Arrested on Suspicion of Being Suspicious, or, Why I HATE the Sheriff. (LONG)


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This was inspired by Thairlair's thread about hassles with a CCW and the State Police.

Once upon a time in 1995, I lived in Los Altos, an affluent community on the san Francisco peninsula. At the time I was driving a 1972 AMC Matador, an ex-police car, to be precise. This car was tired, (It had a quarter-million miles on it.) and it used to get me pulled over at least once a month by the local cops, who were doing their jobs hassling cars in a rich neighborhood that really didn't belong there. They were nice enough about it, and they would just run me for warrants and let me go. The pull-overs tapered off as the guys on the force learned to recognize my old beater as belonging there. These stops usually happened at about midnight or so, as that was when I was usually headed home from my friends house after playing cards all evening. (Magic; The Gathering actually. That game's addictive!)

So one night I'm headed home, it's 12:15 or so, when the old red 'n blues appear behind me. I'm on a local expressway, but there's very little traffic as it's late. I of course pull over IMMEDIATELY, as I have no problem talking to the local guys, and I want to go home and go to bed.

Turns out this time it's the local county sheriff. I think, Eh, expecting nothing different than the usual once-over. The sheriff says hello, and asks if I know what he pulled me over for. I reply no, as I wasn't speeding. he tells me that it's for a burned-out license plate light, (typical made-up reason), and then asks me to please step out of the car. BOOM goes the heartrate. Just so happens that locked in the trunk, in a pistol case, is my new CZ-52, that I have picked up the day before. now, there's nothing illegal about the situation, but I've never talked to a cop with a gun in my car before, as this was early in my gun-collecting days. (Gun #4) Now I am by nature really shy. Cops ALWAYS make me nervous. After all, I've watched "Cops" on T.V., and I know that as far as cops go, it's Guilty Until Proven Innocent, and they can ruin my day on a whim. But hey, it never mattered before, so I figure this guy's just going to show me something on the back of my beater.


"I'd like you to tell me what you're on tonight, sir."

I reply "Whaat?!! What are you TALKING about?"

"Well, it's pretty obvious you're on something. You're very amped up right now."

This leaves me in complete shock. This has NEVER happened before. And I haven't touched stimulants of any kind since I was a dangerous teen-ager. I was a hyperactive kid, and I found out I had no use for such things. This has proved to be my undoing, as I have a tendency to talk rather quickly. Comes from having a multi-track mind that typically runs at a mile a minute ALWAYS. I know what my next sentence will be halfway through the current one, and I get impatient.

Naturally, this causes an adrenalin dump. Great. And he tells me this after exchanging all of 6-7 words with me.

"Well, you're wrong. I had a drink with dinner, about 6 hours ago, but I'm not ON anything. What do you mean?"

"Now you're not being honest with me. I want you to tell me what you took tonight."

"I haven't taken anything tonight. You got it wrong, guy."

"Well, you sure seem awfully nervous. Any weapons in the car?"

I'm an honest guy. So I tell him about my pistol. That's LOCKED. In the TRUNK. In a CASE.

BIG mistake. Next stop, handcuffs! Lovely! Now I'm just about in a state of panic! I've been arrested once, for an unpaid traffic deal. I ABSOLUTELY HATE BEING ARRESTED! Being in handcuffs does unpleasant things to my state of mind.

So we spend the next 45 mniutes arguing about my state of "intoxication", with me trying desperately to stay calm and not lose my head and start screaming at this guy in a frothing rage. Adrenalin is coursing through me, and I can't run. Guess how many options "Fight or Flight" leaves me?

He proved his point by checking my pulse. (Boomboomboomboomboomboomboom etc....go figure.)

I'm irritating him. I won't tell him that I'm on drugs, but he can tell I'm lying. He knows this, he tells me, because he's had advanced training, and knows just what to look for.

At some point back-up comes to look at me, and naturally confirms his suspicions. (Boomboomboomboomboomboomboom...)

So then comes the threats, and the explanations of consequences. "Where'd you get it? who from? Why can't you be honest with me? You're gonna lose your guns if you get a felony, you know."

Explanations of honesty about the pistol don't wash. It certainly doesn't help that this clown has never laid eyes on a CZ-52 in his life, as they have no manufacturer's name on them, just a three letter code. 4-5 explanations of the gun's origin are neccessary before he grudgingly accepts the story. And my original sales receipt was in the box!

We go round and round with his threats and whining about honesty. Staying calm is NOT working for me, as this guy is telling me I'm going to jail.

At one point, he's trying really hard to get me to admit that I'm on something, so he won't charge me with gun possesion while under the influence of a narcotic. "They'll take your guns." He says.

I SNARLED at him at then. "So you want me to admit to a felony, so you won't charge me with a DIFFERENT felony?! WHAT KIND OF A DUMB-A$$ ARE YOU? DO YOU SUPPOSE THAT I AM SOME SORT OF IDIOT?!!! F%&K YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!!!" I actually said those exact words. Forgive me, I was enraged and terrified at the same time, and had no idea of the outcome of this as yet.

He looked rather hurt at that point. He had been quite civil in the application of his threats, and probably thought he didn't deserve to be yelled at.

To make a loud story short and quiet, he puts me in the back of his car so he can go search mine.

Where he finds my .50 cal. ammo box filled to the top with three different kinds of ammo. (.30-30, .303 British, and .45-70.) It had been riding in the car since the week before when I had gone shooting. He got a little weirded out by what amounted to a couple hundred rounds in the box. Wanted to know why I had SO MUCH ammo.:rolleyes: And he had NO IDEA what to make of the .45-70, as he'd never seen the like.

He arrainges to tow my car (It's not legally parked. Can't leave it on the expressway.), and off we got to jail, for booking and a blood test. On the way down, he gets all chummy, and asks if he can answer any questions. I fire back, "What are you going to do with my GUN?!!" I guess my complete rage and stubborn-ness made an impression on him, because he said he wouldn't charge me with the gun possesion, just being under the influence of a narcotic, and a D.U.I., because I was driving when he charged me with the narcotic thing. But he couldn't leave it in the car, so he was just going to put it in the property room as property, not evidence. Wow, what a swell guy! Can't be bothered to let me go, not once the cuffs are on. Why, he might lose face!

So we stop at some substation, where I cough up a blood sample, (To prove my "guilt") and he can inventory my ammo box. This bozo knew nothing of guns. He wrote down four different kinds of ammo. Turns out I had .50 caliber .303's, because they were headstamped with a 50, the year they were made!

What's worse was while he spent 40 minutes peering at ammo and writing it down, he had to stop anytime another cop came into the patking lot, call them over, and show off the huge arsenal of ammo this guy had in his car! While I sat in the back of his cruiser, and got looong looks from cops who had to see the crankster with the assualt box. And of course, those .45-70's! What a sensation they were!

Next, it was off to San Jose Main Jail, as lovely a piece of municipal architecture as you're likely to see. Not!. I was proccessed, had my pockets emptied, and was unceremoniously dumped in the drunk tank. Well of course. I had a D.U.I., even though I wasn't pulled over for impaired driving. The guys at the correction department had a field day with my inventory list, which of course Mr. Sheriff had to show them. They all wanted to know why I had .50 cal.'s. I had no clue what they were talking about, and I thought they meant the .45-70's, so I told them they were for my antique rifle. I guess they thought they were .50 BMG's. Idiots. well, ignorant anyway.

I got to spend the next six hours shivering on a concrete floor, trying to sleep while happy-drunk mexicans had loud conversations over my head. At least THEY were drunk. They were all-right guys. That was the best thing that happened that night.

Next morning, they hand me a provisional license (D.U.I.'s result in automatic suspension.) and a plastic bag with the contents of my pockets, (Out of which someone swiped a loose round of .45-70 I'd had in my pocket.) paperwork with my court date, and turn me loose twenty miles from home, with all of $2, and I'm supposed to be at work! I call work, and tell them I'll be there as soon as I get my car. This required a trip to three different cities to get a vehicle release, and to pick up the car. Freeing the car cost $147, $80 for the tow, and $67 for the release from the sherff's office. The $2 got me a bus pass, to begin the process of retrieving the car. This took ALL day. The Boss-man was no end of pleased, and the whole shop had a great luagh at my expense. Here starts the fun of Waiting For Court. STRESS!, as I have no idea what's going to happen next.

I hate the bus.

The end of the story is that two weeks later I get my license in the mail, (They confiscated it.) stapled to a form letter that explained that I was not actually arrested, merely detained, and no charges were filed due to (B) lack of evidence. (The blood test found NOTHING! Surprise, surprise!).

I ain't over yet.


New member
It then took SIX WEEKS and about thirty phone calls to extract my gun and ammo box from the property room. The lady at the property room was very nice, and learned to recognize my voice. I thought fer sure my gun was going to be destroyed or "LOST" before I could push paperwork through and retrieve it.

So sheriffs piss me off. But I don't hate 'em yet. Oh no.

Act Two.

Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for 1997. I have since moved to San Jose, (Still in the same county.) and I'm on my way to the bank one Saturday to fetch cash to go to the gun show that day. And I get pulled over on my way home. For a cracked tail-light lens. (Different car.) No problem, thinks I, worst case is a fix-it ticket.

"How are you doing today? Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Can't say as I do. What can I do for you?"

"Well, you're tail-light's broken. Uhh, could you step out of the car please?"

Now what? So I get out of the car, turn around, and find myself looking at a sheriff's cruiser.

Oh-HO! Pleasantness right out the window, engage bitterness. I attempt to remain calm in the face of surly anger. Don't want to display bad manners, as I am first, last, and always a gentleman when treated with a modicum of respect.

"would you care to explain what this is about?" No trace of a smile from me at this point.

"Well, I think your on something. You could be looking at a D.U.I. here."

Oh no. AGAIN! Instant adrenalin dump. (Poundpoundpoundpoumdpoumdpoumd...)

Only this time I've done it before. No fear. Just burning, cold, murderous RAGE.

Must stay calm. Don't want to assault the guy, and REALLY mess up. But the anger lands right on my face.

"What is the matter with you guys? What is with this harrassement? I'm not on anything. WHERE do you get this from?" I say this while I turn my back on the guy, with my head in my hands, shaking it.

You're awfully jittery. Let me check your pulse" (he does) "See? Your pulse is sky high! Looks like I'm right! I think you're going to have to come with me."

"No I'm NOT. Not this time. This is complete BS. I'm not going to jail because of your incompetence. You guys did this to me before."

"Well, of course. What were you on the last time?"

We go back and forth in this vein for about twenty minutes, Him explaining the grim conseqienses of a D.U.I. and associated costs, me telling him he's full of it, I've done this, I don't give a f%#k about his training, I've been all through this before, and he's bloody well got it WRONG.

He didn't like the way I instantly dismissed his $14,000 cost prediction. He liked it even less when I dismissed his felony conviction threats. I told him all he was going to accomplish was ruin my day, and tow my car. That's it.

"You'd better calm down"

That was the last straw. I exploded. I started SCREAMING at this guy at the top of my lungs in heart of downtown San Jose!


This I'm yelling as I advance on the poor guy, shaking my finger under his nose. I can feel my face flushing, I'm trembling in almost incoherent rage, and breathing hard. I have NEVER been so angry in my life.

"Now, c'mon, calm down..."

"NO! WHY?! WHY should I calm down? You're telling me you're going to ARREST me! For NOTHING!! I"M not HAVING this S#%T!! Citizens got RIGHTS in this country last I looked. But YOU don't seem to THINK so!"

Not presenting an agressive stance to this guy is VERY difficult at this point, but I REALLY didn't want to be restained for presenting some kind of threat. He tried reiterating some of his threats again, but all I did was yell at him some more, and completely fail to calm down. I screamed at this guy for fifteen more minutes. People across the street at the bustop, and all kinds of passers-by, were staring, wide eyed, at my diatribe about this clown's incompetence, lack of skill, and piss-poor training. I didn't swear TOO much, but some curses crept in despite my best efforts. He kept starting with"It's gonna be..." and "You're looking at...", only to be met with shouted responses of "NO IT'S NOT!!", "I DON'T THINK SO!!", and "UH-UH!! YOU GOT IT WRONG, HOSS!!"

Finally he tells me I HAVE to calm down, and sits me in the back of his car, with the door open, and lets me sit for seven or eight minutes, while he does I-don't-know-what with my wallet. Then he wanders over and tells me he's not going to tow my car regardless of what happens, (Because I had repeatedly yelled that was about the worst consequense I was looking at according to ME.) and leves me alone for another five minutes. I used the time trying really hard to actually calm down, which must have worked.

Then he checked my pulse again, and tells me this:

"Well I'm going to let you go, (Derisive snort from me.) because in this time your pulse has dropped from 165 to 90, which wouldn't happen to someone on crank." Awww, how charitable of him! waht a great guy. I'm so happy for his wife, what a lucky girl she must be!

He hands me my wallet, and my two-inch pocket knife, and I get right up in his face again (Quietly!) and demand to know, since he has so magnanimously decided not to arrest me for nothing, what in samhell it was I did that set off his alarms in the first place.

"You talk to fast. You kind of jabber too quick."

"That's IT?!"

"Pretty much."

Lovely. It's against the law to talk to fast. Having a brain like mine is an arrestable offense. I get arrested FOR BEING ME!

It's a good thing he let me go. I'll forgive the first time for being a mistake. The next time I wind up in jail for nothing, I'm going to call every bootom-feeding scumball lawyer in the yellow pages, drag the county into court, and ream them a new ******* to the tune of as many millions of dollars as I can squeeze out of them. AND I'd of made sure that clown never worked in law enforcement again and I really don't think he deserves that. But I'd do it. It's the only way I can think of to get these bastards to leave me alone.

And I REALLY don't want to do that. I'm all for law enforcement. Cops are supposed to be on MY side. After all, I'm on theirs. What gets me the most is that this situation makes me want to get lawyers in on it. Greasy lawyers. One of my fundamental guiding principals is "Do Not Feed The Lawyers.". I don't want to spend my tax dollars defending against myself.

Regular cops have never EVER even HINTED at this kind of complete stupidity.

The county sheriffs have pulled this bullsquat TWICE. If I have to educate them via a Judge, it's gonna get UGLY.

When I talk to the cops, they get a smile, and a polite hello.

The sherrif gets a dirty look, a belligerent snarl, and a REALLY bad attitude. It goes downhill from there. SWIFTLY.

Why does all the really STUPID crap happen to me?

Does the fact that I despise people, ALL people, for the most part suprise you?

My mother told me when I was little (7? 8?) that one of the very hardest things for smart people to do was to successfully "fit in" and interact with society. It made no sense to me for a long time.

Now I know exactly what she was talking about.

Has anyone else had anything even REMOTELY like this happen?

What're YOUR opinions of all this. I'd love to hear 'em

I'm going to pitch this soapbox and go have a shot of fine whiskey.

I need it. This is a really unpleasant memory.

El Rojo

New member
You seem a little tightly wound at times during those situations. Anyway to find a nice happy place so you don't get so excited? That does suck how they can just take you in like that with zero proof. And I am sure you don't get a refund on your towing expenses either.


New member
"Has anyone else had anything even REMOTELY like this happen?"

I've had my fair share of incidents with the local police that have left me completely distrustful of any law enforcement. I've lost jobs and had to move because of some lying punks hiding behind a badge.

Word of advice: next time say nothing. Nada, zuto, cero. if they get in your face, ask for a supervisor to arrive on scene. It is a lot easier to keep calm if you just bite your tongue.


New member
There is a reason I don't trust cops. I'll be respectful and I'll cooperate, I'll follow instructions, but when it comes to trust, it's just not going to happen.

1. Because stories like yours are so damn common.

2. I have a story of my own.



New member
Well you know all about my little incident. At least I was able to go away free and keep my gun. If I hadn't been, I wouldn't be calmly waiting for word from my attorney. I'd be calling every day until I got the information I needed.

As for the whole pulse thing, especially the second time, I would have probably told him not to touch me unless he planned on arresting me on the threat of bringing assault charges against him.

From now on, I say nothing unless I know they officer personally.


New member
SkySlash, your story's bad.

Mine's WORSE.

El Rojo. I've been looking for that happy place ALL MY LIFE. So far, no dice. Is that a crime?

Silence is my new watchword. But it tyook an arrest, and a near arrest, to find that out. Besides, I used to talk to the COPS all the time. Once it was twice in one week, with the second stop IN MY DRIVEWAY. None of them ARRESTED me!

I do not forgive the sheriff. I don not grace them with silence, either. They get it short and SHARP. I have a truckload of unbridled hostility for them.

And I'M STILL the most level-headed person I know.

It ain't a crime to be human, folks. Not last time I looked, anyway.


New member
Thairlair, I didn't want to go to jail. He'd have arrested me. I just barely convinced him not to, the 2nd time.

The first time, I didn't, obviously


New member
In that situation, having never done any illegal drugs in my life I'd tell the officer that I was innocent and demand that he call a supervisor or backup.

If I was arrested, after the fiasco, I'd slap a false arrest suit on the officer and make every attempt possible to smear his credibility, up to and including spending a couple hundred bucks to get samples taken of my hair for testing.

I have never done drugs, never, and I am very proud of that. If an officer accused me of doing so and arrested me for that accusation, I'd personally make his life a living legal hell for being stupid.

-SS :mad:


New member
my all time favorite LEO quote:
"You don't seem to understand who the man is in this situation"


New member
Just don't run any errands after you've had that shot of fine whiskey:D (please take that humorously - I don't want to offend)

My sympathies. Thank God I've been lucky so far.
The District Attorney's office probably saw the blood test result and blew a fuse. While I'm not an advocate of lawsuits, I would get a copy of the report, demand restitution and an apology and failing that, get a good civil liability attorney. Check out Fed. law Title 42, Section 1983.

El Rojo

New member
Sky Slash, your story doesn't really have anything to do with the police. It is the system that screwed you. I don't really hold the entire law enforcement community accountable for the actions of a few idiots personally. I recieved a parking ticket for parking in a handicap space at my soccer practice. I am in a small town. I coach the high school girls soccer team. I parked in this handicap zone that is right in front of the gate I have to unlock in order to get into the soccer fields. The officer pulls up to my car why I am right there. I go over and tell him I will move my car. He doesn't respond. I ask him, "Sir do you want me to move my car." He says, "Yeah I'll have it moved, I have it towed!" I am thinking, what an arrogant ass. I was the only car on the whole two blocks, the only handicap access to the area would have been through the gate I opened. I was right there with my vehicle. I am not joking, there were not other cars on the entire block! Basically it was the department's captain getting out of the office and doing his police work for the day. Had it been a real officer I know he would have cut me some slack. Oh was I ever pissed. I was thinking about fighting it, but the fact is, I broke the law and parked in a handicap space. I paid it and I also decided that Captain Lane of the Taft Police Department screwed himself that day. I am a CCW holder and I would assist an officer in need of assistance should the need arise. Not Captian Lane. If I were to see him getting pummled on a traffic stop or getting shot at, screw him. Being a police officer includes community relations. There was no need to give a soccer coach a $282 ticket at his soccer practice for parking in a spot among dozens of open spots all across both sides of the street. He screwed any support I would ever give to him that day. It is cops like that, adminsitrators like that , who disgust me. Their idea of fighting crime is giving me a parking ticket. Well done Captain Lane.


New member
I'm surprised you stumbled across two deputies who have the expertise to examine a person in the field and determine either reasonable suspicion to detain for further investigation, or probable cause to make an arrest.

Your first deputy decided that you were "amped", on speed, at night. Since your pupils are normally dilated at night, running a light across them should cause them to constrict if you are clean. End of investigation.

When I did 11550 H&S investigations in the field, I usually compared my observations with someone I knew to be clean, generally my beat partner. If I were to arrest, I ran another evaluation under controlled conditions in the sub-station, again comparing my observations with a control.

Do you have an attorney yet?


New member
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT! Exercise that right. Respond "yes" or "no" at most, cooperate and be friendly, but do not let them get you in a conversation. They are not your friends, and they're damn sure not out there to help or serve *you*. A cop's duty runs to the community at large, and part of that duty means being the business end of the prosecution side of the criminal justice system. Consider them the same as the DA, and assume everything you say will be used against you.


New member
Nope, no attorney. It's been years.

I don't really WANT to sue them, but if I go to the pokey again, all bets are off.

Did the flashlight game. no dice, even in broad daylight. What do I do, stare at the sun?

I've talked to cops since then. No problems still.

In the past, uh..(pause for counting on fingers) seven years, I've talked to the sheriffs twice. Once they through me in jail, once they almost did. They both said they'd had "special advanced training classes" to identify drug users. Training to arrest ME.

Everyone who showed up to back these guys up, be they sheriff or cop, confirmed their suspicions. The mighty power of suggestion, plus a liberal dose of adrenalin.

I think that explains the hostility.

BTW, I'm not going anyplace, so I'm having another shot. With an ice cube, no less. (GlenMorangie's good like that.)

A six year old I know likes to play a game of mimicing people's mannerisms. He actually studies people. When asked "What does Colin do?", he replied, "He moves when he talks.". It's true, I have a hard time keeping still. Always. It's a leftover hyperactive thing. I CAN"T HELP IT. I've seen myself on video. I guarantee that's part of it.

It's still not a crime.

The cops don't care.

But the sheriff seems to.

How can you sue for false arrest when you weren't arrested, only "detained"?. I know, academic question. But like I said, DO Not Feed The Lawyers.

Besides, back then I was not particularly rich, either time, and now I'm unemployed. Attorneys require retainers, and my bank account is flat.

I would only sell guns to pay for this if I wind up in jail again. The collection MATTERS.

Edit: I left out one bit. It's rather academic now, as now I drive Rich Man's Camoflage, a slightly tired cocaine-white Porsche 928, code-named "Der Uberwagen". Since aquiring this car, no-one so much as gives me a second glance, even at four in the morning.

It's kind of weird.


New member
unjust arrest

About 8 years ago I was sitting in my vehicle in front of a friends house waiting for her to get home. It was about 9pm. All of the sudden I see a police cruiser driving twords my parked car. As soon as he sees me in the car he puts his spotlight on me and parkes behind me. I just sit tight waiting for him to approach my car while i'm being blinded by his spotlight. It takes him a good 5 minutes before he approaches my car, I assume that he was running my plates. When he approaches my car I've got my hands on the steering wheel because I don't feel like getting shot by some nervous and jerky cop. He tell me that I fit the description of someone that has been braking into peoples houses in that neighborhood. I told him that i was waiting for a friend that lives in the house that I was in front of and that she would be home any minute to confirm my story. At this time 2 additional cruisers pull up behind my car and I knew that regardless of the situation I was in for a rough night. He askes for permission to search my car, I said go right ahead but you're wasting your time. My friend now roles up and confirms my story, but the cops don't care. Being that I was working as a framing carpenter at the time I had my tool belt in the back of the car. When the cops found my tools I was put under arrest for possesion of burglery tools and conspiracy to break and enter. I was cuffed and put in the back of the cop car. At this point I was told that a woman had called them and told them that someone was in her back yard, presumably me! At this point there are 6 cop cars and 8 to 10 cops. They go get the lady that called them about the guy in the back yard and they shine all 6 spotlights on my face as I stand in the middle of the streat hand cuffed. I have remained calm and somewhat ammused all of this time. I said to the cop "She said that it wasn't me didn't she". He said that I was correct but I still had to go to the station house. At the station house I was hand cuffed to the wall and questioned on and off for about 3 hours by "my best friend" detective. After the questioning the detective told me that I was going to be let go in a few minutes. A few minutes pass and the detective comes back in and tell me that I have to be taken to central booking to be processed because of some rule about being in custody for a certain amount of time. Away I was taken by the original cop to get booked. After being printed and my mug shots taken i was placed in a cell alone and wasn't released untill 3am. I then had to get my friend to pick me up to get my car out of impound at some lot an hour away. That cost me $200. They held my tool belt as evidence. When all was said and done I had 2grand in lawyer fees to avoid being found guilty but I still have the arrest on my record. My brother is a LEO but I still don't trust the vast majority of cops.


New member
Detention is limited to a reasonable amount of time and circumstance. It doesn't happen only when they say "you're under arrest" and proceed to Mirandize you.. If you talk this case over with an attorney, I think you'll find that you were under arrest and the county's letter to you was a attempt to get you to forget it happened. I would be really pissed if I'd gone through your scenario.

Here's a good thread on the subject:
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