Are you as prepared as this?


New member
Yeah, differences can be found on many site. Just like vs zombiehunters or here vs there. However ARF is a source of GREAT KNOWLEDGE once you wade thru the deep **** and newb posts. However one needs to remember that preparedness is not just firearms and ammo. It is tactics, knowledge, sustained and stored water/ food, first aid/ dental, TRAINING, toilet paper.... I was surprised when I started figuring it out on this one, cooking, shelter, warmth/ comforts, hell the list can go on forever really. One of my favorite posts at ARF is founds here However thru the years most the pictures have been removed.... but it really started making me want to prepare. In the few years I have been slowly adding to me and my family's security most my other family/ coworker/ close friends were like why???? The government is here... then Katrina happened, then Rita, then this and that, now they are ALL on board.

I feel I am sufficantly set up, but would not mind expanding comms, firstaid (trying to find time to be able to get EMT cert), and trying to get the family more involved. My 3yr old daughter is finally potty trained which helps since diapers were a PAIN in the ass to keep stocked and figuring out proper disposal, and is just starting to get to the age of enjoying the outdoors. When I get back stateside I have made a goal of getting out to the wilderness even on just a day outting atleast once per month during the good climate months.

Its pretty scary when you hear a comment of "well I have a AR or AK and 1K rounds of ammo, Im ready for the end of the world" at gunshows or what not. Makes me shake my head. A few of my most recent purchases that I am glad I made was the addition of a country living grain mill, a pressure canner, a few extra water filters. I was already heavy into dutch ovens and cooking so I had this covered, just in time since the cost on them are steadily going up.

A few of my favorite picture still hosted that I could find easily
JCs from pg 13

Hubs from pg 16

demeroma from 16 as well

Fight4your.... WOW this guy is a GOD pg 17.


New member
I can’t think of the band or song title, but a old rock song had the chorus “paranoia will destroy ya”

Gee I wonder why I cant find ammo at Walmart anymore.