Arrested on Suspicion of Being Suspicious, or, Why I HATE the Sheriff. (LONG)

Mike Weber

New member
My brother also had plenty of California cop horror stories of incidents that he witnessed commited by CHP officers against truck drivers at weigh stations. He had to appear in court as a witness in one particular case. As to my own incident and why I didn't sue the cops. First there were two cops their word against mine, second there were no witnesses that I could pin down, third lack of money for an attorney. I couldn't wait to get out of California and back to the northwest.


New member
As I see it, as a former patrol officer, the bottom line:

Police are not your friends. They may be friendly, but they are not your buds. There are competent, decent ones and incompetent egomaniacs (MANY have poor training and poor judgement/attitudes). The officer that detains your may be the one that barely passed the academy/training classes, barely passed the state licensing exam, plus has a chip on his shoulder! CYA.

Not to be overly cynical, but I originally started as a cop because I thought it would be a charge to wear the uniform and have the authority. I think the vast majority do it for this reason, not the obligatory "I want to help people" sentiment that is often advanced. Remember this when you are interacting with a badge.