has wandered far afield.
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